Sony and Samsung accept the warranty of TVs purchased in Thailand...but not LG. One of my friends bought Samsung TV from Thailand...and here in India...Samsung guys came and installed the TV on calling them...
Sony and Samsung accept the warranty of TVs purchased in Thailand...but not LG. One of my friends bought Samsung TV from Thailand...and here in India...Samsung guys came and installed the TV on calling them...
Sony and Samsung accept the warranty of TVs purchased in Thailand...but not LG. One of my friends bought Samsung TV from Thailand...and here in India...Samsung guys came and installed the TV on calling them...
Just got a UA40D5500 for 19000 THB from Pantip Plaza, none else was offering lower than this.The 47LW5700 was being offered at about 38000 THB with 4 free 3D Glasses and the UA46D7000 was being offered for about 42000 THB ( not sure about the samsung price, I just forgot what he quoted).![]()
Paying through credit card for international transactions also involve mastercard fee and extra bank charges. You may check that at bank's site. If you are paying through cash maybe you can negotiate better discount rate.
No charges are deducted for using CC on any transactions , be it domestic or international.Bank charges will be levied on debit card for making international swipe or ATM transactions.More over charges on debit will be very less and about 20-40 Rs per transaction.
Paying through cash involves either of ATM transaction or FX which will jack up cost more that CC/Debit card usage.
Buddy, any internatonal transaction done on domestic credit/debit card does have transaction charges. for e.g ICICI credit card has 3.5% transaction rate. http://www.b2.icicib...rges%20.html#q3
Airasia has suspended its operation in Delhi and Mumbai![]()
Hi I am visiting Bangkok next week and I want to buy a led tv from there. I want some info would b great if somebody can help
1) suggest a good model for 46 inch led tv non 3d and 3 d both?
2) reg customs @ Hyderabad , will the custom limit be double if 2 people are travelling together I.e. 50000 inr custom exemption on 1 tv or it is 25000 custom limit per product per person. What I want ask is I want to buy 1 tv around 50k inr so how will custom handle considering 2 person are traveling?
3) I have read the complete post for places to buy can somebody suggest the cheapest place to buy genuine product as I am short on time
Would request somebody to provide correct info
Thanks gaurav
if its 2 ppl, ur allowances are combined. i believe so.
Lanny --- still awaiting the location of that sardar shop. Just tell me how far is it from pantip and which direction and which side of the road and how far is the distance walking?
If my guess is right Dubai is better for buying cheaper TV sets than Thailand,I may be wrong.
Can anyone confirm if Samsung, Sony & LG accept the warranty of TV's purchased in Thailand, in India? Do they help with the service of a TV when it is bought from another country?
customs limit will not be combined no matter how many people are travelling! it is clearly specified in the customs duty rules at the airport. for ex.: TV cost 60000; 2 travelers with custom exemption limit of 25000 each, with get a customs exemption of 25000 only and not 50000.
In budget 2012 duty free allowance has been increased to Rs. 35000 from Rs. 25000.
Small clarification: Let's say I buy the LED TV for 35k Thai bhat, will the custom guys ask for bill for 35k and then will convert it into INR to find how much tax I have to pay or will they simply on their own arrive at some INR value?
^^ yes, they ask for the bill and they will ask you the conversion rate. Keep this information with you beforehand, including the price of led tv in INR. Provide info only when asked.
I have read the threads in the post,thanks a lot guys for your information to the new travellers but still i have some doubts can anyone please clarify.I am planning to travel bangkok nextweek with my wife
1.Can i purchase 47inches LG LED TV?Can tv carried to india safely?
2.Do we need to checkin TV's Seperately ? If so how much we have to pay?
3.how to handle the customs? how much they can charge ?
4.Can me and my wife carry 2 TV's?
Please let me know what to do ?