Homefront - Discussion Thread

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dinjo said:
So who was talking about DA size ?

it;s easy, you can know about it too, just need to learn how to read numbers

sugat123 said:
IMO, this guy pirates every game that comes on PC and tells everyone he does it coz games are costing 60$. Hello, but 95 of PC games in India are available for less than 1000 Rs. (20$)

I wont be rude, be polite always... so I'll say, hurray!!!! PC games for Rs. 999. Thank you sir, I had absolutely no idea.
Aman27deep said:
lol don't start a mini-war dude, read, forgive, and forget.
cant give rep, need to spread some more before giving you again. SO I'll just say, CORRECT SIR, thank you.
comp@ddict said:
it;s easy, you can know about it too, just need to learn how to read numbers
I can give a lot of number but that just instigates the thing; thats what i'm trying to explain.
Don't worry guys, TE is gonna assign new mods to take care of forum-rule-benders.

and 'nuff of this discussion. leave it to the mods now.
Aman27deep said:
Short and awesome is always better than long and tedious.
Agreed. Wasn't that almost the same time for the campaign completion for MW2? And the campaign was kick-arse needless to say! Heck even KZ3 had a similar campaign length. Some games have excruciatingly lengthy campaigns as well. :/
dinjo said:
By just looking at the game it seems like a mediocre game to me
Dunno about that, but i hope its better than COD, it really needs a similar multi-platform competitor.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Homefront sales expected to be strong


THQ projected to ship 1.5 million copies for launch

The early reviews have been strong and the buzz about Homefront continues to grow. THQ has already confirmed that it is the most pre-ordered title in the company’s history. Now we are learn that industry analyst, Colin Sebastian from Lazard Capital, is projecting that THQ will ship 1.5 million units at launch.

With an initial shipment of 1.5 million units at launch other analysts that we have spoken with suggest that they are expecting a strong launch for the title as the word gets out among more gamers and sales continue. THQ is doing their part with a full media assault which will do nothing but help the sale of the title.

There was some concern about a report that the campaign story mode offers only about 5 hours of game play; but it appears not to be a problem, as the strong multiplayer will give the title staying power. Whispers from those that have finished the story claim to have been blown away, and were left wanting more. This is always a good sign in our book.

If Homefront has a smooth launch and the reviews continue to be as positive as they have been so far, we are projecting that this title could be a big success for publisher THQ and could establish a solid franchise for the title going forward. We only have a week left to see how this title does, but things are looking good for developer Kaos studios which has a lot riding on the success of this title.

Source - Homefront sales expected to be strong


was totally unaware of this game but the trailer looks awesome.will be interesting to see how this matches up with cod.i being a fps noob will be hoping the sp campaign is good.
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