Alright, I think I will take a chance with the Redgear. Not looking to get a USB A hub, instead planning to go with a USB C to A hub since it's the least used port on my laptop anyway (apart from a DAC being connected to it 24x7 lol), and I require a SD Card adapter as well. If the quality, or connection, is not up to the point, then I guess I'll just have to refund the long way about and then go for the Series controller. But only if the controller doesn't play well, and I hope my luck doesn't screw me over too hard. Thanks a lot for helping me out!You're welcome
The pair that I ordered in 2018 had better build quality than 2021. I never saw any drops in the 2018 version but once in one hour or two in the 2021 version. If you keep the USB dongle well exposed, you won't get any drops.
I use a TPLink USB3 hub with two 2.4GHz dongles and one USB WiFi dongle, works fine for me.
They go for sale rather frequently, I bought them for 1445 last month.
Regarding the return option. That isn't available but you need to call the customer care, explain that you're having such and such problems and the product isn't upto the mark. I told them they shouldn't even be selling such a low quality product. They told that refund option will only open after 2 replacement. I told them keep them coming, they shipped new controllers, I again initial return. The second time refund option opened up.