Hey stalker,
I got in touch with Delta, and they gave me a quote which was about 12255, and IT Depot has told me now that they will match it.
Guess, you were right about the prices being inflated over there.
Now, if I were to go for a Core2Quad, what would be the processor I should go for. Obviously the top of the line right?
Can you recommend a couple of motherboards I could decide between, and how much RAM would I require. Please only list the ones that would be available in India, and not through KMD. It would be great if you could include the prices for the cpu/mobo's and corresponding ram.
Like I said before, the main reason I wanted to go for the i7 was that, it seems like the i7 will become Intel's flagship processor for the next couple of years, just like the Core2Quad has been. The fact that it utilizes a completely different architecture which requires a specifically designed MOBO is key. How much longer will I be able to upgrade a core2quad. Once its phased out, the architecture on the i7 and the complementary mobo's would take center stage. This is where I would lose out...I would have to get an entirely new mobo if the next upgrade after a Core2Quad would have to be an i7, or another processor that employs the same architecture, or at least the same mobo.