Get Tipsy !!

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vodka + tonic water + a lemon wedge = hic

scotch + soda + lotsa ice / tequilla shots = hic hic

super chilled kingfisha = hic hic hic

Beer is the coolest..can drink for hours nonstop!

I love milk and beer, and yeah I use to like Foster, till I moved to Kingfisher, and trust me foster's is not known as horses piss without reason. Its one of the mildest beer I have had after draft beer at U-turn (lol) Haywards 5000 is decent too, and yuks I hate vodka based drinks.
espeez said:
Beer is the coolest..can drink for hours nonstop!
That's the way I feel too, and try to practice every weekend lol :D

@aces, I'll ignore that because that debate will never end... cheers! ;)
Hehe ... Try Haywards 10000 ... pretty awesome. My brand though is Haywards 5000 , one bottle and you get a decent high for around 20 minutes till u pee :P Kingfisher is ok but it aint that strong. Haven't had fosters so far , is it stronger then Haywards ??
Try Haywards 10000 ... pretty awesome...My brand though is Haywards 5000 , one bottle and you get a decent high for around 20 minutes till u pee

I hate the taste of thse funny superstrongs

KF is my brand of choice (should be reallly chilled though)

non-cold, it's guinness
Nikhil said:
I did taste beer once when I 7. It was in a green tetra pack and my grandpa had brought it from Japan. I couldnt read Japanese and thought it was Frooti and took a sip. I hated it. Almost puked.

hahaha, anyways nice post Nikhil:)

@czar, i wanted ask ya, whats that drink u gave to freaky when i was there. hurted my nose when i smell it hehehe :P
rum + coke = cuba libre ... not bad at all

on a happier note , i am happy that moralistic discussion ended !!! :D
Bluffmaster said:
Hehe ... Try Haywards 10000 ... pretty awesome. My brand though is Haywards 5000 , one bottle and you get a decent high for around 20 minutes till u pee :P Kingfisher is ok but it aint that strong. Haven't had fosters so far , is it stronger then Haywards ??
Hard to describe Foster's, but it's got a very pleasant taste - it's not a mild or light beer either. It just tastes right.
@czar, i wanted ask ya, whats that drink u gave to freaky when i was there. hurted my nose when i smell it hehehe

That was the drink (with a slight variation ) I described a few posts before for folks who want to try alocohol but don't like the taste

It was Smirnoff + Cordial + Lime + Blue Curacao + Cold Soda but without the crushed ICE (as I am too lazy to fill up the freezer with water...not that there is any space in the freezer)
Bluffmaster said:
Hehe ... Try Haywards 10000 ... pretty awesome. My brand though is Haywards 5000 , one bottle and you get a decent high for around 20 minutes till u pee :P Kingfisher is ok but it aint that strong. Haven't had fosters so far , is it stronger then Haywards ??

ya .. Haywards 5000 for me too ... :hap2: .. for vodka i prefer Smirnoff with 7Up :D ... also i love flaming vodka shots .. you can feel every vain in your body .. :ohyeah: for Rum .. i take them with Lime cordial ...:d
RiO said:
@Nikhil, I didn't mean to look down on teetotalers... many of my friends are, that statement was directed at Funky and it was to basically find common ground ;) But I personally despise people who get drunk and cause trouble for others... this is the other extreme lol.
I know you didnt !! I did say that in my post.

But the fact is many people do mean to look down on teetotalers.

zhopudey said:
Why have you tasted nailpolish remover? :S

:rofl: :rofl:
Ive never had any alcoholic beverage (including those breezer kind). and intend staying this way till i really have the urge to drink
There's an alcohol problem in my family.. I lost two of my uncles because of this , and so dad quit, and made me swear never to touch alcohol. I've always wondered what its like to booze. Never Tried though(I mean, I have enough worries with my current afflictions ...hardware and pr0n :D) I do go out with my friends when they booze though i never touch the stuff(I'm the designated driver:P). Though Now even some of my friends are thinking about quitting, esp cos my best friend got hit by hepatitis A , and a long story short, he'd had a lot of alcohol in his day, and his liver wasn't exactly ship shape . Poor guy is still under medication and away from his job waiting for his liver to recover.:down:

PS: Wine aint taboo though :ohyeah:. We make it at home and have bottles stacked up to last years (some of it as old as 6~7 years old )
anything goes here ... Vodka , scotch , whisky ..lest favorite rum . Beer anytime favorite .

what i believe , these things should be occasional to celebrate . and its true a lot of it over a small time may snowball in to an addiction unless you have exceptional will power .

I know i smoked weed for nearly everyday for 2 years when i was in college . and its been over 3 years since i have had none , no craving , never .

And recent studies actually show that addiction to substances is heredity . So poor luck if anyone is part of it . That i why you have so many people who get addicted as soon they try some stuff and you have some people who have drink moderately over a looong peroid of time and do not let it be a hinderance in their personal lives .
Well, if you don't drink, don't smoke, don't womanise, your a dangerous man.

So there must be hell lotta womanisers out here :rofl:
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