sickizblank said:CPU - Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.66 Ghz - 14,500
Motherboard - EVGA x58 SLI - 17,000
Video Card - EVGA GTX260 (216) x 2 SLI / GTX285 / HD4870X2 - 25,000 (Approx)
RAM - OCZ 6GB Kit (3 x 2GB) DDR3 1600Mhz - 7000
HDD - Western Digital Caviar Black 1 TB - 6500
PSU - Corsair 1000HX - 9000
Case - Antec 1200 - 9000
Screen - Samsung t240HD - 15,000
Speakers - Creative Gigaworks 4.1 - 4500
Mouse - Microsoft IntelliMouse 3.0 - 1600
Surface - SS QcK - 1000
Keyboard - Microsoft Ergonomic 4000 - 2800
Optical Drive - Samsung 20x - 1000
If turns out to be more expensive..
Go for a cheaper screen. (Viewsonic , Benq)
Buy a 3GB Tri Channel Kit
Leave out the speakers for now
Wait for a while , 1 month or so.. price will drop by a decent margin.
Whoah...Thats nearly 120,000 way over my budget...
I dont' really need dual gfx cards...512 mb is enough, but I heard that some of the latest games show some performance issues. If that be the case, are there cheaper gfx cards available that are still 1gb memory?