Help me decide my life

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aElien said:
AFAIK Certifications and stuff have no value for Engg graduate in campus interviews. because the companies that come to recruit/mass recruit dont expect anyone to possess that kinda qualifications. Even if you do get some certificate(which the COs will hold of no value) you will be trained again when you join up a CO in stuff that really matter.

i know guys who have done GNIITs 3 years course and what not and still not placed. But i know fr sure some guys who had done diploma and did some work, and then joined this coll through lateral entry direct to 2nd year, they will surely get more preference than the rest.
Very true, no matter how many courses you go through , an engg degree will still have more value than those courses.
DOnt think too much you idiot. Go ahead and join the college instead of waiting for something that you are just only probable to get. If the college is a decent one with affiliation to a good university, no one is going to give a crap what college you joined once you are done with the course. Regarding the placements - you can apply to companies directly. You dont have to rely on the college itself to join it.

Some of my friends here in my college couldnt pass some of the interviews in companies like TCS, Infy. But they applied directly to some other MNCs and got through the interviews and are now placed.
I dont get it...U should have confidence in urself... Go get the admission in BIT..slog ur ass and get a branch change.. Whats so difficult about that ?? Think ur life is hanging on this and u will study good..

I dont get it seriously... Why are u so afraid.. ?? Its all in your dont be afraid.. Get the damm admission because its a good institute...

Regarding ur comp. sci. shit... See it does not matter what branch u take.. It matters where ur interests lie.. U wont believe but more than 50% of soft. engg. are not CS/IT guys. I have seen civil/mech guys get into very good comp. Its aptitude and attitude that matters.

Dont be afraid and get the admission. Slog and get the branch change. If u dont study hard then even Mech is not bad. Keep ur comp. stuff going or do some courses side by side and also keep improving ur aptitude. Also not to mention keep ur engg. scores good and some good company will pick u up from campus.

So leave all the 10 days late and this and that bullshit aside. those are all logistics and can be managed. I am sure u must have studied some thing in Nagpur till ur admission got cancelled.

This decision will define ur attitude. So have faith in urself and believe that u are going to make it to CS and get going. There is no point...i repeat no point in staying put for one more yr. and getting frustrated.

Trust nikhil when he says if u study hard and get good scores then u can have the branch changed.
BTW, BIT is not the Birla Institute of Technology but Bangalore Institute of Technology..... One of the better colleges in Bangalore but not in the league of the BITS Pilani and all :P
Josh no i didnt studied a single day in nagpur becuz 4th and 5th round counselling got kicked in for 2 weeks.

and guys... tomorrowq as per my counsellor said i'll confirm SIT i guess? right decision right? i hope the seat is there till tomorrow :P .
tu pagal hogaya hai kya??????
dont even think about leaving home or cutting off wid ur parents!!
how can u even think about dat...
bachapan se abhi tak they hav supported u n now u jus think of cutting of ties wid them jus cos of sum arguments.....!!!!!
dats ver ysilly writankar!!
dont even u think about dat..
as for college.. dont wry about it.... sab theek hojayega.. koi na koi hal jaroor nikal ayega.. i will also inquire about admissions dont wry...
yeah sumeet .. do lemme kno if thers any stone left unturned. i'll call u and talk wit u wanna talk now? lol
aElien said:
AFAIK Certifications and stuff have no value for Engg graduate in campus interviews. because the companies that come to recruit/mass recruit dont expect anyone to possess that kinda qualifications. Even if you do get some certificate(which the COs will hold of no value) you will be trained again when you join up a CO in stuff that really matter.

i think what they value more is real job ex, now to persue that if you join up some program then its fine. i think Job Ex counts.

i know guys who have done GNIITs 3 years course and what not and still not placed. But i know fr sure some guys who had done diploma and did some work, and then joined this coll through lateral entry direct to 2nd year, they will surely get more preference than the rest.

True that certifications dont have much value in campus recruitments in India but they certainly hold a lot of value abroad. My friends have been placed with simple BSc degees but with value added certifications and experience in excellent companies like Accenture.
One of my relative's friend - who did his BSc in statistics and now is a CCNP ( cisco certified professional) and earns Rs 65K + a month in bangalore in a network security company.

Certifications certainly help you a lot especially if they are from globally recognized firms.
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