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Beer is not a very tasty drink , one just has to develop the taste buds for it. I almost puked when i first tasted the beer but now its no biggie in fact i find it better then thumbsup :P
Damn..dont know what 'm i doing here with these boozards.. anyways, my favorite drink is Appy fizz and yeah, cold coffee...

I know a lot of ppl who drink because they think it makes them cool n hip...well, i think, one shud drink only if he feels the urge or the need to..those who drink just to look cool or impress others, seriously need to grow up...
^^ no need to get senti and stuff mate... drink is a drink . yea you are an ahole if you do it for show and stuff .

just for recreational use its good .
i do have to admit , i was an alcoholic.... started with small drinks and then gradually go on to a level where i was an addict ...which was like i had to drink lots every day or else i be cranky and i cannot sleep ..... but those days are long gone now....i just drink twice or once a week just for the beer taste :D

For all those who said beer sucks, I'm sure you're saying that after having kingpisser when it wasn't cold enough... hell, kingpisser tastes bad when it's cold so I can only imagine how it might taste when it's not :P A bottle of Foster's will change your opinion... in fact, it's the only beer in India with a taste similar to Corona Extra.

And recently, Kagez from TE was down in Bangalore and we met... he doesn't drink, especially not beer lol... I gave him some really cold Foster's and he enjoyed beer for the first time ;)
people who don't like the taste of alcohol yet want to try it out can start off with this simple mix...

30ml of vodka

half a lime- squeezed

15 ml of lime cordial

1/2 cup crushed ice

150 ml of soda

a dash of blue curacao (should be available at any decent grocery store)

as for me, i drink twice a week (fridays and saturdays) though i do not mind an occasional peg or two of whiskey during weekday evenings if i have good company
^^^I don't know if a teetotaler will go through the pain of buying the ingredients and making that drink... a simpler starter's drink would be beer pops, which is beer + sprite mixed in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. It's what my wife drinks if I'm ever out of Vodka, but it doesn't really make it a ladies drink ;)
If you guys don't like the taste, I'll understand, but if you say it's a moral issue... LMAO! But I guess it's because you're still living with your parents... things might change if you're away from home staying with roomies :P
RiO said:
If you guys don't like the taste, I'll understand, but if you say it's a moral issue... LMAO! But I guess it's because you're still living with your parents... things might change if you're away from home staying with roomies :P

Well for me it is for moral, social and personal issues.

I dont need to drink. I hate the smell of alcoholic drinks ( except wine :P ) so i cant even imagine drinking it.

I mean come on, if morals were not there we wouldnt have been a society. You dont feel anything wrong in drinking, fine. But dont laugh at people who feel its wrong to drink ;)

If morals were not there we would be animals heh.

Its same reason some people are vegetarian, some dont wear leather / animal products. Some dont eat red meat.

Nothing bad is gonna happen without drinking. Not drinking cannot be bad. Drinking can be bad :P

I have never tried drinking, never will. The only alcoholic drink i consume indirectly is through wine cake which one of my good friend's mom makes every year on Christian holidays. I love it :)

Your morals are different than some of us thats it :P

Morals, belief, religion, faith keeps us who we are. They define who that person is. You might consider something morally incorrect which I might consider morally correct. Its what you decide to do.

As long as our morals done cause problems to others, its fine :)
I'm all for morals/principles, but morality shouldn't extend to drinking and smoking... it doesn't make you a good or bad person based on whether you drink or not.

There are worse things that "everyone" will concur is bad and/or immoral... like eve-teasing, which we can only expect from low-life mofos - I can provide more examples here if you'd like. No excuses or mercy for those who don't respect women or elderly people, but you gotta lighten up when it comes to drinking or smoking and look at it merely as a choice, like having coffee, tea or hot choc ;)
RiO said:
I'm all for morals/principles, but morality shouldn't extend to drinking and smoking... it doesn't make you a good or bad person based on whether you drink or not.

There are worse things that "everyone" will concur is bad and/or immoral... like eve-teasing, which we can only expect from low-life mofos - I can provide more examples here if you'd like. No excuses or mercy for those who don't respect women or elderly people, but you gotta lighten up when it comes to drinking or smoking and look at it merely as a choice, like having coffee, tea or hot choc ;)

Thats your opinion m8.
I am ok with people who drink within limits, lets not all go into smoking. you know how i feel about that.

You cannot decide where morality extends or not. Its personal decision. As long as it does not trouble other human being its ok.

I am brought up in an environment where i cant even think of drinking and smoking. I have lived alone with roomies during my Comp engg days. My friends used to drink but they never forced me to drink or never did i feel like drinking.

Moral boundaries are for person to decide. And you should respect other person's boundaries.

My morals will never allow me to start drinking, i need to have that kind of self control and belief that i will never drink in my life. That defines who I am. If i cant do that, i will never be a good person in my own image.
I drink everything except beer. But very rarely nowadays, maybe once in two months; as all my drinking buddies are busy with their lives, we we don't get to meet that often.
I don't drink beer cause I don't like the taste. I prefer vodka based cocktails, specially those with peach schnapps. Whisky, Scotch or Rum I like when I want to get drunk (no, not to drown my sorrows or anythink :P)
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