Another GO from your friendly neighbourhood Saiyan (now who gave me this title
Alrite its Logitech Mx310 & MX518
There abt 14 pieces available. Now there is a catch, Most of these mice have scratches on their body.
Here is the pic of TheMask's mouse, and Crazy_Eddy just noticed the same on the one he picked up yesterday:

Will be going to ritchie this saturday, so i want the *Confirmed* head counts by friday night 29-06-2007. Will get these mice on saturday and will give you guyz time till wednesday to pay me. Will be shipping everything on thursday.
Warranty Details: 3 yr warranty directly from Rashi
Payment Details:
Cost of the Mouse: Rs.410/-
Shipping charge : 130/- for B'lore/Mysore/Kerala , 215 to Kolkata and 190/- for Rest of the city in India. This include my transportation charge of Rs.200 bux
and the packaging material. If there is any change i'll update it here, so please check before transfering the money.
I will accept only Online Fund Transfer to my ICICI or ABN or SBI bank Account. While Transfering i request u to Enter "<Your TE Id>-Mx310" in the description part.
So i think i have made everything clear. Interested Peeps post here.
Team TechEnclave
Head Count=13
Edit: I can also get mx518 for the peeps who can confirm to me by friday night. Details are as follows. About 10 pieces are available with my dealer atm.
Warranty Details: 3 yr warranty directly from Rashi
Payment Details:
Cost of the Mouse: Rs.1400/-
Shipping charge : 130/- for B'lore/Mysore/Kerala and 190/- for Rest of the city in India. This include my transportation charge of Rs.200 bux
and the packaging material. If there is any change i'll update it here, so please check before transfering the money.
Head Count:10+2
Guyz!! Deadline to confirm and backout is by today night. I will not tolerate backing out later on, keep in mind that i am buying the mouse in advance.
P.S.: I'll update the first post with all the neccessary details. Please keep checking the first post.

Alrite its Logitech Mx310 & MX518
There abt 14 pieces available. Now there is a catch, Most of these mice have scratches on their body.
Here is the pic of TheMask's mouse, and Crazy_Eddy just noticed the same on the one he picked up yesterday:

Will be going to ritchie this saturday, so i want the *Confirmed* head counts by friday night 29-06-2007. Will get these mice on saturday and will give you guyz time till wednesday to pay me. Will be shipping everything on thursday.
Warranty Details: 3 yr warranty directly from Rashi
Payment Details:
Cost of the Mouse: Rs.410/-
Shipping charge : 130/- for B'lore/Mysore/Kerala , 215 to Kolkata and 190/- for Rest of the city in India. This include my transportation charge of Rs.200 bux

I will accept only Online Fund Transfer to my ICICI or ABN or SBI bank Account. While Transfering i request u to Enter "<Your TE Id>-Mx310" in the description part.
So i think i have made everything clear. Interested Peeps post here.
Team TechEnclave
[B]Asky [/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]Deepak(2)[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]super_saiyan[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]KiD0M4N[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]supra[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]nuke666[/B]-Paid- Shipped
[B]vijayshimla [/B]-Paid- Shipped
[B]TE_addict[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
Head Count=13
Edit: I can also get mx518 for the peeps who can confirm to me by friday night. Details are as follows. About 10 pieces are available with my dealer atm.
Warranty Details: 3 yr warranty directly from Rashi
Payment Details:
Cost of the Mouse: Rs.1400/-
Shipping charge : 130/- for B'lore/Mysore/Kerala and 190/- for Rest of the city in India. This include my transportation charge of Rs.200 bux

[B]Anish[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]TE_addict [/B]-Paid*
[B]Kniwor[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]KiD0M4N[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]ms_mahu[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]pawannh[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
[B]montylee[/B]-Paid- Shipped*
Head Count:10+2
Guyz!! Deadline to confirm and backout is by today night. I will not tolerate backing out later on, keep in mind that i am buying the mouse in advance.
P.S.: I'll update the first post with all the neccessary details. Please keep checking the first post.