Well there were some patches, but I didn't see any improvements.
Same here !
The best patch for me was 1.0.4
Well there were some patches, but I didn't see any improvements.
Hi all, I am planning to buy GTA4 complete edition from flipkart. Has the performance issue been sorted out or it still exist. I have Radeon 4330
Ah, Grand Theft Auto V, the greatest thing since Grand Theft Auto IV. With its return to the West Coast and it having the potential to be the modern San Andreas, everyone is at the edge waiting for any bit of info that would make them wet their pants. Maybe that is what Zavvi has set out to do.
According to the retailer, GTA V is supposed to drop on November 23rd. The date which falls on Black Friday over here seems good a date as any other. There has been no sort of confirmation from Rockstar Games or Take Two. If it is indeed true, this would definitely be a good 5 month late birthday gift for me and an opportunity to grab the Platinum trophy (or achievement) for your 2012 lineup. If there's any multiplayer based trophies involved, you can also look for me... putting a stop to that.
Months after the release of the first official trailer for Grand Theft Auto V, details on the game have remained fairly scarce. Now however, information about the direction of the upcoming sequel is finally coming to light.
“The greatest thing about the franchise’s last visit to San Andreas wasn’t the action, or story, or freedom to explore a huge, detailed world,†said Leslie Benzies, long-time producer of the GTA series. “It was the game’s meticulous attention to the protagonist’s physiology. If you ate too much, your character would become fat and sluggish; if he spent a lot of time at the gym he’d get stronger. That’s the sort of thing that gets people invested, that really makes them believe in the world of the game. With Grand Theft Auto V, we’re really pushing that to the forefront to make the most exciting open-world action game/health and personal hygiene simulator ever released.â€
GTA: San Andreas’ character development mechanics will be returning in even greater detail. While its predecessor’s tracking of the player’s physical condition was relatively simple, Grand Theft Auto V will have a much more detailed system. “It’s not just a matter of going to the gym, doing some button-mashing to lift some weights, and getting stronger. You’ve got to exercise all the major muscle groups- quads, lats, abdominals, everything- as well as aerobic exercise to maintain cardiovascular health. You’ll also have to maintain proper levels of hydration, have appropriate rest periods between sets, remember to wipe off the equipment afterward if you’re using an exercise machine- all the fascinating minutiae of exercise.
“The player will have tremendous freedom to choose different training options according to the sort of development they want for their own character, whether it’s weight machines, treadmills, jogging, the StairMaster, free weights, isolation exercises, deadlifts, squats, or injecting various mixtures of anabolic steroids, amphetamines, and human and animal hormones into your buttocks. You’ll have to choose wisely, of course, or you may end up with a huge upper body and little stick legs, or be unable to throw a decent punch because you’ve developed huge biceps but neglected your triceps, or become so ‘roided up that you become an acne-covered, tiny-balled, man-bosomy rageaholic or, God forbid, a Gears of War character.â€
Other physical attributes of the main character will also play an important role during gameplay, requiring players to carefully monitor and manage things like their current bowel and bladder capacity, blood sugar, hair length, body odor, breath odor, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, beard length, sperm count, sun exposure and sunscreen SPF, fingernail and toenail length, blood alcohol content, risk of dangerous interactions between prescription medications, and many other important stats.
“There will be a lot of challenging minigames to really bring the character to life,†Benzies said. “Showering, shaving, applying various creams and lotions, using the toilet, brushing your teeth, changing your contact lenses, ‘taking care of business’ when your character gets lonely, and lots of others. Videogame development is a conservative industry. I’m sure there are naysayers who will insist that fans of the Grand Theft Auto series won’t want to have to periodically interrupt the game’s usual intense intense action and excitement to play minigames that revolve around mashing buttons to successfully mix a protein shake, or maintain correct posture during a shoulder press, or douse yourself in aftershave to conceal how long it’s been since you’ve showered, but we believe gamers are a lot more open to innovation than they’re given credit for.â€
I wanted it to be more of a awesome mission game rather than so much character customisation!![]()
Grand Theft Auto 5 could be set for a post-summer release according to 'major UK High Street retailer'.
Published on Mar 9, 2012
GTA 5 much speculated release date is currently scheduled for Autumn 2012 according to a release schedule from a 'major UK High Street retailer' seen by MCV.
Previous guesses and online retailer listings have included November and even the start of 2013.
Rockstar recently promised to drop new GTA 5 details in a few months - it's currently concentrating on the release of Max Payne 3 in May.
It has recently been brought to our attention that a poster over on the official GameSpot forums have posted a massive list of unreleased information about the future title, Grand Theft Auto V. Through a post, that has since been deleted by the forum moderators over on the GameSpot forum, along with the poster, a user by the name of Gloggle has revealed that he is a friend of an ex-RockStar employee that was fired for misconduct. Now, it seems that the ex-RockStar employee now has the intentions of leaking information on GTA V.
As for the information that was listed, you can find the post as a whole below or you can view a Google cache version here.
Warning: Number 8 on the list contains spoilers of past Rockstar titles.
I am a friend of someone who recently got sacked from RockStar North for general misconduct. Because one contract to RockStar covered everything, including secrecy, and his contractual obligaton was now removed, he was legally allowed to spill the beans on Rockstar's upcoming GTA V. And he is making damn sure everyone knows about it.
Here is the info you really want:
1. The protagonist will be one character, and one character alone. His name is (as some rumours said) Albert De Silva. He's a half hispanic man who was once part of a crime family in Vice City. He decided to settle down and have kids in Los Santos. He has one son called Kevin De Silva who is your stereotypical CoD player. He's lazy, useless and shouts racial abuse online and is really into FPS games. Kevin does admire his Dad though.
2. Multiplayer will hold 32 people on the Xbox and PS3. I wasn't told how many were able to be on the PC. Just like in RDR, players will be able to form Gangs. These gangs are not ranked through XP anymore, but via Reputation. Instead of gang hideouts, you can do jobs that range from robbing a launderette to breaking into a military base and stealing state-of-the-art weaponary. The Gang leader has much more control over his or her gang by being able to rank members of their gang and setting more specific objectives to specific members of their gang. Gangs can have their own terratory but this only applies to areas inside the city of Los Santos.
3. The map is about 5x as large as the GTA IV map and the City of Los Santos takes up just under half of this area (so it's a bit bigger than 2 GTA IV Liberty Cities).
The map is (like most GTAs) seperated into three different sections. 4. Planes are flyable, they range from World War 2 fighter planes to Private Jets.
5. Cars and guns are customisable to an extent, for example, you can cusomise a gun to have a supressor on it and you can install nitrous into cars.
Here's some stuff you might like:
1. The protagonist is the "rich guy" from the GTA V debut trailer. You get to learn more about this man in the second when he talks about his troubles. You only see the protagonist twice in the trailer. First time is the side of his face and second time is when he is driving a Deceptor (Audi R8). The people robbing the jewellery store are just with the protagonist. He is driving the van ready to get away.
2. Gunfights are more realistic. When you are shooting a gun out of a window of a car, depending on how fast it's going you will have troubles aiming due to shaking cameras.
3. The game is due in May 2013. A more specific date has not been decided because the game is still needing 6 months to be fully developed. They will have a playable demo at E3.
4. Police chases are now way more than either running or driving. Depending on how wanted you are, police may bring out riot shields and flash bangs. 5. When someone reaches 4 star wanted level, there will be a radio warning on some stations.
6. Radio stations now do traffic reports that are actually correct. So if you don't know what route to take, you can check the traffic reports on your phone or the radio. 7. The in-game TV now has many more channels
8. The protagonist DOES NOT die unlike in the last two Rockstar games.
9. The underworld actually has a working economy that you can contribute too by buying and selling drugs, weapons and illegal cars in single player.
10. The protagonist can take drugs which will have some effects. But smoking weed on the streetwalk will lead to getting a one star wanted level.
11. Police cars will go after you if you're obviousely breaking the speed limit. Having high speed crashes will also damage your health.
Wanted levels:
1 star - police follow you on foot and try to make an arrest. No sirens, no car chases (unless you are speeding).
2 star - police will still attempt to make an arrest. If a weapon is drawn then the police will begin opening fire. Police will use stun guns if a weapon is not drawn.
3 star - Chases begin and the police don't care how they stop you, they just want to do it.
4 star - road traps, radio stations and much more hostile police.Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 24 in-game hours for someone matching your description.
5 star - shoot to kill, arrest only if it's made very possible. Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 48 in-game hours for someone matching your description. Few missions become unavailable if you are wanted.
6 star - military vehicles come after you. Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 72 in-game hours for someone matching your description. Some missions become unavailable if you are wanted.
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Are they going to release a PC port along with Xbox360/PS3 or we'll have to wait like the last time? And moreover, will the game won't work properly unless you have a 8 core processor?