Gears of War 2 announced

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Ambar said:
Yea but do remember that the % of people having modded x360s is very less than that compared to people having PCs. Maybe thats why MS designed the 360 this way, because they knew piracy was on their heels and without official warranty no one would want to spend 300$ again :P

all most %90 consoles in india r moded dude
^^ And India contributes exactly how much to the Xbox 360 sales ?????

Why do you think M$ is not launching all the new consoles in India (with HDMI and Falcon chip) It is because of piracy. So they give all the better consoles to other countries where Piracy is not so rampant.

That is why India gets all the latest PS3 consoles. Since piracy is not an issue (as yet !) on the PS3.
Arya said:
hope there is no general RAAM this time, I still havn't finished GoW thanks to him :(

You said it !!! I took like forever to defeat him on Easy mode. I managed to do it only once on the regular mode, but insane mode is off limits for someone like me !!! :ashamed:
BF1983 said:
That is why India gets all the latest PS3 consoles. Since piracy is not an issue (as yet !) on the PS3.
Errm....Where do you get the latest 80GB model in India officially? :S
BF1983 said:
You said it !!! I took like forever to defeat him on Easy mode. I managed to do it only once on the regular mode, but insane mode is off limits for someone like me !!! :ashamed:

Thats where I got stuck... Is there any tactic?
sn4k382 said:
And now gear of war 2 is out. THREE WEEKS BEFORE THE ACTUAL RELEASE.

Cliff i laugh at your face for having dissed PC piracy and y gears wont come on PC.

Guess i had the last laugh after all :)
No cliffyb laughs at all coz gears 2 is selling at 150 - 200$ per copy LOL, same thing was done with halo 3 last year but it was selling at 90 to 80$.The legit copies were released 2 to 3days back b4 leaking on torrents. So they hav already made enough profit.:hap2:
vij said:
Thats where I got stuck... Is there any tactic? I never play any game in easy or hard...Always normal/average.

Yes there is a tactic by which now I can win against RAAM.

You need to a Torque bow + sniper rifle.

You need to get a lot of head shots and you need some perfect reloads. Also you need to keep moving since you don't want him bang next to you with his annoying krill.

So you need to use the Torque bow to remove the krill and then hit him 2 - 3 times with the sniper rifle and repeat. He will fall down quickly then since you require 6 headshots on Casual and something like 10 on normal.
BF1983 said:
You need to a Torque bow


I used the same method... But not with Sniper Rifle.

Instead I use Torque bow and hammer him with continuous fire with Lancer when I krylls are away from him. When Kryll returns around him make sure you reload your lancer and switch to torque bow, that way when you get the next window to fire lancer you won't get stuck in middle of firing.

And yes... keep your ass moving.

Another way I got to him was to get him away from the platform with Troika, then quickly sneak past him to grab Troika. All this after you take care of Reavers and hammered RAAM for a while. Once you are on troika, make as much as use of it as you can, but you need to be very quick to let go and take care from incoming krylls. It's an extremely risky method but as evident Troika can make much more damage to him than Lancer firings. When krylls approch you, take cover in light and use torque bow to keep hiting. I won't expect anyone to get successfull with this method in first try at least, unless you have already made too much damage to RAAM. It took me 4 tries with this method.
I used both methods...but the krylls get to me when I cross over.... I guess I waste time in reloads...maybe i need to reload when the krylls are on him before switchng to torque.

Il try harder.

That troika methos is damn risky...the krylls are just too fast to enable much use of troika.
Vij said:
That troika methos is damn risky...the krylls are just too fast to enable much use of troika.

That's right.... but on the plus point is Troika's damage. In short time of fire Troika can do much more damage than Lancer. But yeh, you need be really quick and alert to save your own behind. It's definitely not for loose players.
Never and I mean never visit the Troika. The Krylls will make a three tier meal out of you. The best way is to use grenades when you know he is in close range. When it explodes it should dispatch those Krylls off him & that's the time you need pop out & take accurate head shots either with the Lancer or the Longshot. Make sure you have ample ammo on the Torque bow as it's really required for long range shots unlike the grenades which need a close combat.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Never and I mean never visit the Troika. The Krylls will make a three tier meal out of you.

Oh yeh... in the first three tries, it really did. But for some reason I was so compelled to use Troika, and I almost made it on fourth try. Finally, 5th time I nailed that sucker. :P
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