Game collection discussion (Physical copies only).

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^^Yes Thats why I was targeting old pc boxes (mafia....:( ) I think currently all pc games are tied to your respective accounts (thats why created a new Uplay account instead of using the old one). Btw binary domain pc at least came with the instructions booklet unlike other games which contains nothing but disks. None of the games which I already have for pc (pics in first page) requires an account to play.
I have seen LGR's video his collection is awesome but he speaks too much.

Moving to binary domain I have played only the intro I like the new voice command thing which this game is using. Will try it out later.
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A word of advice NEVER BUY ANY recent games from india.:banghead: you will get a box with dvd inside a DVD envelope and game code thats it or a dvd case with the dvd. Nothing else.:banghead:
^^Nope I was aware of it but still hoped to get surprised. At least give us a different case for collection editions. Like this
I bought it only because its becoming rare now. Maybe this will be my last PC collection for now. Indian packages are really very cheap. Only GTA games comes with some extra materials .

Btw I have a question guys does the GTA 3 PC DVD available now contains maps etc inside the pack?
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When you pay peanuts, you'll only get monkeys :p
Not necessarily. Games these days comes with very less content too but sometimes they do throw a different versions of the same game for people who likes extra stuff for a little bit extra price. In india they lack those versions.
Many years ago(not before 2007) I had seen this version of mafia on a store selling for 450 Rs.But at that time I had already completed the game & was not interested.
It still gave enough contents similar to GTA IV dvd.
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Not necessarily. Games these days comes with very less content too but sometimes they do throw a different versions of the same game for people who likes extra stuff for a little bit extra price. In india they lack those versions.
Many years ago(not before 2007) I had seen this version of mafia on a store selling for 450 Rs.But at that time I had already completed the game & was not interested.
It still gave enough contents similar to GTA IV dvd.

The indian editions are sold at a different (lower) price compared to the US editions so are packaged differently and cheaply. Its the same with books too where all the color plates are removed.

The only full featured indian edition I've seen recently has been The Witcher 3. It came with a lot of goodies in the box. Totally worth the 1499 I paid for it.
^^May not be valid for all.

If you consider price then Console scenario is very bad. I had purchased many games on day one release date (priced near 3k) but only GTA V, GTA IV episodes from liberty city collection (Yes I bought GTA IV twice! for pc & for ps3)& Advanced warfare gave me something extra like posters etc.
Even the MGS Legacy collection I had ordered came without the Art book later I found they discontinued the art book (I wasn't that lucky).One good thing is that at least they comes with a manual.:D
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The indian editions are sold at a different (lower) price compared to the US editions so are packaged differently and cheaply. Its the same with books too where all the color plates are removed.

The only full featured indian edition I've seen recently has been The Witcher 3. It came with a lot of goodies in the box. Totally worth the 1499 I paid for it.
If I remember correctly, in India you have the "official" distributor's versions which are barely have anything than a card and discs, and you have those "Eastern European/Asian imports" which usually come in DVD casing but do include full manuals and occasionally some freebies too.
I loved need for speed underground series one of the most successful games from EA. I was searching some you tube videos & came across a game called "SSX" made by EA. I was never interested in these types of racing genre. But this game hooked me up mainly due to the larger than life snow boarding styles,characters, entertaining gameplay & yeah the kickass music like the underground (need for speed)series. Snowboarding is fun in SSX its not a boring sim but a fully entertaining racing game. SSX was one of the launch titles of PS2. Initially it did not sell well but after the high ratings from critics it got the attention it needed.

If you don't know much about the game then you can see the video

SSX 2012 is the reboot of the original title & also the latest of the series & its really a hard to find copy. There is only 1 available right now in CEX if you want it then you can grab it & at other places its not below 2.5k (standard edition). Somehow I managed to get one :D
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Guys Will post some WOW and Diablo 3 soon[DOUBLEPOST=1513879056][/DOUBLEPOST]Also have listed some of my stuff for sale in check
Thanks to @vyral_143 for accidentally bumping into this title and getting it for me.

IMG_20171224_230019.jpg IMG_20171224_230032.jpg IMG_20171224_230102.jpg IMG_20171224_230219.jpg

The game was released only as an Asian release and is a compilation of
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 2
Sengoku Basara 2 : Heroes

The game can be best described as a capcom developer who was drunk was asked to make a game on Samurais. He played a bit of Dynasty Warriors, Watched Chuck Norris movies and then remembered he had to make a game on Samurais so he watched Gintama. The games are a direct result of that drunk developer.

Sure it is a button masher and repetitive and in Japanese and I don't know what I am doing in it. In fact the menu itself was a killer but when I got around that and started playing the games. It was hilarious, over the top and the characters speaking engrish in edo era had me in splits.

What I really loved about the collection is the amount of work they put in it. The graphics in 2 and 2:Heroes were actually better than some of the PS3 launch games. There is a menu to select the 3 games, has extras and an overall intro to the 3 games in it. You then go into the 3 games and they had their own original intros that was remastered and the menu in each game was modified so that the user can escape to the collection main menu by pressing the triangle button without quitting the the entire thing using the PS button and launching the game again.

This is where I began hating Capcom because they should have implemented this in DMC HD Collection, added extras like they did in this game. They should have just translated the menus and added subtitles and released the collection in the west. No change in voice acting because it is the cheesy one liners in Engrish that make this game even more fun.

Capcom should have promoted this game. Unlike Dynasty Warriors it is more colorful and light hearted.

Thanks to @quan chi for giving me a price update on this game and telling me about the others in the series.
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I don't see any silent hill series here.:what?: Nobody has them? I am not even counting the pc version (as its very rare). Silent hill is unfortunately nowhere to be found not even in gog.I think Konami wants people to play those games by unfair means & by all means people should play it. I have only played silent hill 2 & for me it is one of the best psychological horror games I have ever played.
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