Are there any large mices out there at a sub-1K price level. I'd like to get a large gaming mouse a friend has, found it very comfortable for the time I used it especially since I get wrist pains with current mouse, but don't wanna spend that much (2K+) on a mouse.
Dude, you are hijacking the thread. You should have posted your query as a separate thread.
It's really unbelievable though, how people take time to post a sarcastic reply, rather than post something useful.
Sorry bud. I was searching about mices on the forum and posted here. A thread hijack is when one completely steers away from the topic at hand. While your requirement was "Good quality wired USB optical mouse", mine was "Good quality wired large USB optical mouse".
No offense meant. All in good humour!
A lot of people don't necessarily browse every sub-forum everyday, posting in this thread makes sense because others who have offered suggestions to you end up getting notifications and can in turn help others.
You already bought a mouse twice so the purpose of this thread was already served, what's the big deal if someone else posts to get suggestions ?
What's unbelievable is people behaving like someone's tresspassed their personal property just for a post on an internet forum.
A moderator on this, or any forum, will tell you that it's always better to post a different query in a separate thread. I am a moderator on another forum myself, so I understand this.
It's alright buddy.
From what you posted, I understand that your query is about a gaming mouse, which is completely different from my query. So, a separate thread would have been better. But, if your requirement is similar to mine, then it's fine.
If you require a non-gaming big size mouse, then the one I bought from HP ... model KY619AA will suit you well, since it's of a larger size. Just look at the size specification for it.
Thanks for your decent post, much appreciated..
Edit: I noticed you had asked for mouse for about 1k. Then, my suggestion won't suit you. But, from whatever I have used the HP mouse, it seems to be a decent one.
Anyways, I hope you find a good mouse.
No. I didn't ask for a gaming mouse suggestion. What I meant was I liked the large size of the gaming mouse a friend had but I was not ready to shell out what he had (~2K) for the same. Any mouse will do just that it should be large sized.
Even I feel you're making a mountain out of a molehill but I also seriously believe this is not worth arguing over and hence, I apologized and moved on. Even reported the posts to mods to have them moved onto a separate thread.