Go : Mx310/MX518

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The L33t Admeen
Another GO from your friendly neighbourhood Saiyan (now who gave me this title:P)

Alrite its Logitech Mx310 & MX518

There abt 14 pieces available. Now there is a catch, Most of these mice have scratches on their body.

Here is the pic of TheMask's mouse, and Crazy_Eddy just noticed the same on the one he picked up yesterday:

Will be going to ritchie this saturday, so i want the *Confirmed* head counts by friday night 29-06-2007. Will get these mice on saturday and will give you guyz time till wednesday to pay me. Will be shipping everything on thursday.

Warranty Details: 3 yr warranty directly from Rashi

Payment Details:

Cost of the Mouse: Rs.410/-

Shipping charge : 130/- for B'lore/Mysore/Kerala , 215 to Kolkata and 190/- for Rest of the city in India. This include my transportation charge of Rs.200 bux :P and the packaging material. If there is any change i'll update it here, so please check before transfering the money.

I will accept only Online Fund Transfer to my ICICI or ABN or SBI bank Account. While Transfering i request u to Enter "<Your TE Id>-Mx310" in the description part.

So i think i have made everything clear. Interested Peeps post here.


Team TechEnclave


[B]Asky [/B]-Paid-        Shipped*

[B]Deepak(2)[/B]-Paid-        Shipped*

[B]super_saiyan[/B]-Paid-        Shipped*



[B]KiD0M4N[/B]-Paid-        Shipped*

[B]supra[/B]-Paid-        Shipped*

[B]nuke666[/B]-Paid-        Shipped

[B]vijayshimla [/B]-Paid-        Shipped


[B]TE_addict[/B]-Paid-        Shipped*

Head Count=13

Edit: I can also get mx518 for the peeps who can confirm to me by friday night. Details are as follows. About 10 pieces are available with my dealer atm.

Warranty Details: 3 yr warranty directly from Rashi

Payment Details:

Cost of the Mouse: Rs.1400/-

Shipping charge : 130/- for B'lore/Mysore/Kerala and 190/- for Rest of the city in India. This include my transportation charge of Rs.200 bux :P and the packaging material. If there is any change i'll update it here, so please check before transfering the money.

[B]Anish[/B]-Paid-             Shipped*

[B]TE_addict [/B]-Paid*



[B]Kniwor[/B]-Paid-            Shipped*


[B]KiD0M4N[/B]-Paid-          Shipped*

[B]ms_mahu[/B]-Paid-         Shipped*

[B]pawannh[/B]-Paid-         Shipped*


[B]montylee[/B]-Paid-         Shipped*


Head Count:10+2

Guyz!! Deadline to confirm and backout is by today night. I will not tolerate backing out later on, keep in mind that i am buying the mouse in advance.

P.S.: I'll update the first post with all the neccessary details. Please keep checking the first post.
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For B'lore members i can arrange a bulk shipment :)

So far sandy, KiD0M4N and supra wanted it.

Anish also wanted one.
mesa in too....for more then 1 piece if thats possible :P

EDIT : Small Q, do the scatches feel, I mean do they effect the usage when using it, by u kno feeling rough on the hand...???
1 for me!!!! jus lemme kno wen ur going.. i'll tag along :)

hey crazy... cud u also post pics of ur mouse???? jus wanna confirm if scratches are similar on all de pieces...
I think I'll take one .

Methink's I'll have me friend soulreaver (the guy i showed up with for the meet)

pay you and pick it up

the scratches/damage is only cosmetic in nature i hope :)
So far these peeps have confirmed

so that makes 11 so far.
Oye somebody reply to my q na

Small Q, do the scatches feel, I mean do they effect the usage when using it, by u kno feeling rough on the hand...???

ANd can I get 2 pieces, if yes lemme kno....but somebody temme if the damages feel on the hand...
reply to Deepak's PM:

Deepak said:
1. the mouse u got was scratched right?

2. Now what I wanna kno is whether the damages are cosmetic in nature or are they actual damages i.e. do they effect the usage of the mouse, feel rough on the hand...

1. Yes. it was scratched. But its mostly transit damage. Looks like the courier guys didnt handle it with care and put some heavy load on the box. so the plastic covering over the mouse must have rubbed real hard against the mouse. hence the scratch. Check out the pic.

2. the damage is just cosmetic. does NOT affect using the mouse. and it does NOT feel rough at all :P
^ I used it for only 5 mins or so today (current was out, used it on a laptop, and no games to test on it so couldnt use it for more than that :S). The scratches are very light superficial ones.. not deep enough to actually rub against your hand and feel it.. i mean only after i actually picked it up to have a nice good look over it did i notice the scratches.
RiO said:
Nice to see this mouse get the respect it deserves :P

Yes yes.. so much so that I almost made up my mind to get another.. and am not even using the first one.. hahah.. i just wanna keep it safe and may be use the second one.. :bleh:
Hmm well like I said I am in for 1 piece defintely and upto 3 pieces if possible at all...

Thanks for the replies Masky and Eddy....
I had bought 2 from a similar GO elsewhere- Masky Sir too i think.:S

I feel the scratches happens as the plastic moulded packaging scrubs that part of the mouse.:(
I mean take the sealed box and move it sideways- the mouse moves and that part gets scrubbed.:@

I tried that after i saw the scratches on the first one and thought the other one has some too after peeping keenly through the sealed one's moulding in bright light.:ashamed:
But i let it be sealed as it's a standby.:P

But what a mouse- a tad small for my liking but excellent +ve feeling clicks with a light metallic noise and smooth and fast.
Scroll wheel is positively firm too with rubberise grip, can pick weapon of choice easily- on my MS i go through the entire weaponry with one light scroll.
I played CS CZ with bots better than i do- i mean i survived a lil longer with that mouse.:P
super_saiyan said:
& saiyan..can accommodate 1 more for me ? .. :)

Deepak said:
Hmm well like I said I am in for 1 piece defintely and upto 3 pieces if possible at all...

Thanks for the replies Masky and Eddy....

will wait till friday, if there are few left, you guyz can take it. :)
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