Help me decide my life

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10-15lac if not more, for Manipal as I mentioned.

Anyway, donation colleges just aren't worth it.

Rather get scholarship and go abroad, that it is a far easier task.
I'm sorry I didn't read all the 3 pages but whatever I could understand from what your issues are and the suggestions being made, in the first 1 & a half pages..I'd like to tell you a true story about one of my very good pals..We both are from College of Business Studies (CBS), DU..

Well he joined CBS in 2000 & I, in 2002..Both of us graduated in '05 (He basically lost 2 years)..He got a better job (paying, learning, brandname..) than 90% of the students placed..Worked for an year and he's in IIM-Lucknow right now!!
Do I need say more?

One of the most inspirational lines I've heard & I'd like to share here..
From the song "Everyone's Free (to wear Sunscreen)" by Baz Lurhmann::
" Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself."

So stay focussed & remember there's only one way forward!!

dont worry so much dude...

Say you pay 3 lakhs and go to BIT or Dayanand Sagar, if you work very very hard in first year, you can apply for Branch change after 2 semesters.

The syllabus for first 2 semesters is same for ALL branches of engg under VTU.

It is only from 3rd sem that it changes somewhat.

I know a few guys who were in mech for the first 2 sems and then applied for branch change and got through.

You need to score very well in first 2 semesters for branch change. IF you do score well, you stand a very good chance of getting a branch change.

This is for BIT where I study. It may be similar in Dayanand Sagar also
naaah....that is the famous BIT...

Mine is Bangalore Institute of Technology..... One of the better colleges in Bangalore (or at least that is what I was told when I wanted to join).... in placements though, BIT is quite good.... most of the big companies come here
Friend, dont be so dejected with your life. try to make the best of the situation. You cannot just leave everything like that. Disappointments happen in life. As I see it you have two options.

1. If you think that you can make it to an IIT/IIIT/NIT if you drop a year, then do it.

2. Take up admission at some college for any computers or electronics branch if you can manage it, study hard complete your bachelors and try to get into an IIT/IIIT or NIT for M.Tech or a B-School for MBA.

I would advise you to go for the second option if you can.

I myself lost an year due to health problems after I joined Engg. But I completed my B.Tech, got admission for M.Tech in a IIIT, completed it and managed to secure a good job from the campus in the first attempt and I have a very good reputation and a good salary in my company due to my techsavy nature. If you can prove yourself to the companies they will definitely accept you. besides your not getting admission now is really not your fault at all, right?

I have many friends who have come up in life from bad situations.

so cheer up...!!! Dont think about the past or future too much :hap5: , think about the present. :hap2:
Nikhil said:
dont worry so much dude...

Say you pay 3 lakhs and go to BIT or Dayanand Sagar, if you work very very hard in first year, you can apply for Branch change after 2 semesters.

The syllabus for first 2 semesters is same for ALL branches of engg under VTU.

It is only from 3rd sem that it changes somewhat.

I know a few guys who were in mech for the first 2 sems and then applied for branch change and got through.

You need to score very well in first 2 semesters for branch change. IF you do score well, you stand a very good chance of getting a branch change.

This is for BIT where I study. It may be similar in Dayanand Sagar also


I had a long long long discussion with my dad today.

He said if i'm confident enough that i can change it next year then let it be like that.

Now see problem is classes have already begun right ? atleast a month or so over so it'll be tuff for me to score a ditto type of score in first sem, and I wont study Mech engg at any cost. I'm all for comp from class 8 cant change the way i want it to be.

So nikhil all I am asking is what will be feasible for me thers no way my dad will spend 6 lacs here for me on donation.Is it feasible to take the risk or to do a >net or java certification and prepare for next time.
Cuz next time the counsellor told me even if i didnt manage to get a good rank if i get in touch from february , he can do the same college for me even MIT , pune around 2lac.Plus i'll be tryin for a cochin college too, thanks to alien.

so what will be better for me? My problem right now is my Ego, which is crumbling my heart and giving butterflies in my tummy everytime i talk with my

so do temme...wht will be better. :)

all i want is a good college and some VERY GOOD exposure!! so that i can show what i can do!.obviously CS.
Do you think you can slog your ass for the next one year after joining engg ??

If you think you can slog your ass for one year, you can easily get 70% above which will help you get a branch change.

See, in first year, you wont be in Mechanical branch per se as all engg students study the EXACT same thing for the first year. That is why branch change is allowed after 2nd Sem..... that is when you start specialising...
Yes i know that but internal exams are on 15th oct.
Plus see i dont even know much of graphics and stuffs like those which my fridns said much syllabus already covered > 1 month class over.
when does class starts in BIT?

dont u think it'll be a problem for me? to carry on with? and if by chance i didnt get 70% then i'll be screwed as hell...
graphics is easy man....not much in it.

And one month is can cover it up oif you want to..

In the end it all comes back to YOU. IF you study hard and IF you concentrate in class and IF you do well in exams, you will get superb marks.

It is all down to you.... If you work hard ,you will reap the rewards...
Well Nikhil see based on the thing i'm not quite successful so far i know i can make it but will it be better to take a risk like that when exams are within 2 months?

The thing i'm saying is merely if i got a comp science then i wudnt have thought twice but what if due to some bad circumstances i didnt managed to get this CS for next year . i'll be a dead meat.

so do you really suggest to go for this provided all these facts? and i wanna study absolutely CS and nothing else and by no way i can jeopardise my choice of subject..if i didnt manage ot get CS next year change from mech then notonly i'll loose a year but also 3l + 1 years fees.. so what shud i do based on these facts?
also not to forget it'll take atleast 15 days for me to goot bangalore from now now its festival goin on tickets all booked and stuffs a minimum of 10 days for sure..soi won even be able to attend the internal exam perhaps.
Not attending the internals isnt something to worry abt....

There are 3 internals and the marks are taken from your best 2......

Most people write the first 2 internals and score high and dont wrte the third.... you can write the 2nd and 3rd internals itself...

Anyway the safer option would be to skip a year and do some Java or some other course for one year and get into an IIT/NIT next year (you need to slog your ass of dude.... no playing the fool around )
lol anyone? what'l be suitable for me.. to do which will bring weight to my profile and i want some serious weight.
AFAIK Certifications and stuff have no value for Engg graduate in campus interviews. because the companies that come to recruit/mass recruit dont expect anyone to possess that kinda qualifications. Even if you do get some certificate(which the COs will hold of no value) you will be trained again when you join up a CO in stuff that really matter.

i think what they value more is real job ex, now to persue that if you join up some program then its fine. i think Job Ex counts.

i know guys who have done GNIITs 3 years course and what not and still not placed. But i know fr sure some guys who had done diploma and did some work, and then joined this coll through lateral entry direct to 2nd year, they will surely get more preference than the rest.
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