Help me build a decently high end gaming pc budget (70-100K)

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sickizblank said:
CPU - Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.66 Ghz - 14,500
Motherboard - EVGA x58 SLI - 17,000
Video Card - EVGA GTX260 (216) x 2 SLI / GTX285 / HD4870X2 - 25,000 (Approx)
RAM - OCZ 6GB Kit (3 x 2GB) DDR3 1600Mhz - 7000
HDD - Western Digital Caviar Black 1 TB - 6500
PSU - Corsair 1000HX - 9000
Case - Antec 1200 - 9000
Screen - Samsung t240HD - 15,000
Speakers - Creative Gigaworks 4.1 - 4500
Mouse - Microsoft IntelliMouse 3.0 - 1600
Surface - SS QcK - 1000
Keyboard - Microsoft Ergonomic 4000 - 2800
Optical Drive - Samsung 20x - 1000
If turns out to be more expensive..
Go for a cheaper screen. (Viewsonic , Benq)
Buy a 3GB Tri Channel Kit
Leave out the speakers for now

Wait for a while , 1 month or so.. price will drop by a decent margin.

Whoah...Thats nearly 120,000 way over my budget...

I dont' really need dual gfx cards...512 mb is enough, but I heard that some of the latest games show some performance issues. If that be the case, are there cheaper gfx cards available that are still 1gb memory?
You can always go for a GTX280 who's price is coming down like anything.. will cost you around $250 in a while.. Also you can buy a 3GB DDR3 kit and upgrade later on when you have the cash. =)

Go for a cheaper screen. One around 10,000 to 11,000. You can save much there. I won't recommend a 690 here since it's a mid tower and the new graphics card and stuff are relatively longer than the old ones and thereby recommended you a full tower , so we cannot cut out on that. Maybe get a Thermaltake full tower for like 7500 or so. (Not so sure)

And if you buy next month , i'm quite sure you will save round bout 10,000 more. Trust me. X58's going to be slashed by 2000+ next month.

Price of the Quad's will drop drastically. i7's will also become a little more affordable but don't expect much on that.

Graphics card as always are expected to be cheaper over a period of time.

There is also a rumor that the GTX280 will be shut down due to release of GTX 260 Core216 , GTX285 and GTX295. But yeah that might not be true.. who knows what nVidia has on mind. So overall i recommend you buying your rig in 1st/2nd week of February you will eventually save a lot on the same rig.

Happy Purchasing. =)
eyeatoma said:
Thanks for the tips dude...

About a couple of your suggestions...

Stalker says don't get seagate, so is there a consensus on that? Or is it debatable?

Also whats wrong with viewsonic? They used to really reputable. ..

eyeatoma said:
Hey stalker, thanks for that Delta peripherals webpage...I see taht most of the components are avaialable there, except for the mobo, and sound cards. Are there any other reputable chennai dealers who have websites I can visit? If not any phone numbers for well known shops?

Delta are the most reliable dealers i've come across in Chennai. You could try theitdepot, they tend to have most l33t stuff, though they are more pricey. They are also the distry's for Antec, so if your are getting an Antec cabby you could try driving a hard bargain.

eyeatoma said:
Whoah...Thats nearly 120,000 way over my budget...

I dont' really need dual gfx cards...512 mb is enough, but I heard that some of the latest games show some performance issues. If that be the case, are there cheaper gfx cards available that are still 1gb memory?

Get a single 1GB 4870/GTX260 Core 216.

Games will benefit from the larger frame buffer.
eyeatoma said:
Haha, thanks man...I sense a lil sarcasm, about the url bit, hehe...
hey, no sarcasm :) i was posting from my phone then, i myself could not open another tab, google and give you the link :)
sickizblank said:
You can always go for a GTX280 who's price is coming down like anything.. will cost you around $250 in a while.. Also you can buy a 3GB DDR3 kit and upgrade later on when you have the cash. =)
Go for a cheaper screen. One around 10,000 to 11,000. You can save much there. I won't recommend a 690 here since it's a mid tower and the new graphics card and stuff are relatively longer than the old ones and thereby recommended you a full tower , so we cannot cut out on that. Maybe get a Thermaltake full tower for like 7500 or so. (Not so sure)
And if you buy next month , i'm quite sure you will save round bout 10,000 more. Trust me. X58's going to be slashed by 2000+ next month.
Price of the Quad's will drop drastically. i7's will also become a little more affordable but don't expect much on that.
Graphics card as always are expected to be cheaper over a period of time.
There is also a rumor that the GTX280 will be shut down due to release of GTX 260 Core216 , GTX285 and GTX295. But yeah that might not be true.. who knows what nVidia has on mind. So overall i recommend you buying your rig in 1st/2nd week of February you will eventually save a lot on the same rig.
Happy Purchasing. =)

Wow dude, you've written a veritable novel for me. All your advice is much appreciated, and I'll take being taking what you've recommended in deep consideration prior to purchasing my system. I was planning on buying it in late January, but like you said I might wait a couple more weeks for the prices to come down.
SunnyBoi said:
hey, no sarcasm :) i was posting from my phone then, i myself could not open another tab, google and give you the link :)

Lol...what plan do u use, that has the capability of loading such a bandwidth intensive site...I'm guessing you have an unlimited gprs plan with your cellphone?
uh nope. lappy crashed, roomie's PC locked up. using N95 on wifi with 8Mbps unltd connection :) GPRS too expensive ehre :P

finally lappy fixed :D
Hey guys, just wanted to ask one more question.

In addition to the computer, what would be the cheapest, but best UPS I should purchase for the PC?

I'm willing to shell out some money, but I don't wanna go overboard.

Any suggestions?
sickizblank said:
And if you buy next month , i'm quite sure you will save round bout 10,000 more. Trust me. X58's going to be slashed by 2000+ next month.
Price of the Quad's will drop drastically. i7's will also become a little more affordable but don't expect much on that.
Graphics card as always are expected to be cheaper over a period of time.
There is also a rumor that the GTX280 will be shut down due to release of GTX 260 Core216 , GTX285 and GTX295. But yeah that might not be true.. who knows what nVidia has on mind. So overall i recommend you buying your rig in 1st/2nd week of February you will eventually save a lot on the same rig.
Happy Purchasing. =)

BANG on target....just what I was thinking....gr8 piece of advice... thanks mate!!!
I think v r pretty much sailing in t same boat...Im also planning a game rig of around < 100K...
This is what I have in mind...

ASUS P5Q-E mobo. Gigabite EP45-UD3P is gr8, but I dont know where to buy in chennai...none at Ritchie have UD3P currently. Can get from KMD, but I prefer to get mobos, monitors, cabbys locally. Also, MSI P45 platinum is available at Mahavir's, chennai.

Intel quad core Q6600 or if the price drops a better quad core for 10K to 12K.

G.Skill 800MHz 2x2 GB DDR2 Pi black edition from KMD...I think I got a quote of 3.2K... gr8 pricing...only probs..U need to wait for >-1week for delivery and there is this RMA shipment thing...

Palit HD4870 1GB sonic dual edition... If price of GTX280 drops <20K in 1st or 2nd week of feb, I will grab that. Or else, I will stick with this one.

Hard disks... I thought of getting a raptor for OS and 1TB for storage.... But Ive changed my mind... gonna hit Seagate or WD, two drives... each >500GB... yet to decide on hard disks.

24 inch monitor with 1920x1200 resolution. yet to decide on that too. thought of gettin 26inch AOC monitor for 23,500 from mahavir's, but changed my mind... no good reviews about that 26inch AOC monitor.

Razer lycosa gaming keyboard.
Razer diamond back 3G mouse.
Crosair 750TX SMPS... was given advice to go for lesser wattage. But, I prefer to stick with my choice...
Logitech G51 speakers...
cooler master HAF 932 cabinet.
Samsung 20X dvd writer.

No dilemma in the last six...
My confusion is only with monitor and hard disk...

lemme know what u have decided about your monitor and hard disk...:hap2:

happy purchasing and happy gaming...:hap2:
Can you get the Antec 1200 in Chennai? I've checked the Indian website, and, both don't have it...

The top one mentioned there is the Antec 900.

Also, I've yet to receive some advice on a UPS, could someone please provide me with some suggestions?
sTALKEr said:
^^ stay away from those MSI boards. You could source a gigabyte board through the dealers here on the forums.

any particular reason? If its lack of OC potential, will u recommend it for a non-overclocker?
eyeatoma said:
Can you get the Antec 1200 in Chennai? I've checked the Indian website, and, both don't have it...

The top one mentioned there is the Antec 900.

Also, I've yet to receive some advice on a UPS, could someone please provide me with some suggestions?

Theitdepot are Antect India :P

Call them up.. afaik they have it.. might not have updated thier site. You also have the stackers and CM HAF932 to choose from.

pm 'saiyan' he might be able to get you a good deal on this.

sexysexy123 said:
any particular reason? If its lack of OC potential, will u recommend it for a non-overclocker?

Nothing to do with its OC potential. More to do with build quality.. Or so ive heard from some of the gurus here :) pm apollyon if you want more info on this.
I'm currently compiling the components to build my pc, and the Antec 1200 is out of stock at the IT depot. Apparently it'll only be available late February.

What would be a good alternative to that cabinet. One that would have enough space to accomadate my config?

I read earlier on in the thread that the cooler master HAF was a good choice. Are there any other suggestions?
eyeatoma said:
I'm currently compiling the components to build my pc, and the Antec 1200 is out of stock at the IT depot. Apparently it'll only be available late February.

What would be a good alternative to that cabinet. One that would have enough space to accomadate my config?

I read earlier on in the thread that the cooler master HAF was a good choice. Are there any other suggestions?

CM HAF 932 IS a good choice... :hap2: everywhere, u can find good reviews abt it... :cool2: Ive plans to buy that. Hope guys at Ritchie street dont charge arm and length for it... I hope price shouldnt go above 9.5K... This video from tigerdirect can give u a basic idea...
YouTube - CoolerMaster HAF 932 Full-Tower Case
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