Front loading or top loading washing machine?

Right, so he is saying he wants a stand because then the drain pipe will be two inches higher and this is needed to clear some slab in his bathroom?
Are detergents different for Top and Front loading washing machines?

Or is it just a marketing strategy by companies to charge a bit more for detegents marked for Front loading washing machines?
Top loaders need a little more foam to carry away dirt due to the way they operate. Front loaders want as little foam as possible as it hampers wash action. The cushioning reduces the tumbling force. Excess foam puts more wear & tear on the pumps. If it gets into hoses it can cause air locks.

Front loaders use less water and so it is desirable the detergent dissolves faster. Front-load detergent will have smaller size granules than top loader which is slower to dissolve.

You do not want to mix them up and it's always best to match the detergent to the machine.

Using a top load detergent or any other cheaper ie. not designed for a front load is more detrimental to the machine over time than the other way around. This will get compounded further if your water is hard.

It takes extra effort and cost to make different formulations.

In the US I don't see a differentiation between FL or TL. There the distinction is between HE (High efficiency meaning uses less water) and not. Don't use non-HE detergent in a HE machine is similar to what i said above.

You don't get TL's much in Europe so every detergent there has to be default designed for FL's.

India is this odd one out where you get a little bit of everything. This is why Tide & Ariel are concurrently available whereas elsewhere in the world they only get one of the two :)

You could use a FL detergent in a TL but if you don't get the foam you will need to use more and you will pay more anyway.

Another question you could ask is whether the increased cost is justified because all the FL detergent has is a foam suppressant and a smaller form factor. Well, when the majority moves to FL's that might happen. For now, We're still very much a top loader & semi-automatic country. Supply & demand dictate which detergent costs more and this is a very competitive sector.
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I have this double-bed blanket.


Can we risk or easily wash these heavy winter blankets in washing machines or should give it to the washer man store?
Yeah, you can wash it in your washing machine no problem.
Mine is double-bed blanket and is pretty heavy and in 7kg washing machine it just fits 101%. It wont get any buffer space to rotate/spin/dry etc. + after getting soaked the weight will increase and machine might malfunction due to excessive load is what I think..

I also have single-bed variant and that can be washed without issues given its size/dimensions!
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Mine is double-bed blanket and is pretty heavy and in 7kg it just fits 101%. It wont get any buffer space to rotate/spin/dry etc. + after getting soaked the weight will increase and machine might malfunction due to excessive load is what I think..
Here is how blankets are to be washed in toploaders by Samsung

Samsung Blanket.jpg

and Panasonic

Panasonic Blanket.jpg

You need a blanket bag or net. Blanket is not to be washed by itself

I doubt your double blanket weighs more than 4kg
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Mine is LG and dont have any such net bag.
Make one. Find some fishing net in the market then just wrap it in it.

Laundry bag , it's a pricey import but looks good

It's curious they want it done in a net. Why can't you just roll it up and put it in the machine?
Yes blanket isn't more than 2kg but I'm referring to the expansion/contraction situation inside.
Try it and tell us what happens. If the weight is not more than two kg it will be fine. Choose the highest water level or the blankets program if there is one

Review after
Would rather get it from Amazon.
So which machine are you going to get ?
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I have got IFB Serena ZSS 7010 model. Hopefully installation would be done tomorrow.
I said not to get that one!
b) The Serena ZSS because it too has a membrane control panel. Many videos on YT for this one because it was must have been discounted and people fell for it. When browsing the catalogue I notice it misses a number of useful features like extra rinse, rinse hold, time saver (which is a way to speed up the program) & Time delay. This is a double strike.
It's the WORST choice. Membrane panel and extra options missing. and it costs the same as the WX :banghead:

You won't catch those missing options unless you look at the catalogue where they have all the models listed and options in a column format.

No time saver option means a light load ALSO takes 2h30 because no fuzzy logic with IFB. Takes too long to get a wash done as this review says. Express won't clean as well

No time delay, rinse hold or extra rinse either. Terrible design decision. I mean why did IFB leave then out only for this model?

If its not too late return it and get the WX

What did I say? SERENA WX not ZSS



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The WX series have been discontinued. I wonder why they show it on their website. All WX models dc'ed and replaced with Z and M series with a hike in the prices. I had the Serena wX on my mind and I searched for 4-5 dealers and both IFB OG vendors. IFB straight up refused, saying you might get with dealers of they have old stock.
The same were confirmed with other dealers too.

I wouldn't have got it unless it was the only option available and the price hike justified it. Those M series are jacked up when it came to cost. I could get an 8kg for that price of ~37k. Mind you, those M series are IFB exclusive. You will find them only at IFB Point.
I will be replying in detail once I get some free time. No seller ships to my pin code.
The WX series have been discontinued. I wonder why they show it on their website. All WX models dc'ed and replaced with Z and M series with a hike in the prices. I had the Serena wX on my mind and I searched for 4-5 dealers and both IFB OG vendors. IFB straight up refused, saying you might get with dealers of they have old stock.
The same were confirmed with other dealers too.
All you had to say is Serena WX is not available so can I get x or y BEFORE pulling the trigger? we'd have looked at alternatives.

The WX is not on their website, I had to look for an link to verify the specs. It's on FK's site which I'm learning only now couldn't be delivered to your postcode.
I wouldn't have got it unless it was the only option available and the price hike justified it.
How much did you pay for the ZSS?
Those M series are jacked up when it came to cost. I could get an 8kg for that price of ~37k. Mind you, those M series are IFB exclusive. You will find them only at IFB Point.
I will be replying in detail once I get some free time. No seller ships to my pin code.
I don't know what M series you're referring to here. Do you have a link?
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How much did you pay for the ZSS?

don't know what M series you're referring to here. Do you have a link?
For Z series.
For M series.
Both M and Z series cost ~37k
Is that the offline price? shops will charge more as they have rent to pay but I usually don't mind paying it as they serve an essential purpose.

Not much discount for a gimped model. Anyway, you're going to have to live with the ZSS now. Every top loader out there has a membrane interface anyway.

I'm making progress experimenting with additives and will post about it when ready.

Will washing soda work regardless of the water hardness? The only fallout with higher soda use will be increase in limescale production which would mean increase in usage of the descaler, right? But atleast it will ensure that there are no buildup on the clothes due to Ca, Mg.
If you ever get some washing soda put a teaspoon's worth in a bottle of your 600 ppm borewell water. Shake it up so it dissolves and leave it for an hour. Then check what appears at the bottom. That is precipitate. It gets into your clothes making them stiff and scales up the machine. And you will need a lot of it to soften your water which will compound things even more. Washing soda is the absolute worst option to use as a softener for laundry in hard water.

So I tested with Ariel TL powder for any reduction in hardness. It didn't. Same as 575ppm.
Water used- 5L borewell.
Powder- I didn't have a scoop. So I used a bottle similar to semen collection container and filled half bottle with detergent. It did foam very well. Now I don't know how much would be the quantity with the container but it seems to get the job done. Maybe because its a TL powder hence more foam. I might have to try with a FL powder to see if there are any differences.
That means Ariel does not contain any washing soda. I tried with the FL version and also found no decrease in hardness with my water.

If you ever change detergents and notice the clothes getting stiff after a wash then that detergent is using washing soda as a softener. Stop using it.
For Z series.
For M series.
Yeah, I've covered the Elite series already, they use icons for options which I did not find helpful

Text is much easier to follow. No need to guess. The Serena WX had it. The Senator series with a touchscreen costs less than that ZSS, online anyway.

Both M and Z series cost ~37k
M is a 1,200 rpm model. Z is a 1,400 rpm model. They would cost more than a 1,000 rpm Elite ZXS

ZRS 1,400 rpm
MXS 1,200 rpm
ZXS 1,000 rpm

I'd have told you to go for the ZXS at least you'd have had the options in an icon format as opposed to not at all. Btw, how do you get the 'best price' in the IFB link over their 'offer price' ?

It's become clear after looking at IFB's catalogue that we're in the touchscreen era now. That's how all machine consoles are going to be in the coming years across brands.

My fridge has a touch console. Works fine so far.

What is required is to find a local source for conductive touch pads like these

Any 3rd party repair guy will be able to do the fix then
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Even the ZX series has been dc'ed. The only option for 7 kgs were ZSS for Serena and Elite. Elite ones are overpriced.
Only reason for going with IFB ks because their service hopefully will be somewhat reliable. Else LG was and will always be my first choice.
Don't rely on IFB website for availability of models.
Btw, how do you get the 'best price' in the IFB link over their 'offer price' ?
Republic day offer was available.
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The only option for 7 kgs were ZSS for Serena and Elite. Elite ones are overpriced.
Then why does their website show the Elite ZSS (35k) as cheaper than the Serena ZSS (37k which you got at 33k) ?

Can't say overpriced unless you understand what you are giving up and 10/10 people will not realise this at the outset and end up shortchanging themselves. They even stripped out the soak function (!)

4k more for options I consider very useful isn't overpriced.

Why is a 1.400 rpm model more expensive than a 1,000 rpm model? thicker gauge steel for the drum with consequent better quality read tolerance bearings and stronger drum spider. I'd not be surprised if a 1,4000 rpm model outlasts a 1,000 rpm one by a few years. Provided you stick to max 800 rpm as we don't need the higher speed since very few have dryers.

If maintained properly this is a 10 year life appliance if not more. Even with hard water like yours with the right additives or a softener.

The reasoning people use for phones does not apply here.

Only reason for going with IFB ks because their service hopefully will be somewhat reliable. Else LG was and will always be my first choice.
That's what surprises me. Do you mean to say there was no option to find LG or Samsung in the stores in Nagpur? IFB people will naturally tell you service is crap for those brands.

I want a drum measurement for this 7kg ZSS of yours. Diameter and depth in cm, please

And a photo of the underneath without the rat trap, so we can confirm this thing, does not have a sealed tub
  • Front loaders do bloody work. For a hand-washer and top loader guy, I'm having hard time to understand how could it clean this effectively using so little water. Had I not heard that front loaders use less water, I would have assumed my machine is broken and returned it.
If you're concerned the water used in the wash isn't enough then add a prewash cycle without any detergent.

The clothes will already be wet when the wash cycle begins and draw less water from what is available. One does not usually think of prewashing for this purpose but maybe you will notice a higher water level using it.

I have a feeling yours uses less than mine because you can stop the wash, and open the door immediately. I can't do that due to the higher water level. I would have to stop the machine, it will drain out and only then some time later allow me to open the door.

I likely will think the same thing you did whenever I get my next machine.
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