Harry potter 7 leaked?

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I have one version which was supposedly leaked. 240 pages.

But 2 mins into the book and I could make out it was a fake.

BTW where can I get hold of this new "leaked copy" ??
I got one copy too. Its also 659 pages. Anyways, i dont read parry hotter so no use for me. Some of my friends want it though.

ITs all fake..i too felt it after reading a few pages..its all apublicity stunt actually..:no: Generate more hype..generate more money...and since this is gonna be the last, rowling wanna milk it in every way she cud...:no:
Private Ryan said:
ITs all fake..i too felt it after reading a few pages..its all apublicity stunt actually..:no: Generate more hype..generate more money...and since this is gonna be the last, rowling wanna milk it in every way she cud...:no:

Cmon !!! Dont be so rude :P

JKR or her publishers wouldnt do it. Never.

If they were caught it would be too bad. And honestly, they dont need any more publicity. They have more than they can handle right now.

even in Bangalore, the distributors are surrounded by cops (or maybe private security guards) until they deliver the books to the shops and the shop opens for sales.

I dont think they would do something like this for publicity....
C'mon! I'm already sick of this "Hariya Puttar" mania. Rowling is rolling all over with her dollars earned in the void, created by the absense of grey-matter eaten away by the magical wizards, hobbits and elves.

Eek! <Nausea attacks>
that leaked book is fake

Jk rowlings style of writing is completely different
we can find out just by reading 1 page of it.

She never uses such SLANGish language :P
Kumar said:
then why did u post if u dont like it?
did u read the books?
I'm only exercising my right to the freedom of expression. If I had started another thread titled "Hariya Puttar s*cks" or something along the idea, I would've been called a Puttar-hater and blah-blah. The point is - when I see millions waiting for a seventh in the series, I wonder whether to laugh or ridicule them for being so naive.

It's not even a book(series) for teens, but I've known adults who go ga-ga over the crappy books and even-more-crappy movies. I guess it has to do something with the slave-n-follower mentality of ours. If it's good for Westerners, it must be better for us! NOT!
when I see millions waiting for a seventh in the series, I wonder whether to laugh or ridicule them for being so naive.

Why would it be naive to stand in the queue for a book?Dont people wait for days for movie/cricket tickets? Whats wrong with it?

It's not even a book(series) for teens, but I've known adults who go ga-ga over the crappy books and even-more-crappy movies

who says the books are "ONLY" for children? Does it mean that adults should not read good stuff 'cos its only for children?

Does it meanthat as games(computer or otherwise) are meant for children,adults should not play them according to your logic.

Im 24 and I enjoy the series.does it make me retarded?

I guess it has to do something with the slave-n-follower mentality of ours. If it's good for Westerners, it must be better for us! NOT!

Where does the master - slave mentality come into the picture?

If people fell in for the books just because all others are reading it,its called falling for the hype.Hype alone would not have sustained the huge amount of following the series has for this many years (around 10 years till now IIRC).

Whats wrong with liking something which is genunely good and worth the effort reading?
Kumar said:
Why would it be naive to stand in the queue for a book?Dont people wait for days for movie/cricket tickets? Whats wrong with it?
It's naive and plain stupid to stand in queue for a "seventh in the series". Even movie-goers and cricket-fans are smarter. Seldom do they ponder over the 3rd in a trology or the fifth day in a test match.

It's not your love for the books or reading. It's fanboism - whether you accept it or not.

Kumar said:
who says the books are "ONLY" for children? Does it mean that adults should not read good stuff 'cos its only for children?
I don't see how a 24-25yrs old can actually "enjoy" a book written for pre-teens!

Kumar said:
Does it meanthat as games(computer or otherwise) are meant for children,adults should not play them according to your logic.
Bad analogy.

Kumar said:
Im 24 and I enjoy the series.does it make me retarded?
It does. But no more retarded than a 24yrs old who likes pre-teen kids too.

Kumar said:
Where does the master - slave mentality come into the picture?
You didn't read the second sentence.

Kumar said:
If people fell in for the books just because all others are reading it,its called falling for the hype.Hype alone would not have sustained the huge amount of following the series has for this many years (around 10 years till now IIRC).
Because it's not hype. It's the idiocy of the fanfare.

Kumar said:
Whats wrong with liking something which is genunely good and worth the effort reading?
Should't you be reading Tolkien by now?
saumilsingh said:
You are uninformed :)

And that has nothing to do with whether I like Potter or not.
You don't have to defend your views. It's quite common. Just come out of the closet. ;)
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