Hasta la Vista?

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One says gaming, all say gaming. :P

I am playing all sorts of "high end" games on vista, namely, Doom 3, UT2005, FEAR, Far Cry CSS, and STALKER and many more. All are awesome. Nearly all games except CSS needed patches for running on vista. But after I downloaded the patches, all game were awesome.

I am on vista since long (almost 10-11 months) and I have a dual boot system where the other system is XP and I have not booted in XP for long.

So, only five primary reasons you wont love Vista.
1. If you cant download patches, you will hate vista for games. Normal reason: You cant download because you don't have a legit copy. :tongue:
2. You have RAM less than 1 GB.
3. You don't have a basic GFX card.
4. You don't know how to search for ur hardware drivers!!
5. Your favorite application is not yet compatible with Vista.

Vista I think is much much better. Reasons are so many I cant mention. But some are:
1. Much more secure. PROVEN.
2. Speed of booting up and down.
3. Interface.
4. Ease of use and attention to detail. Eg. anyone remembers how many settings it took for a simple headphone to a speaker shift took in XP if you have two audio setups?
5. Less clutter.

Dont want to offend anybody and neither want any flame wars but in my opinion Vista is the best OS from M$. I still dont compare it with any Linux or Mac distro but definitely the best Windows.
Well no ones saying that you cant game on vista ... just that the fps won't match what you get on xp
I had a 6600GT then a 7600GT. They definitely had lower FPS in Vista, but the difference was not that huge. But now with 8800GTX the FPS are now better. That too when I havent checked any DX10 demos.
Yeah it'll be more evident for games that are already on the edge in xp ... for eg oblivion with 6600gt is barely playable at med settings on xp so it'd be almost impossible to game on vista with same settings , won't matter much if you've got a high end card
me doont game much.So im on vista for the past 3 months and love it!

As some one said,it really shines on 2gigs of RAM
Here is a question to ponder upon....XP does all that Vista does and does it faster what would be one good reason why I should plonk down money on it

now I am trying to think of an answer to that..here are a few points I could list:

- Aero: hmm, but isn't the Need for aero debatable

- DX10- I am not a gamer so I wouldn't know..perhaps gamers could throw some more light

- Real time search: Yes, this is one feature that would shut up those XP supporters...but wait, aren't there several good 3rd party apps for XP that do it withot the extensive disk thrashing that Vista does ?

So am still thinking....would be great to have other folks add on to this list
well,most of us (i guess) did buy the OS.

another thing is a VERY GOOD prefetch which works like a charm!
I will revert back to Vista when Tata Indicom releases a wireless driver, no internet on Vista otherwise lol.
To add to that, vista is disaster for laptops. It reduces standby time considerably.

I dont know how much better life the new santa rosa platform will get but it should be big improvement from the reviews. But older lappies like xps1210 suffer a lot under vista.

Its ironic that I am using XP on a laptop with valid vista license. :|

I hope my new dv6500t gives better battery life.

For desktop, i tried and ditched vista, too much resource hogging. I disabled aero, disabled indexing, disabled vista system file protection. Realized i basically disabled all the new things that came with vista :P

Rolled back to xp :P

Thinking of giving x64 version a try as new BOINC release seems to work well with Vista x64 and give good results.

DX10 is not much of an issue at the moment as i dont have DX10 GPU in primary system ;)
Vista is the best OS from M$ so far..ever since I used Vista I forgot that for the last 5 years I was so attached to another OS called XP...its so good that it'll make u feel as if u have been using Vista for so long...and now that u get almost all kinds of Vista compatible drivers so the driver issue can also be sorted out completely...moreover Vista exploits the capabilities of my computer to the fullest...one of the best things I like about Vista is that it automatically fixes problems for u and if it cannot fix the problem then it'll tell u wat u need to do...
Why do I get the feeling most people (not just here) are upgrading to Vista because their friends are, and they don't want the answer to be "no" when someone asks: "are you on Vista yet?" :P

Changing your OS is like moving to another city because you basically have to get set up all over again, and that takes time and effort. You don't move to another city just because everyone you know is moving, you go there unless there's something in it for you ;)

The sole reason I'll be getting Vista (technically, it's not even an upgrade ;)) in future is for DX10 games, and this year the only game that seems worth it is Crysis.
Vista superfetch is the next edition of the windows XP prefetch.

what it basically does is,it analyzes your usagae habits and loads all the stuff you use regularly into the memory while the OS loads up.So when you access that data,it will be readyly available in the memory (thats why vista eats up the available memory-which is a good thing.otherwise the free memory lies there useless)

Coding Horror: Why Does Vista Use All My Memory? <---very good article

Windows Vista's SuperFetch and ReadyBoost Analyzed | Tom's Hardware
i tried vista x64 during the beta stages. liked the cosmetic changes a lot (aero). but even 1 gig ram seemed too small for it. hardly any memory was left for apps to runs properly (especially graphics programs).

after a few months when the os started getting on my nerves due to frequent crashes and slowdowns, and the aero effect had worn off its charm, i switched back to xp x64.

the final version of the os might be a lot better now hopefully, but i don't think i'll switch back to vista. in a year or two, maybe after ms stops giving out service packs for xp i would switch os's. :)
i tried vista x64 during the beta stages. liked the cosmetic changes a lot (aero). but even 1 gig ram seemed too small for it. hardly any memory was left for apps to runs properly (especially graphics programs).

after a few months when the os started getting on my nerves due to frequent crashes and slowdowns, and the aero effect had worn off its charm, i switched back to xp x64.

hey, thats exactly my story albeit with a few differences...I used XP32, switched to Vista 32 OEM...

I am now sic & tired of the slowdowns and crashes but am too friggin lazy to switch back to XP32

The LG C1 is running XP32 though and i prefer to use that over the others

On a side note, I just stumbled on an article (weirdly enough, with the same title.... on NBR...though what Was i thinking, this title is as cliched it can be for any thread/article speculating abt the failure of Vista)

though it seems a little too harsh on Vista, I couldn't help but agree with most of it


I haven't even touched on how nasty the networking interface is in Vista, or how the allegedly "improved" security really isn't a great improvement over XP's after all. The fact of the matter is that Vista is bunk, but more than that, potentially marks a real sea change in the market. I've seen more and more Macs running around on campus at UC San Diego over the past year, and everyone is taking notice. After all, Intel Macs really are FAST. Actual open interest and development of a gaming engine on the Mac platform should be a big sign, too, along with the general distaste OEMs seem to be exhibiting for Vista (note: they sell it because they have to.)

Linux and Mac OS X continue to eat into Microsoft's market share. With Microsoft aggressively trying to force XP out of the marketplace, they leave end users with two essential options: suffer through Vista, or switch to an alternative operating system or platform. While I don't personally endorse or care for Linux, the Ubuntu distribution has been making major headway and seems to be a very hot topic.

Vienna, Microsoft's next Windows, is due in 2009, and amusingly was announced not long after negative public sentiment toward Vista was beginning. Let's hope they get it right this time and actually give us features we need.

I may seem hard on Vista, but I have honestly tried using it on multiple occasions with varying levels of disaster. My sister, anxiously awaiting my finished review of her shiny new Pavilion dv6500, is planning on "downgrading" to XP, finding that some of the programs she needs to run for her business don't run in Vista. I've tried making the jump several times and even championed it in its beta days. But here we are, six months after the fact, and nothing has changed or improved, and I just don't see what can really be done to improve it. We didn't have these problems when XP was released, at least not to this degree. Device drivers weren't a huge deal because XP was really just 2000 with a couple of the good features from Windows ME (yes, they exist) and a shiny new coat of paint. Drivers in Vista are a mess because it was being worked on right up to the deadline, and because it's built on a heavily modified XP codebase that specifically changed how drivers interfaced with the operating system.

Oh well. Here's waiting for Vienna.
If I had the leetest err..latest of hardware, I'd be on Vista the very next day. Its that good and it has enough features to warrant an upgrade. Unfortunately, my current setup sucks for Vista. It simply isn't upto the mark and to be very frank, XP has been able to extract more out of it than Vista. Add to that, a few driver woes and I think I have absolutely no reason to use Vista right now.

I'm hopeful that things will change for the better and the entire windows world will be on Vista one day and scrap XP like a piece of junk just what we did to Win 95. Till then all you vista lovers, please live and let the XP-ites live! :ohyeah:
have never been on vista.. so its almost equal to not ever tried vista.... by the time i try it once, this thread would be old, and then some other OS would have come, so i may start another thread that tiime, saying "Do u wanna bye bye hasta la vista???"

RiO said:
The sole reason I'll be getting Vista (technically, it's not even an upgrade ;)) in future is for DX10 games, and this year the only game that seems worth it is Crysis.
Of course there's gonna be DX9L ;)
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