Homefront - Discussion Thread

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This guy has split personality i think. He was telling the size difference between the different version of the the pirated DA2. Good thing it got cleaned it up.
ME very exited about this game. Just had a look on wiki page for this game. and "Timeline" part was really super.
hmm...only nextworld.in seems to be offering PC version. Once they started a pre-order of Battlefield BC 2 Ultimate Edition for PC which didn't exist. I will wait till Flipkart or other sites list it.
dinjo said:
Weren't you the same guy telling other not to speak on piracy
thats why i said it's "BAD"

maybe if you read all the words in the post, you wont live in a world of misconception
dinjo said:
Weren't you the same guy telling other not to speak on piracy

IMO, this guy pirates every game that comes on PC and tells everyone he does it coz games are costing 60$. Hello, but 95 of PC games in India are available for less than 1000 Rs. (20$)
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^^Cool...then I m just waitin for the pre-order to open(apart from nextworld.in, pricey ). The game is nearing it's release and still no pre-order. :(
thats why i said it's "BAD"

maybe if you read all the words in the post, you wont live in a world of misconception
So who was talking about DA size ?

Well I've have to snap it up as soon as it comes out as well BROTHERHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD... both original unfortunately :(.
ALPHA17 said:

Well I've have to snap it up as soon as it comes out as well BROTHERHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD... both original unfortunately :(.
I think my brother has already arranged AC2 Hermandad for me, i already preordered Crysis 2, and seems like i'll buy Homefront if it is > 80 on Metacritic. I think i'm all set for my March Marathon in April, lol.
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