Hasta la Vista?

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I don't see any reason why DX10 should not work technically on XP

I am pretty sure there'll be a hacked DX10 release for XP sooner rather than later

It's just a question of when a killer-app for Dx10 comes out

edit: Intersting...DX9l is apparently a rebadged DX10 for XP....thanks for the pointer Anish
DX9.0L = DirectX 9 Legacy. (Some people say that 'L' stands for Longhorn, but its not)
DX9.0L is a special version of DirectX 9 for Vista only that allows DX9 games to run with Vista's new driver model.

And BTW, just for you all to know, Aero runs on DX9.0L. Aero is one of the main reasons DX9.0L exists on Vista. This is because DX10 and Aero were developed simultaneously so Aero could not be developed on DX10. A DX10 Aero version is on the cards, but it wont be released with Dec'2007 SP1 for Vista.

And one last thing...
There will be NO DX10.0 FOR XP!!
Check this if you dont believe me.
Microsoft Will Not Release DirectX 10 for Windows XP – ATI.
Justinâ„¢ said:
LOL QF. Nice try ;) It was a wrong article from Inquirer.

Here is the correct one.

DirectX 9.0 L works on Vista only

And about Alky, I know about it already, but its a ISV (Independent Software Vendor). I said not from Microsoft and not from ISV or any open source community.

What Try?? lol...I wasn't trying to contest your claim. :lol:
I knew DX9L will be Vista only but then I searched for it and found that article from TheInquirer. It instantly raised my hopes of playing DX10 games on XP but then I thought WTH, its TheInquirer! So, better provide a source to be safe. :P

Though, that Alky Project looks promising. :D
Awesome discussion going on here.

@RiO: Only reason I moved to Vista was my own judgement. I had not tried any of the earlier beta-RC1-etc releases. My first try with vista was when I got 4GB of ram to play with.

I had decided, If i keep 4GB i use vista, If I use vista, I keep the 4GB. A looped decision, but anyways. I was blown away by the change in functionality from XP-> Vista.

I am a long standing user of XP.... fan boi sort of. I use XP/ Solaris for work, 2003 Ent Edi for a 8 core clovertown machine we have, etc, but when I first tried Vista, I did so with a open mind.

And I found that Vista not only met my expectations of it, but actually managed to wow me with a lot of features (like UC manager, some people hate it... I infact like having the choice at my finger tips to disallow stupid things being done to my system (i love the metaphor you have brought here, city = os)

After using it for 2 weeks, I decided, it was time to invest in my first real software purchase (games don't really qualify as software.)

Decided against Ultimate because the extra features didn't really attract me... Home Premium was good enough for me ATM.

I agree, you specifically mentioned that "some people" are moving to Vista because of peer pressure, but it certainly wasn't me.

@QF: TIQ cannot be trusted even for the fact that "Vista" is a "M$" product. Its hilarious that TIQ contradicts its own "frivolous" statements in a matter of hour with a contradictory article, most of the times by the same author. Many-a-times I have been mislead because of such rubbish articles from TIQ.

@Justin: I whole heartedly agree with you mate. I bought Vista for similar but not exact reasons. I ready a lot of articles about "Vista" being a memory hog.... its simply not that. Vista makes a paradigm shift (atleast considering its a WINDOWS os) by no longer thinking of RAM as a "resource" but instead of as a cache. Would you want cache to be empty? What good is it doing? If the memory management routines are efficient (i believe SP1 will bring in a substantial improvement to Vista) then it doesn't matter how much memory is being used up for cache. As soon as any program demands memory, the memory is "pre empted" and given to the asking program. Otherwise, the cache is used to hold frequently used data/program files which can only lend to speeding up the whole desktop experience.

@Funky: I agree, Vista can be high on power usage... but i believe the laptop manufactures are coming out with new bioses which are making Vista "behave" on laptops. Aero Glass is "obv" a power hog because it activates the 3D part of the accelerator chips. I guess if you enable Superfetch, then it will lend to the power drain as well. These issues should again be addressed with SP1.

@All: As a vista user, I agree, Vista can be a "CPU" hog at times.... most notably, in CSS (a heavily CPU dependent FPS), it is very evident. However, if one has the hardware for it (CPU + GFX), it hardly matters to them. 350Fps vs 300FPS.. big w00t. Also, everyone remember how Windows installation prior to a prepatched SP2 copy used to crash if connected to LAN because of Melissa (did I get the name right?) virus? It wasn't a wonder either. It is only after SP2 that XP because a very reliable OS.



Try as in to fend off vista for some more time. :P hehe.


I am saying the exactly same thing re karan. Whats the use of the memory if its lying free anyways.

BTW, Laptop battery backup duration I think is better on Vista, because Vista uses less hard disk (the biggest battery hogs) in "Power Saver" mode as the cache is utilized more for regular used programs. IMHO.
Me, I checked Vista. UI is cool and has some pretty nifty features but definately a resource hog!

Well, like it or not.. All of us are gonna move on to Vista one way or the other.. Just a matter of time!! :P
one interesting thing though is that it's probably for the first time OEMs like Dell have been able to force M$ to let them keep selling machines with an older OS loaded even after the advent of the replacement OS....

This probably is an indicator of how unaccepting the general computing public has been of Vista
^ 3 of my friends bought Dell notebooks with Vista premium loaded. All three moved back to XP.

2 of them now use Vista transformation pack :P
superczar said:
one interesting thing though is that it's probably for the first time OEMs like Dell have been able to force M$ to let them keep selling machines with an older OS loaded even after the advent of the replacement OS....

This probably is an indicator of how unaccepting the general computing public has been of Vista

A main cause of that was of Nvidia and Ati drivers support for VISTA that made most gamers running on XPS systems with Vista to complain..

Made Dell think twice of touting their gaming series as the ultimate gaming experience !! :P
superczar said:
does anyone remember the hazaar hard time I had with moving to XP on that Vaio C notebook?

With the new Santa Rosa lineup, getting XP drivers or support is a real pain in the neck, that i am sure goin with Vista is the only choice we have...

Else, even drivers for simple things like webcam are non existant for Xp, let along talk abt system drivers!! :(

actually relax...I am sure generic chipset drivers would soon be available for Santa Rosa and the onboard devices would anyway be mostly the same as what's currently in use on XP based systems
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