Re: Just bought a PS3 - Some questions please!
Congrats for your new console.
I'm not sure about Modnation Racers, but Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena is a sequel to Escape from Butcher Bay and is a fantastic game. It picks up right from where the first game left you. By not playing the first game, you'll merely miss out on identifying some characters from the previous game. Although, the main storyline is completely different and it doesn't really require you playing the first game. So yes, you can start the game.
L.A. Noire will be out on the PC this November, so you can save some money and get the PC version instead. Go for Heavy Rain. The game will really suck you in, however, if you're not familiar with it's gameplay mechanics (or haven't played Fahrenheit), it will take you sometime to get used to it's control scheme. The demo isn't a vast representation of how many many quick time events you're about to encounter in the game. But I'd still go for it, since it offers a brilliant storyline and small replay value for getting different endings.
Congrats for your new console.
vb86 said:Anyhow, some questions please:
1. Are the free games any good or should I sell/exchange them? If yes, any suggestions were I can do that in Delhi. As mentioned above, the main plastic wrapping of the Modnation Racers Disc came off when I was removing the tape. Also, can the Chronicles of Riddick game be played without playing any previous editions of the game?
I'm not sure about Modnation Racers, but Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena is a sequel to Escape from Butcher Bay and is a fantastic game. It picks up right from where the first game left you. By not playing the first game, you'll merely miss out on identifying some characters from the previous game. Although, the main storyline is completely different and it doesn't really require you playing the first game. So yes, you can start the game.
vb86 said:2. I'm not really into games which involve mindless killing (I'll try those later) and after some research, I've narrowed down to 2 games - Heavy Rain and L.A. Noire. Which should I buy first? Any other suggestion are also welcome. I will be buying Fifa 12 too.
L.A. Noire will be out on the PC this November, so you can save some money and get the PC version instead. Go for Heavy Rain. The game will really suck you in, however, if you're not familiar with it's gameplay mechanics (or haven't played Fahrenheit), it will take you sometime to get used to it's control scheme. The demo isn't a vast representation of how many many quick time events you're about to encounter in the game. But I'd still go for it, since it offers a brilliant storyline and small replay value for getting different endings.