Car & Bike Halogen headlights in Bike ??

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Good post buddy..

what I belive is its all about the kind of battery installed in your bike. The more powerful your battery the better the light. If you are trying a higher Watt bulb you are only trying to drain more battery no doubt you will get brighter lights. I think the whole system would need a change, starting from a bigger battery a bigger alternator ( correct me if i i am wrong ) to charge the battery.

geek ashish said:
@ Raks

First of all, whiter the light, more useless it is.stick to the 4300K when going for HID
Most chinese ones are 6000K which is bright white.
Bright white h/l is an open invitation to Cops.
White light does not have good penetration. I mean even if a HH splendor with stock bulb comes from opposite direction, you wo'nt see ur h/l beam on road. ( I hope I conveyed my point)


Where do you want the beam spread?? High beam, illuminating distant objects and the road signs 9 mostly useful on Highways, with dividers and lonely rural roads.
Low beam, city riding speeds (<=60 KMPH), 30-40 ft of road good for spotting potholes

In monsoon, wet roads, we feels that low beam is not enough, because, most of the light thrown by h/l is reflected, scattered away from our eyes.

If LOW beam is ur need
1.The cheapest soln is to focus ur h/l nearer, in front of the bike. You need to adjust a screw.
2. put a spot light/fog lamp on the crash guard and focus it exactly where you want it to be. You need a few tries to focus it exactly.
cost 300-500 /-. Don't use it much as it will drain ur battery in 30-40 mins (60W from fog light and 35W from H/L = 95W). If case A, read ahed is true for ur bike, then no worries.
I think this should be best for GS150 as h/l itself is not focused properly.
I had one in my P150, loved it, sometimes i just switched on the fog light and pilot lamps (for tail lamp to glow) .
A. does ur bike's headlight work with engine off?
if yes that means , ur h/l bulb is powered by Battery, not the coil.

In this case, you can go for 60/55 W bulb with a relay circuit.
100/90 would be too much, battery drain and dome heat.

You can go for H.I.D. bulb too.
Philips has nice 4300K car HID kit, costing about 9K. it contains two ballasts, and two bulbs.
You and ur cousin can share it.

B. If not, then you need to rewind ur bike's coil so that it produces higher current and then install 60/55 W bulb. But it's a skilled job and not every mechanic, who claims he can, can not do it right.
Sorry for the lengthy post.
raksrules said:
^^ Right. I have a Unicorn too and its headlight too is not impressive :(

I also think the same... the Unicorn is pure hopeless when it comes to headlight intensity and horn loudness... The horn also is pure useless sometimes.

I second your view that spending a bomb on a light bulb is pretty useless...
Most Indian bikes have useless headlight as no one gives much importance to it.
we look after
F.E > low maintenance > Bhp...

Only P220 F has enough headlight, that is only due to small domes which help in better focus.
Followed by avenger.

@ OP, don't change any electricals yet as ur bike is warranty. these MNCs just need a reason to deny ur claim later. eg YAMAHA R15
ur bike has a digital speedo which is quite costly.

Put a fog lamp on crash guard. if the SVC mechanics are not friendly then remove the lamp b4 giving ur bike to them.

@ thedeadghost
you are absolutely right. I mean you can't draw water at higher rate than it's getting filled in.
In Karizma, one can put 130/100 W bulb and don't worry about battery going flat, because it has the most powerful alternator in India. Though the battery is only 7Ah.
raksrules said:
I own a Suzuki GS 150R and feel that the head light of the same is not upto par. It was always my personal observation. Yesterday my brother called me and he too said the same. Now below are my queries. Please take time and answer them.

1. Is this a known problem acknowledged by suzuki ? If yes then are they gonna replace the lamp ?
2. If not then what option do i we get some better lamps? I have no clue about all this :S
3. Can we replace this but that white bulb / halogen / whatever it is called and if yes then how much will it cost ?
4. Do we need police permission to put that halogen white light ? My bro asked me this hence asking here.
5. Is there any remote possibility of both types of bulbs together in the bike ??? :ashamed:
How old your bike? I remember reading that some GS150R came with an under powered regulator rectifier the same was replaced under warranty.

Owners have reported better headlights after the replacement. Please contract your dealer and ask him about this.
IF the RR part number is SH727AA then you can get replaced under warranty.
i would request you not to use halogen lamps as they almost blind the car drivers in opposite direction.
madnav said:
i would request you not to use halogen lamps as they almost blind the car drivers in opposite direction.
Yeah not going to put a halogen. Yesterday while riding my bike, i had a oncoming scooty (or similar ) bike having halogen white light. I was so blinded that i chose to stop my bike in side and let them go before proceeding.
Hm but then again using the 130/100 w would be bad for your dome. Actually what I have noticed is if a bike is not on DC the only way the headlight performs is when accelerating, otherwise the headlight goes dim, this is not the case with DC wiring. the headlight gives its best when running and even when you stop. I think we must look for a solution where in another battery can be installed and charged to get better lights.

@ thedeadghost
you are absolutely right. I mean you can't draw water at higher rate than it's getting filled in.
In Karizma, one can put 130/100 W bulb and don't worry about battery going flat, because it has the most powerful alternator in India. Though the battery is only 7Ah.[/QUOTE]
Bumping the thread.

@raksrules I've got the same bike purchased used less than 6 months ago. Bike is absolutely great and is a fantastic mile-muncher. But have the same problem of the poor headlights. Almost got me into a couple of serious spots during a couple of night time long rides. Wanted to know what you did to improve this.
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