Help me decide my life

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Dude, you serisouly lack knowledge about opportunities out there.

Im currently 2nd year Engg. had dropped a year for preparing for engg entrance. and i have history behind me as well, had gloriously wasted time on Computers and stuff, i was kinda where you are right now. im 19.916 years old. i can only claim to have knowledge about the "engneering path" to employment, engg entrance exams, colleges etc.

My perceptions based on currently trends as i see in my (engineering)college and elsewhere

1) its true drop for more than 1 year does affect your placements, but not much. MS dosen't permit even 1 year dropouts(like me). 2 years drop, well, you might face problems in some companies, but you know what during placements companies set criterias, the company that comes first is usually obliged to set no/min restrictions while recruiting. thats there in almost every college. And being a hotshot that you are, youll be the first one recruited provided you just pass in college. so dont worry about that. and fk that. look at who you are competing with in college ? people who have absolutely no knowledge in computers and stuff. even after the useless training they get in coll, they dont really get to the standard you probably are right now.

dropping years usually make people blunt, and people dont end up improving their performance in entrance exams anyway. you probably spend a lot of time on comps. are not commited to timetables or even yourself. you will have trouble in engg colleges, you will have to tame yourself, but that happens anyway jab gaand mein danda hota hai. but as i see it, engg line is probably safest and ideal way to get unemployed to even super high flying jobs. chill you wont die even if you do drop a year. get into some good company of students, or some bad ass coching insti preferable away from home.

2) You should be more informed about colleges. you missed the peak time for admissions. you should get admission in good college. Colleges are important because they attract good companies. So very important to do background check on colleges, through phone, seniors, ORKUT!
dont give much importance to the best list from the internet, thats crap. talk to real people in colleges.
you really shock me ... :(

3) you are CS/IT/IS/Electronics material. dont get into any other branch
heck come over to yahoo or msn we can talk. anuragrulez at anuragojha on MSN Stark Contrast on orkut
akshitmohan said:
Relax. Visit a counsellor. Put your age ego aside. Sit down for a day. Relax. Go for a walk in a park or something.

I'm 15 myself, here's what I feel you should do-
1. Don't join any crap college.
2. Join a 1 yer program at an IITJEE tuiton place. Study your ass off.
3. Try doing 2-3 courses like say JAVA/Oracle ... a CCNA would be damn good for your resume..
4. Once you're through with the courses, work your socks off. Think no lower than the god damn IITs. Give it your best shot. I know its easy to say that, but if you have the friggin determination, you can bloody well do it. Have a fixed routine. Don't worry bud, you'll get into a good place. And age is just a friggin number. As long as you know you're good enough, you should be happy. You get into a good engineering place, recruitment won' be a problem whether you're 20 or bloody 30.

PS : You said you gave your SATs right ? What happened there ?

my friend and i appeared for sat and toefl cleared both .. he applied for the fall session and i saw he was gettig zero grants, so i didnt even bothered applying with everything on paper ready. spending 15lac + every year for a better univ there wasnt just my piece of cake.

alien > i'm buzzin ya right ahead.

i'm seriously having issues.
nikhil wht bout the first link Sait one..
How can you just "not give" your SAT and TOEFL if you've studied for em ?

How much did you get in your 12th boards ?

Apply for CANADA/Australia/UK !! Much much cheaper than the US ...
I gave my SAT and TOEFL.... papers everything ready.toefl score was delayed thts y saw my frnd not gettin thrugh i decided not to aply for colleges.
yeah thts right i did my exams but didnt applied in colleges due to the fact i saw my frnd not gettin thorough applying before me in the same colleges.
I finished my 10th when i was 15 , went in 11th then in 12th i dropped to appear in SAT and in 12th i appeared in exam sat and stuffs karnataka cet but missed out AIEEE.

now as i had told you some of might know i'm studying in nagpur well what happened is due to some high court decisions pending and a 4th and 5th round counselling my admisson was delayed "i payed my fees though".

now there was a high court stuff happening in maharashtra and they have got order to deny all the admission who didnt wrote AIEEE.and today i got to know tht i wont be admitted and 10 students are going out too.. they have agreed to return the fees.

now heres what the problem I CANT afford to loose another year. its impossible for me to waste 2 years seeing my frnds goin in third year and i'm in first year is not what i can do being a first boy of my school.
i dont know what to do i'm utterly disappointed with my life and i want to leave if i loose 2 year NO COMPANY is gonna take me i'm already 18+. so before only having a job i'm jobless.i'm hopeless not worthy of anything and i have 2 choices left.

1> waste another year "not possible even if i did i'll die mentally"and no company will take me.
2> leave home give up studies and leave up everything i'll be happy working in a tea shop rather than accepting this kind of stuff.recently my parents are seriously worried too and it has led to some arguments often and i have decided to cut all ties with them too.


It's not about missing a few years in life .. its about not missing ur life .. 2 years short with ur studies shouldn't change the person ur ... u never know ... keep ur dreams alive dude ... just go on with life as it comes ... i have friends who took over 3 years just to decide what they'll study ... infact my gf lost 2 years , just because she didn't like the college's (now we're in the same :D) .... just remind urself what u must do ...
aElien said:
Dude, you serisouly lack knowledge about opportunities out there.

Im currently 2nd year Engg. had dropped a year for preparing for engg entrance. and i have history behind me as well, had gloriously wasted time on Computers and stuff, i was kinda where you are right now. im 19.916 years old. i can only claim to have knowledge about the "engneering path" to employment, engg entrance exams, colleges etc.

My perceptions based on currently trends as i see in my (engineering)college and elsewhere

1) its true drop for more than 1 year does affect your placements, but not much. MS dosen't permit even 1 year dropouts(like me). 2 years drop, well, you might face problems in some companies, but you know what during placements companies set criterias, the company that comes first is usually obliged to set no/min restrictions while recruiting. thats there in almost every college. And being a hotshot that you are, youll be the first one recruited provided you just pass in college. so dont worry about that. and fk that. look at who you are competing with in college ? people who have absolutely no knowledge in computers and stuff. even after the useless training they get in coll, they dont really get to the standard you probably are right now.

dropping years usually make people blunt, and people dont end up improving their performance in entrance exams anyway. you probably spend a lot of time on comps. are not commited to timetables or even yourself. you will have trouble in engg colleges, you will have to tame yourself, but that happens anyway jab gaand mein danda hota hai. but as i see it, engg line is probably safest and ideal way to get unemployed to even super high flying jobs. chill you wont die even if you do drop a year. get into some good company of students, or some bad ass coching insti preferable away from home.

2) You should be more informed about colleges. you missed the peak time for admissions. you should get admission in good college. Colleges are important because they attract good companies. So very important to do background check on colleges, through phone, seniors, ORKUT!
dont give much importance to the best list from the internet, thats crap. talk to real people in colleges.
you really shock me ... :(

3) you are CS/IT/IS/Electronics material. dont get into any other branch
heck come over to yahoo or msn we can talk. anuragrulez at anuragojha on MSN Stark Contrast on orkut

errr dude,

x86 hasnt dropped a year IN ENGG....he has dropped a total of 2 yrs before engg....

that wont make an iota of difference.....
x86 said:
bangalore peeps what shud i do select :: Welcome to SAMBHRAM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY -> About Us :: or sit a year and get in somewhere good one??
pls do tell me.

Sorry couldnt reply to your message on MSN. I wasnt online.... And Sambhram isnt good..... again, not worth it.....
x86 hasnt dropped a year IN ENGG....he has dropped a total of 2 yrs before engg....

>> yes i meant "before engg" in "engg preps". As of yet he has dropped 1 year.
yes....but that wont have an effect on his placements.

Companies only are concerned that the student shouldnt have taken a break DURING engg....

Coz many times due to financial constraints students take a break.... abroad, not everyone goes to college immediately after high school.....many of the work for a few years to put themselves through college...

I am dead sure no company will care if you have wasted 1 or 2 years BEFORE engineering..... Least of all MS which is an American company
Hmm thanks for providing me the support peoplesm i'm grateful.
hers my small question now, through a counsellor as per he told me can arrange some seat in mechanical and might be IT in dayanand sagar or BIT , now thing is that he told me he'll switch me to CS stream next year.
shud i take the risk provided already > 1 month of classes have been over and semester exams not tht far.this decision is another critical one.

now if i dont take up what type of course from which kind of institution wud be best suited for me for this one year ,NET? JAVA?
Mechanical in BIT is quite decent. If you do well, you have lots and lots of placements...... Mostly in companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS and so on.....

The placement in BIt is quite ok..... Dayanand Sagar is also supposed to be quite decent. Not as good as BIT though...
Nikhil i dun wanna study anythin except CS....
I'm getting two options dayanand sagar and BIT anyone Mech or Information science but the counseloor is not telling me which one wud be possible.
asking 3l and he told me tht he'll change me next year.[i'm a bit doubtful on this]
shud i take the risk?

and in CS he told me arnd 6l or so not possbie imho.
Not sure, about between BIT (Pilani/Goa) and everything except IIT and DCE there may be quite a lot of difference. I am not sure whether it was BIT or BITS, but IIT comes first, second comes BIT or BITS, not sure which and third is DCE.

I doubt dayand sagar university even comes near these 2.

If you have the money then no problem. But I feel that capitation colleges are generally crap and if somebody asks just 6lac for engineering then that is an utterly crap college.

I would rather drop a yr or look out for a better college.
6lacs is way too much....

its not a whole year nw is it....a few months of good study n u will be on track in a good college...If you are reasonably confident dont blow 6lacs brother...

I mean seriously...6lacs for an engg seat is insane...
if you want an engineering seat even in a not top of the line college like Manipal I think the rates are 10-15lac if not more just for donation.
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