Are you condemning the atrocities towards humans done by the cow terrorists? Or that is cool. Coz you know, Go mata is the bomb.
Looks like you want a Hindu Nation. No issues. What do you recommend for the non Hindus? Few riots to cleanse the population?.
One the population is clean and we get back our glorious hindu nation. What about castes? I am a higher caste. I dont want the miserable low caste scums occupying good jobs and getting good women. What is the plan for that?
Jokes aside and on topic:
This may not have been a secular nation in the start. Now it is. If you want the glory days of vedic jumbo jets. Leave this country. Create one of your own Sir.
Thanks for realizing the fact that We're not a Secular, but a Hindu nation to Begin with: and it was a poor exhibition of dictatorial powers on a Majority community to impose Secularism in an Undemocratic way. Your support of dictatorial discourse then , indicates your loyalty to a democratic process now. It doesn't look that atrocious for Hindus to ask for a nation for themselves , which was taken away by an undemocratic process. Let's hold a referendum and decide whichever way the country votes ; let it be secularism or Hindu Nation , are Liberals ready for it ? No, They want to Impose secularism irrespective of the majoritarian view.
Don't Belittle Cow Vigilantism and lynching as Cow Terrorism, it is much worse than that. It is like telling a minority Community that, we can do this in broad day light and we'll Vote those people who support us , so You can't do anything about it! No Politician, Media or Law will come to save you ! Much like dictatorship (Yes again Dictatorship). The silence of the Moderates is much horrible than the act by the actual perpetrators of this crime. Even if 50% of Minority Community becomes extremist it won't hurt the democratic fabric of this country; as much as even a 5% of Majority community supports fringe elements. So even if a small percentage of people in Minority indulge in anti Majority crimes & if the Majority hits back, it will be detrimental to the existence of the minority community, this is what happened in Gujarat, a Handful of men from a community torched a train bogie, which resulted in thousands of casualties on their side. It is the moderates in the Majority who hold the key decisions and future of this discourse, Any Hindu with any amount of beliefs would not like to be irritated by a butchery of a calf in a broad day light or a Beef fest ; you're alienating & irritating the Hindu Moderates who hold the key to the democratic power of the country. This foolish act should be condemned and stopped unequivocally by all others which was not done, similarly cow vigilantism wasn't condemned by the ruling party. This trend of pushing each other will lead to further worsening of the inter religious divide which again will be much detrimental to the Minority community.
I'm sorry , if my views made you think that I want a Hindu nation, in fact , it is far against that & I was stating the historical facts; for a factually correct discussion. BTW why do you think a Hindu Nation will be as bad as Islamic nation? The other religions like Sikhs, Jainism, Jews & Buddhism existed in India even when it was ruled by Hindus. It is only one religion that seems to have a problem with Hinduism, which tried to forcibly convert the Hindus, or destroy their temples historically; but worldwide that religion has problems with everyone else as well. So as long as you are a peace loving person you need not be bothered about us being a Hindu Nation. Hindu Rashtra is a problem of perception , because strictly speaking Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. Hindus never , were united any time in the past, it actually supports most of the ideological arguments as far as god is concerned. There have been beef eating Hindus in the past and Cow worshiping Hindus who lived together. If you are seeing from narrow frame of your religion; it appears like a religion & also since everyone follows some religion, by default Hinduism appears like a religion by exclusion . Even an atheist like me can be a Hindu just because it incorporates Atheists as well . What you are attributing to Hinduism is basically a Brahminical conscience (again your caste filth stems from it) which threatens Hinduism by restricting it to a narrow minded group called as religion. So with so many arguments within Hinduism, it won't be a state which threatens one's individual freedom.
People with other religion are actually bothered what if Hindus be as bad as our religious fanatics or indulge in Votebank politics as we do ?
BTW there are Muslim Gau Rakshaks as well !!
Oh forgot, Why Should I leave the country? How is your argument & state of mind different than that of MP Giriraj who asked others to leave the country ? this is the filth which you can see on either side of the argument. It is the sheer intolerance to the contrarian view which is problematic. What I see is , the Bhakts don't change, either this side or that side. If there are fools like Peacock Judge & Vigilantes there are idiot journalists who refer Terrorists like Wani as Poor Headmaster's Son or Sabzar Bhat as Disgruntled lover ! So leave the personal attacks aside and stick to the discussion.
This Nation first is not characteristic to Indians alone, British voted for Brexit & US for Trump, which seems to be the pick of the season.
Beef is damn tasty, every time i travel, i bring back packets of beef jerky, they're the GOAT energy snack with lots of protein and taste. But we don't get good beef in India, I wouldn't even wanna eat some emaciated cows beef anwyays, Buffalo beef is great, it has less fat content but the meat is more gamey in texture so it's not for everyone. Overall even aboard, people don't eat beef everyday, it's expensive and eating too much red meat is not healthy in the long run.
Pros and cons to everything, enjoy it in moderation but this religious and philosophical debate is utterly nonsense...Its used by bored religious fundamentalists and political parties during elections to get support of the uneducated common folks.
People have given up on so many things in India.... that people from other countries literally take for granted, Like alcohol dry days and beef bans and other stupid shit, I don't think anywhere else in the world they have such stupid laws like these.
Oh well......
This is by Far the Most Logical argument .
Why do you think the Govt is deliberately supporting the instances of religious Hatred ? I have observed the events over three years and this controversial topics resurface only when some big drastic policy change is on the way ; Be it Cattle Slaughter ban, or Tripple Talaq, Ram Mandir, Glorification of Army etc. They want the media and opposition to get busy in fighting each other where they can Roll out higher rate GST to crush small businesses, Privatize whatever they want , Forget Economic Slowdown, Lack of Jobs etc... You are a fool to believe that, this Govt is here to bring about a Hindu Rashtra, They are doing the same thing what Congress did in the name of Secularism but in the name of Pro Hinduism & moto is favoring the capitalist interests.
Opposition and Media is just acting to the script created by Govt. Because there's a donkey occupying the opposition lead and other than knee jerk reactions he doesn't have a vision beyond to lead them. The lack of constructive opposition is the biggest problem the country is facing and the Dynasty is responsible for it.