SPREAD THE INFORMATION GUYs.... show this companys wat our beloved medium can do against such things..
spread the LINKS, BLOG IT.. do whatever u can to make this a good initiative for the consumers
check the blog link here
This incident happend around 3 days back.
i was @ my friend`s place @ Seawoods (Navi Mumbai-Maharashtra) for studying purpose as our exams were suppose to start soon (startin from tomorrow).
as you all know studyin takes all that bit of energy left in your body, me and my friends decided to rejuvenate ourselves with some tasty food.
for the same we went to a local Reliance Fresh Outlet (a Mukesh Ambani initiative) for shopping and started pickup up things that we wanted to HOG on

while movin through the pile of foodload of stuffs, somehow we landed in front of a section which said 50% off on everything present here. it had all those canned Juices By Real & Dabur, some tangy aachars (pickle) and many other stuff. things that caught my eyeballs were the Canned Juice Packs.
we purchased around 10 of them to satisfy our gastronomic needs while pondering on freshly prepared yummy tomato maggi.
So... we all started eatin maggi and there popped an idea of openin a chilled can of Dabur Juice to sipp on...
so i peeled of the covers of 2 such cans and me n my friend started sippin them in... the taste was like some serious snake poison or something (i havnt tasted that though)... we realised that something was fishy there...
i started looking for the expiry thing.. and guess what the part of the product tat talks about the maximum time it has before consumption was hidden under the TAG applied by reliance fresh (wat an idea sirji :no: ).. i peeled that tag off and .....................
Kahani Main twist
the product had expired 12 days back... then i started lookin for other cans of juice.. to my sheer surprise all of them had expired (4) or were near to expiry (i.e 2-3 days to be expired) 6.
above on that wat concerned us was that we had consumed some expired shit half a can each...
time to ask some questions now
we approached that reliance fresh outlet again in a few minutes and asked for the manager to be presented in front of us. the manager barged out of his office and asked us to go to freakin FDA if we wan2, but nothing can be done from his side. he actually threatened us saying nothing would be done against us in this BS country...
next logical thing for me to do was not to take his bull-crap @ face and give him a befitting reply. i started informing each and every customer present there about this ordeal and this made the manager go crazy under his nuts...
HE said sorry (totally not genuine) with loads of anguish in his voice, snatched all the packets that we had of expired products (i still managed to snatch one back as i have the bill for the same ) and asked us to leave...
somehow i managed to make him say sorry to all the customers on behalf of reliance fresh for such a lame attitude towards customers (arm twisting-quite a bit)..
first he starts by sayin " the customers here have found some expired products @ reliance fresh ".. I stopped him there itself and asked him to recorrect his statement as we had not found the product in the warehouse lying expired but it was billed and sold to us... and he gave a fraked up apology..
i made him remove all the items that were near expiry or had already expired from that 50% off shelf and left from there, which he oblidged for with loads of low voice frowning on me.
also we made him remove earlier TAG that just showed 50% off and put another informative tag that said
'the products are near expiry,hence 50%, kindly consume fast'
after going thru this whole s-hit and consuming half a can of expired poisonous stuff, i cant just let this thing passss ....
above on that the rude behaviour of the manager and ignorance shown by the other consumers make me feel more frustrated about this. not even one of the consumers (except one old man, who thanked me for the courage shown- south indian uncle) tried to voice their opinion with me.
what can be done and what should be done about such a RELIANCE OUTLET.. bloody looters and may be killers.. (how many small childrens might have consumed that drink seein 50% off on them)
kindly guide guys..
i have the Bill and a sample juice can (that i snatched back) with all the reliance seal and tags present on it.
what should be done to make this RELIANCE learn a lesson ???