The juicy details are as follows:
There once lived to guys in a place far far away, one was Junkie in cyberworld and there was a Saumil who liked singing. They both took it upon themselves to become online racers, and so behold their downfall. They raced and raced in LFS with times of 1:35:00's they thought they were set. Truth be told, they were good, but than again there is always a Prince in every fairy tale.
The prince was Techcheat, the bloke was a naturally gifted racer. He never played LFS, he was just gifted as his car and him had the same soul. So the evil twins spread the word around in Forums challenging the nobody ever heard of Prince (Techcheat) for a duel. They bragged about their times, they declared victory even before the match bell ring. The stage was set, the spectators were in. The bets were placed, but like they say it aint over till the fat lady sings.
Saumil and Cyber were inconsistant, they were fast but their lap times were 1:35:8 followed by a 1:37:00 and the Genius Techcheat was a class apart in consitancy. Lapping in high 1:35's he surged ahead, so much so, sometimes he had to slow down as he didnt find anyone in his rear view mirror. Saumil blamed his controller and took shelter as a spectator once he was outclassed. The stage was set for a final duel, between Cyber and Techcheat. The spectators watched in bated breadth, as Saumil tried to distract Techcheat by typing crap in chat to ensure Techcheat didnt give his best.
Cyber had something else in store, he had a setup that had over 10 kmph more speed than the rookie, great, almighty Techcheat. They both exited corner one and headed down the long straight with Techcheat ahead. But cyber with his setup kept on gaining on Techcheat and probably would have made the corner first by outbraking Techcheat as he had the inside line. However Techcheat pulled of a brilliant move. He braked from 5th a quite a bit earlier but kept accelerating in 4th. Allowing Cyber to pass him and brake to setup the corner thinking he had nailed it, only to find Techcheat taking the inside line and showing him the door.... (The hunter had been hunted)
After that Cyber never saw Techcheat again as he was that far ahead in lead. The Legend of Techcheat was born and talked about. Saumil and Cyber took retirement and were never seen in far far away!
