Prewash is used to remove any extra dirt there might be on the clothes. That is not the purpose hereYeah.I was super surprised. I don't think I need pre wash for most of the washing.
What program did you use?Yesterday I washed a 70L camping bag and another 40L backpack in the machine. Put them in the these laundry bags. Maybe @nRiTeCh could also use them.
I thought some of the suggestions this repair guy mentioned are interesting. Won't apply for top loaders but the decision to use a delicate cycle over a regular program decreases wear and tear on the machine. Not do as many as you can fit in the machine but few or just one at a time because the wet load will be less and this in turn puts less stress on the bearings and spider if you then use the slowest spin speed.
He's got a thing against powder detergent because he's had to fix machines where people didn't use a suitable detergent designed for the machine.
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