Just go with the Sapphire one I gave link of. Its much cheaper than flipkart also.
Both are different chipset boards.
H61 is a low profile board which should not be paired with i5 even when you're on low budget. Keep the components balanced.
H67 is far better with SATA 3.0 6 Gbps ports along with quick sync. Go with H67.
Hows this HD7770? HD7850 isn't released yet...I think either a HD7770 or HD7850 would suffice for GPU
Trust me, both are really powerful!
No need to go for HD7770 cause HD6850 performs better than that for the same price,go for HD6870-11.5k or less which is way better or wait for HD7850 which will be available in april.
Anything above 10K crosses my budget. Will the price of 6870 decrease after the release of HD7850? What is the expected price of HD7850?
Hope this helps, Cheers!!
Thanks for the suggestions to all. I can extend my budget to abt 32K. So I can go for the config by #[member='ALPHA17'] and 6870 + intex UPS.
Can't I directly connect my PC to wall outlet? Offcourse with a spike buster in between. Power cuts are not regular in my area. Power goes off just once a week. Most probably on Thursday.
Any help on shops? #[member='Sei'] #[member='Chaoseater']
Hows this GPU?
What's the use of UPS in cities???
is it really necessary?
To get more time to shutdown your computer properly if the power goes off..![]()
fine, but does it also work as a voltage stabilizer or give more sockets to plug in other devices....
does spike guard also needed if we have UPS ???
fine, but does it also work as a voltage stabilizer or give more sockets to plug in other devices....
does spike guard also needed if we have UPS ???