Help me build a decently high end gaming pc budget (70-100K)

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^^ You don't need a credit card.

Just find your stuff over @ newegg/amazon , PM him the link he will then reply you with a price quote and then you need to pay that particular amount into his bank account.

Once it's done , pm him back and he will ship you your stuff and give warranty on it too. :)
LOL, sounds kinda sketcy, its my mom who's paying the money, and I'm paying her back over a couple of months. I doubt she would want to do that...even though I'm sure its completely legitimate, with tons of posters doing it here...

HOw about the stuff I asked in my last post...any ideas about indian availability for all those products?
^^Mainly about the ram, and the hard disk drive...

How is the Hitachi Deskstar 7200 rpm?

and the 1033 mhz corsair, is that alright? How much performance loss will I notice, if any?
Oh, and most importantly, I need a contact for finding the Dell S2409W...

Would calling Dell be enough? Do they sell it over the phone?
^^^yes that will be enuf, but either you will need to send them a DD or pay through credit card....but as I said earlier, with 1.3lakhs you are getting just a low end i7 setup whereas with much less or the same amount you can get the best of C2Q with the best of graphic card which will have a longer life IMO....

I dont know if you are getting the frequency right, but between 1066 and 1033 Mhz you wont find any noticeable difference in performance.....but thats not DDR3 frequency we are talking about.....
Stay away from Core i7 for now. You would be much better off in buying a mid-high end system and indulging in regular upgrades(like once every 6 months).

For the same overall expense you would be able to have a consistently high performing rig.

Take a look at the 4870 deal that has running. Its for just 12.8k. Thats low enough for you to even consider a crossfire setup considering that you are ready to spend 22k for a GTX260.

Also, i would recommend that you stay away from the seagate 7200.11 series. Just take a look at hte 'Storage Solutions' section here for further proof on this.

Also, another major point i would like to mention... Try and get quotations from a couple of other dealers too. Preferably Delta Peripherals & Mahavir Computers on Ritchie street. I'm pretty confident that you'll manage to save some dough. Theitdepot has a long standing reputation of overcharging.
Hmmm, ya I might take a look at the Core2quad after gettign the absolute final quote.

As far as Delta Pheripherals goes, I have tried contacting them using all 3 numbers on their website an none of them ever work. It just keeps ringing, with no one ever picking up. Sometimes the line is busy, and I call again, its just ringing, with no answer. Absolutely rediculous. I can't get a quote if I can't get in touch with these guys. Anyone have a number that they've used taht actually works? Maybe the direct line of the manager or something?
Hmm, I might very well look into the C2D if after getting the absolute final quote from the IT Depot.

As far as Delta goes, I've tried calling all there numbers that are listed on their webpage, but no one ever picks up. I've called them tons of times, and sometimes its busy, then it goes back to ringing, with no answer. Its absolutely ridiculous, where are these guys? HOw am I supposed to get a quote if I cant get some one to answer the phone haha...

ANyone have a number that actually works....One that they've used? Possibly the direct line to a manager or something?
CPU/MoBo Any Good Quad with e45 mobo ~ Rs.15k

RAM: GSkill Pi Ram 800Mhz (2x2GB) - 3100

GPU: GTX295 : Huge Performance Increase over ANY of the latest gfx cards at ANY Resolution Rs.31550 via KMD

HDD - Western Digital Caviar Black 1 TB - 6500

PSU - TAGAN 800W Modular- 7500

Case - Antec 1200 - 9000

Screen - Samsung t240HD - 15,000

Speakers - Logitech Z2300- 7300

Mouse - Microsoft IntelliMouse 3.0 - 1600

Surface - SS QcK - 1000

Keyboard - Microsoft Ergonomic 4000 - 2800

Optical Drive - Samsung 22x - 1200

[[[Remember: The Most Vital Part of the System = Audio, Video -> Hence go for best Speakers and Best Graphic Card]]]
^^ Now that you have 35 posts, you'll be able to edit your posts. Please try not to double post henceforth and use the edit option.

Unlike Theitdepot, Delta is more of an old school store on Ritchie.. calling them on the phone is pointless. You will need to walk into thier store to get a proper quote.

very nice combo.... but yes u shud go for

RAM: 3GB kit

GPU: GTX295 : Huge Performance Increase over any of the latest gfx cards

where exactly are you getting these prices from? the one you've quoted for the corsair psu is frankly bs. and even the rest kinda look fishy.

The corsair psu retails for some 13-14k

Also, the gtx295 does not have a HUGE difference.. afaik its barely 15-20% and there is MUCH higher price premium to be paid.
Hey stalker,

I got in touch with Delta, and they gave me a quote which was about 12255, and IT Depot has told me now that they will match it.

Guess, you were right about the prices being inflated over there.

Now, if I were to go for a Core2Quad, what would be the processor I should go for. Obviously the top of the line right?

Can you recommend a couple of motherboards I could decide between, and how much RAM would I require. Please only list the ones that would be available in India, and not through KMD. It would be great if you could include the prices for the cpu/mobo's and corresponding ram.

Like I said before, the main reason I wanted to go for the i7 was that, it seems like the i7 will become Intel's flagship processor for the next couple of years, just like the Core2Quad has been. The fact that it utilizes a completely different architecture which requires a specifically designed MOBO is key. How much longer will I be able to upgrade a core2quad. Once its phased out, the architecture on the i7 and the complementary mobo's would take center stage. This is where I would lose out...I would have to get an entirely new mobo if the next upgrade after a Core2Quad would have to be an i7, or another processor that employs the same architecture, or at least the same mobo.
Hey guys

This is what my final rig is going to look like. I just wanted to know if anyone notices any compatability issues. If not, I'm going to give the go ahead to purchase this system tomorrow.

Intel core i7-920

EVGA 132-BL-E758-A1 LGA 1366 Intel X58 ATX Intel Motherboard

CORSAIR XMS3 6GB (3 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666)

HITACHI Deskstar 7K1000 HDS721010KLA330 (0A35155) 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive

SONY DVD -R 20X or the Samsung 22X

Coolermaster HAF 932

Tagan BZ800 PSU


APC (UPS) BR800-IN (800 VA)

EVGA GTX CORE 260 216 55nm super clocked Edition

WINDOWS VISTA Home Premium 64 Bit

Creative Soundblaster XtremeGamer

Logitech G3 Gaming Desktop, or The Microsoft Comfort Curve
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