rajveersingh09 said:Anyone finished Lost and the Damned? I really dont like it i just played 1 or 2 missions then i was like "this sux" found Luis (TboGT) much better
Black_Hawk said:I finished playing LaD and TBoGT last week. The later missions in LaD get better man
rajkumar_pb said:Among TBoGT, and LAD, the Luis is awesome. The missions in LAD became boring after first few missions, as they all looks same. but still worth playing.
Bluffmaster said:I found Lost & Damned to be better than Gay tony but that maybe because I had just finished watching a season of "Sons of Anarchy".
Ethan_Hunt said:I enjoyed The Ballad of Gay Tony over The Lost and Damned. The missions in TBoGT were hilarious and fun. TLaD's missions were pretty dull and overtly serious. Yusuf Amir has to be the best character in all of the 3 games combined.
Bluffmaster said:^I agree on Yusuf being a very memorable character. He is infact one of the best characters in the GTA universe for me. The last mission where he comes out of nowhere in his gold helicopter to save luis was one of the most epic scenes I had encountered in any GTA game that I had played.
Bluffmaster said:I really hope they incorporate the motion scan technology of L.A Noire in the next GTA. That would make the experience truly memorable. GTA games have arguably the best voice acting talent in the gaming industry, just imagine what motionscan would do to a game like GTA. Its going to be tough to incorporate it given the huge scope of the game, but we can only wish and hope that it happens.
Here is something to fuel the rumor mills :
adi_vastava said:How come you forget Roman (and his loved "american titties" ) And the most I like about GTA IV was the first dialogue right after the theme music