Get Tipsy !!

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Funkymonkey, so how do you compare drinking to eve-teasing? :D Would you say someone who drinks is as immoral as someone who teases women? :P I would think not and I'm sure a major % of people wouldn't think so either.
People should lighten up . Why hold such harsh opinons of anything.

all i am sugessting is like minded people get together and have some fun freaking out with some liquor . have a nice time , have food and move on home .

nice time , nice fun .
dont be a party pooper ...
my opinion can change anytime :P

I don't drink beer/alcoholic drinks. it is harmful if taken beyond moderation. and the point is I don't want to test myself(like turning into an addict like I'm a computer internet addict now). thanks Private_Ryan, I love Appy Classic/fizz :D
RiO said:
Funkymonkey, so how do you compare drinking to eve-teasing? :D Would you say someone who drinks is as immoral as someone who teases women? :P I would think not and I'm sure a major % of people wouldn't think so either.

Dont try to mold morality m8.
I know there are plenty of people who will think light flirting or teasing is part of their college life and that includes girls. I have seen people considering this to be ok.
Do i think like that nope.
Like i said for me drinking does not fit in my morality. And wont fit in morality of person i care about.
If some stranger thinks its ok to drink then fine. I will be ok too as long as he dont get drunk and start causing havoc.
Smokers too can smoke all they want to in their homes. They are killing themselves and harming their family, thats medical fact. But do whatever you want to inside your home or in the bar. I dont care.

But say tomorrow my brother or cousin goes out and drinks, then obviously i will be disappointed in them. Noone in my family drinks, and expects same from others. Thats what morality means.

Your family is ok with it, mostly your life partner is ok with it, i know that. So i wont judge you.

As far as teasing goes, i consider it universally immoral as you are teasing a stranger. If anyone thinks it as morally right then he has some problems and mostly will he be ok if others tease ladies from his family?? I dont think so. That itself tells that its universally immoral. If any dude is ok with that then seriously he needs help :P
Funky said:
But say tomorrow my brother or cousin goes out and drinks, then obviously i will be disappointed in them.
Poor bro or cousin :rofl:

Funky said:
As far as teasing goes, i consider it universally immoral as you are teasing a stranger. If anyone thinks it as morally right then he has some problems and mostly will he be ok if others tease ladies from his family?? I dont think so. That itself tells that its universally immoral. If any dude is ok with that then seriously he needs help :P
But you're comparing those who drink/smoke to these misfits, right? That's what I asked earlier too :D

Either way, let's stay on topic... you like milk, we love beer/tequila/vodka/whisky... to each his own, let's drink to that!
RiO said:
Poor bro or cousin :rofl:

But you're comparing those who drink/smoke to these misfits, right? That's what I asked earlier too :D

Either way, let's stay on topic... you like milk, we love beer/tequila/vodka/whisky... to each his own, let's drink to that!

yeah poor bro, thats price he has to pay for being my brother :P

And you wont get those bold words out of my mouth, so don't try, you will never succeed . Two different things. Both are not ok with me but on different levels.

The guys who get drunk will get a shoulder and taxi from me. Guys who flirt or misbehave with ladies publicly will get slap or punch in face.

Hope thats more clear.
you like milk, we love beer/tequila/vodka/whisky... to each his own, let's drink to that!

Good one there..I'll raise a toast to that !

On a side note, the poll has no option for someone like me...I drink more than once a week...option 4 is a little too extreme but since that comes closer than option 1 , I waited for 4.
Rio said:
you like milk, we love beer/tequila/vodka/whisky.
It is exactly words like these that drive youngsters to try drinking and many of them lose control.

I dont mind if you drink or not.... I dont even have an opinion on people who do drink as long as they are within limits and kinda knowing you guys (Rio, Czar, Zhops, etc...) for some time, I have no doubts that you guys fall in "sensible" drinkers category.

But many many youngsters dont have the capability to make that distinction.

And saying stuff like "you drink milk" just shows that drinkers look down on people who dont. Maybe you didnt mean it that way Rio, but many people use that in a derogatory way.

My inspiration is my dad. He had to attend dozens of parties and everywhere he went he was ridiculed by people saying "Arre Ravi aaya, doodh mangao"

He never succumbed.

Unfortunately not everyone has that much will power or determination.

Many people take to drinking only because the "drinkers" say it is cool and people think is is nice to be seen with a can of beer or a drink in your hand.

The fact is, most people start drinking at a young age and most of them start drinking because of peer pressure.

On a side note, my parents never told me not to drink. Just that somehow I have never wanted to drink.

I did taste beer once when I 7. It was in a green tetra pack and my grandpa had brought it from Japan. I couldnt read Japanese and thought it was Frooti and took a sip. I hated it. Almost puked.
^^^ hmmm....that's a good one too..

when you look at it that way, and given the fact that there are a lot of minors visiting TE..what you said there Nikhil does make a lot of sense
@kippu, I've tried the kamikaze but still prefer tequila shots... btw, if you like cocktails you gotta try the Torpedo (beer+whisky+ginger ale).

@Nikhil, I didn't mean to look down on teetotalers... many of my friends are, that statement was directed at Funky and it was to basically find common ground ;) But I personally despise people who get drunk and cause trouble for others... this is the other extreme lol.
ok this discussion will move to on morality and milk and religions and bad habits and health issues and blah blah.... wake me up when all that is done ...
Bluffmaster said:
Hate Vodka , its meant for gals n sissies :bleh:


vodka, or for that matter, any other white spirit essentially is best suited for cocktails, and not for so much for shots.. you want to really do shots.. do mescal and tequila..

but yeah, beer/dark rum/whiskey is the stuff man! :hap2:
Sorry I am late... Interesting thread!:ohyeah:
For me Almost everything goes... actually depends a lot on da company...;)
ICED-TEA/COLD-COFFEE/COCKTAILS/Chilled-BEER/VODKA/Whiskey/WINE/TEQUILA... not dat much fond of RUM tho.... Jack-Daniel and Dimple are very good whiskeys if u ask me... same goes for "Absolute" VODKA:P
But then many of you already knew... so it doesn't matter, I just had to make a statement :P
^^ I guess you meant Absolut

Though Vodka being a very ver heavily distilled and filtered drink (the more filtered, the better) has no flavor of its own

so unlike whisky, where there is a world of difference between a cheap blend and a good blend and a good single malt ( say Royal Challenge vs. Black & White vs. Glenfiddich)

In Vodka, it doesn't really matter much...a decent 75 proof vodka like Smirnoff or Absolut is only marginally better than say a Romanov and there is only so much difference between a decent and a (supposedly ) good vodka like Grey Goose
Harshal said:
For me Almost everything goes... actually depends a lot on da company...;)

ICED-TEA/COLD-COFFEE/COCKTAILS/Chilled-BEER/VODKA/Whiskey/WINE/TEQUILA... not dat much fond of RUM tho....

Same here man! Rum tastes like nailpolish remover..Yuck!
Agreed Rum tastes Horrible if taken clean but the best part about Rum is that you get zero Hangover, so if you have office tomorrow and you wanna get High today , buy urself a Rum :ohyeah:
Rum with Coke ain't bad at all!!!

I really like the taste..and as bluffy said, zero hangover even if you finish off half a bottle in one night
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