How about a club order...

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lol.. man, the low price factor doesnt apply to one n all. that's why u have to research n get what works out to be the most VFM for ya.. ;)
Yup!... My Bad... But the reviews of both of them are coming out to be good... Seems not bad at all...
let me know when your ordering switch. i need some 2-3 round cables. & maybe some other stuff to. so will split the shipping costs.
hey !

i think rather than order it from AUS. try its a much better site and has got a large collection of stuff. as we are sharing the prices, we may all order by the fastest means i.e. 2 days delivery and get the items. what say?
yea, shipping costs a bomb there, 80-100$ as compared to 10-20$ at coolpc for the same stuff (weight wise)
how are u planning to distribute the shipping costs. Suppose I order an 4$ item weighing 20g then how will u share the shipping cost with me?

wanted to know as an information :)
shipping value of a product is of the same ratio as that of the cost (or weight, whichever is more prominent/significant) of the product divided by the total cost (or weight).
hehe sunny actually i was also looking at the Vantec Tornado was wondering if i could make the fan controller myself :)
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