Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

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Arudit, just becase you dont like it dosent mean that no one else shud htink likewise.
Please restrain from flaming..
There are many people who think that Harry Potter is for kids. It is not so. The first 2 books in the series were certainly kiddish but the next 3 books were much more mature. People think that is is meant for kids just because it has magic in it. They make it sound like a fairy tale.

But in the HP world, not everything is nice and goody goody. Not every book in the series ends like "They lived happily ever after".

And if you do not like it, please do not read it nor even read this thread. no one is forcing you to. Don't insult the others who do read it and LOVE it.
you delete my post just because i post my views on it. its an open forum and i got RIGHT TO EXPRESSION and i m gonna use it to the fullest.
yup you have a right to expression, and u said it urself, its an open forum, so expression is one thing, flaming is another, and what u posted was flaming :)
And whether you like it or not, TE is run by these people called moderators!! They have the capacity to ban you. So, go ahead, start a flame war. Next time, you may get banned..... You may have the right to expression but they have the right to ban you.
LOL dude, for us to ban any member, they have to do something seriously wrong or seriously against the rules (post p()rn and u get instant ban :P ) so dont worry, continue posting, just make ur not starting a war ;)
Dude.... that is bidding. The real final sale price will be much higher. And they have not given if it is Hardback or paperback.
Harry Potter? :baby: . I suggest you go read a book called The Lord of the Rings.

Harry Potter is just child's-play when compared to LOTR!
@Radon ---- It maybe. I agree with you. LOTR is more mature and more for adults than kids. But HP has it's own charm.

As I keep saying, the first 2 books were very kiddish. But the next 3 books were more mature and serious.

And another difference ---- The HP books are faaaaar more funny than LOTR. LOTR is very dark and depressing. In contrast the HP series are somehwat sunny and cheerful. But the last 3 books were dark and depressing to some extent. But the humour inthe HP series is AWESOME!!!

Nikhil posted 2.03 minutes later:

tifôsi said:
erer....wats this?
iis harry potter a sequence or a are thay six different stories?
It is a sequence of 7 books. 5 have been released. 6th will be released on 16th july.....

7th book ---- no idea....

Try reading them.... they are aweosome. Put aside any previous thouhts abt HP and just pick up the first 3 books and read them. After the first 3, you will find it hard to forget abt the 4th book. You will want to read it very badly...
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I read the HP 1,2 and 3 and boy, it was good. JKR had a real ability to keep her audiences interested all the way. But I must say the books GoF and OotP were too boring. Yes the story and plots was certainly interestin but she had unnecessarily begun draaaggggin the whole story. OotP was unbearable. Hope she wont make a drag out of HBP
But I must say the books GoF and OotP were too boring. Yes the story and plots was certainly interestin but she had unnecessarily begun draaaggggin the whole story. OotP was unbearable. Hope she wont make a drag out of HBP

Bang on target, as I mentioned earlier she should stick to her formula of providing childish entertainment.
^^^ agree.....cursed JKR while reading the first 250 pages of GoF and OofP...but the finish of OotP was gr8 :)
Well I loved the start of OoTP... It was a year since GoF, and I was desperate for more news of Voldemort. Just the way Harry was feeling!!!
But the "hagrid's story" chapter was pathetic. I just skip it during rereads.
Yeah.... HAgrid's stroy was sad.... I also skipped i t during re reads.

And it was 4 yrs since Gof. Not one. And I enjoyed all books. Second was the worst among the best..... fifth was good exceot fior Hagrid's tale and the chapter "Grawp".
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