It livesI would love that but not for free.
Tell you what - I saw in the thread that you wanted a boxed copy of MAFIA right?
I will find and arrange an ORIGINAL, SEAL PACKED MAFIA US Edition CD Jewel Case version for you in exchange for that 40GB IDE.
Two points to note though -
If that sounds like a fair deal deal to you let me know as someone is coming down from the US sometime next month (hence the 2-3 week delivery time).
- It will take at least 2-3 weeks for the game to arrive as I will need to get it from the US
- I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER as to whether it will have a map inside or not as it will be a seal packed
Awsome! but its not the original roberta williams one. The disc you have is a sequel though this one too is very rare. From what I have read the first game was a massive hit!Did anyone say phantasmagoria!!View attachment 72862
Send it to me. I will have a look at it and tell you the price.
I asked because I saws Binary Domain ..Both are also a very underrated games..Spec OPS is a unique experience and very interesting take on playing a protagonist in a on steam,got it with some bundle in humble bundle deal. But why do you ask about that specifically?
@quan chi ain't the only one with a copy of Binary Domain...I asked because I saws Binary Domain ..Both are also a very underrated games..Spec OPS is a unique experience and very interesting take on playing a protagonist in a game.
BTW I have the physical copy of it..
One thing bad in fact very bad about recent PC discs are that they cannot be shared which irritates me. I was very much interested in the quantum break PC collectors edition but found that it needs steam to play. To install zombi I had to create a new uplay account. Also binary domain got locked to my steam account. I think this is another reason for which people are neglecting the physical versions.