My Masiji lives in New Delhi and she suffers from really bad respiratory stuff. You would think that someone like her would really be happy with this new rule. But the thing is that last .
Please relocate her to less polluted city if possible, ASAP.
These people (Traffic Police & state govt) can't enforce traffic rules properly ; enforcing environment friendly rules like Odd, Even formula will be full of loop holes & chaos. I was going through the exemptions to the odd/even rule, which means only singles staying in Delhi with a single car will be affected.
The recent SC order will be much easy to implement but it still won't be able to curb the pollution levels because private diesels above 2L engine capacity is a minority. As such private diesel vehicles (used by individuals) causing pollution is a insignificant percentage.
Unless they improve the fuel quality, roadside dust, traffic congestion & construction site pollution the particulate matter isn't going to come down significantly. There's no positive changes in this regard. Let's see, fingers crossed ; Kejrivalji deserves a second term if he tackles this issue honestly & effectively (without running & blaming the center).
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