Get Tipsy !!

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Hello ,

I guess in the last meet , i was the only one who was going about downing a couple of cold ones . Hot ones wouldnt be that bad either if given a choice .

for those who didnt quite get me i am talking about beer . ( is an alchoholic beverage )

I would like to have a poll to know how many people here drink any kind of alcohol and how often .

Maybe soon we can have a TE Drink fest ...or atleast a drink-meet :P
half cup brandy mixed with water every night before sleeping in Winter to keep myself HOT!!! :ohyeah:
in the great words of my idol mr.homer .."Here's to alcohol, the cause of and solution to all life's problems " duh
Lol.... all the highness of Beer vanishes once you Pee and thats probably the best thing about it. Only complain though is its pretty costly @ 65bucks per bottle.

Whiskey is a totally different experience though but the hangover is always the problem. And the problem with me as they say -- Jatt riskey after whiskey :P

Hate Vodka , its meant for gals n sissies :bleh:
I used to drink when I was in 11th (saturdays when we used to bunk school) but gave up after 12th. Now in college I drink only at the parties only if I feel like joining the dance floor, I somehow cant let myself loose on the floor without it.

But have to say I hate beer now, I wonder how was I even able to consume the whole bottle in a single go back in school. :P (bottle referred to here is not the mod of TE)
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