Freenode's #india could use your help - racists are taking over, just login and stand by Freenode/#india

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lbh, india has always been racist and casteist. we are just smarter and more insidious than the blunt americans.

smarter - no chance, america uses racism as a weapon - we just use it to feed our insecurities. eg: afro-americans are killed to keep them frightened and in line while USA looks outwards/china for exploiting. We don't have the guts to face-up/fight the USA/Russia/china so we enjoy life to the fullest because we are left with so little anyway and for many people that means feeding their oversized ego (narcissm, the exercise of petty power).

The govt clerk/or middle class jobo collecting his 2 annas has no visions of future greatness - he and his spawn will be long gone but today is today and he can extract something from it.
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Where are you presently located mate? US or India?
To my limited experience of living in one of the supposedly most racist nations ( Slovakia), I have faced some mild discrimination during first few months.
But later realised it's not my skin colour, but rather our cultural difference behind the friction.
I ended up marrying a Slovak woman and learned their value system , culture etc. We can not live in a country without showing respect to their culture/ heritage.
Never felt any discrimination thereafter.
However when we came for a family vacation in India last year, my wife was cheated everyday by local vegetable/ fish vendors, yellow taxis, autos etc. until an angel ( an auto driver- Khokon) helped her.
She almost got molested in Delhi, we went to police station and met two of the biggest perverts I've ever met in life.
We work with drug addicts and visit very dangerous neighborhoods but none of us ever had this kind of experience.
Even our 5 year old wasn't spared ( as his hair is like her mother) I heard old people calling him names ( something in Hindi and I don't remember the exact words)
I'm an Indian, yet we went through such horrible experiences. Wonder how it would be for a white couple!!
I'm not generalising, we met some fantastic people and families too. But India as a country is highly racist and not very tolerant to whites/ blacks.
I live in India/Bangalore.

Racism is a feeling of superiority and exploitation that stems from feelings of superiority. The idea of superiority is used to justify exploitation.

Many Indians are cheats. (me included) Indians aren't a superior cheat.. but sure we do have racists.. a narcissist who is Indian may claim like a delusional lunatic that his State/caste is superior to all others (and then try to justify his sins based on that).

How were Jews treated in Slovakia during wartime? (you don't need unity during good times.. the US is preparing for war with china and therefore afro-americans are being shot like dogs..)
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Don't know about wartime. Other than the gypsies ( Romanis) they seem very friendly with Czechs ( except ice hockey matches) Crots.
Not sure about albanians/ Serbs. Not many live there.
Even I don't live in Kosice anymore. We have moved to Praha.
some 14,000 Jews remained alive in the Czech lands.[5] Approximately 144,000 Jews were sent to Theresienstadt concentration camp. Most inmates were Czech Jews.

I'm not saying India's a haven for the downtrodden and that you made a bad choice.. but so far we haven't seen Indians actively plotting to kill each other: That's starting up now instigated by outsiders - either we fight it or we'll wind up like Iraq
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