How about a club order...

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easy...just use a 10K pot between the positive wire....everything done....
TheMask said:
yeah right.. in a few minutes u'll come back with some uber idea in ur uber brain n post 3 more links, which wud have completely no relation to the ones u have posted above.. :bleh:

Hahaha, so true....

try to get the peltier if i can manage he moolah quick :P
aha yes, i remember my adventures with peltier and how it one day blew up when my water reservior spilled and cooked peltier. Luckily my 9800XT survived.
There is only1 problem with coolpc. Customs and some damage that happened to the goods last time i ordered. It was the customs people here that were responsible for that though. All was ok when i went to customs to submit the invoice and documents and they opened everything in front of me and no damage to anything. And when my brother picked it up next day AS5 tube was leaked, Ramsinks and my cable sleeving missing and ATI Silencer broken :( so i could not deliver it to Rave( i think i also forgot to tell him that :P ). And there is no insurance offered.......
Those stupid customs people.........
Had no problems as such on previous 4 orders.
By the way I am buying couple of stuffs on monday.
hahaha, its ok, but sad for ur loss for no reason, damn these custom ppl :(
anyways, dontu think if many ppl order, the qunatity wud increase and then the hassle of customs wud be even more, a small package of some few things wudnt be a problem, but if the package is big or have multiple things, then the custom official might think that ur a dealer and selling this stuff :P

Bottle went trhough this, am i right baatli? :P
Does anyone here have import lisence?
I am thinking of getting one once and for all. If you have import lisence then its damn easy to get your stuff cleared and that too fast and if you have hardware import lisence then you can basically order anything, show it as personal import and you dont have to pay extra duties like 16% foreign expense duty ( this is the main reason for high cost of components in India. In additiont o basic duty this additional 16% is a real killer).
Now there is no basic duty on components like Mobo and processor from April 1st. This is what i am thinking of. And Import lisence fee is very nominal.
funkymonkey said:
Does anyone here have import lisence?

I am thinking of getting one once and for all. If you have import lisence then its damn easy to get your stuff cleared and that too fast and if you have hardware import lisence then you can basically order anything, show it as personal import and you dont have to pay extra duties like 16% foreign expense duty ( this is the main reason for high cost of components in India. In additiont o basic duty this additional 16% is a real killer).

Now there is no basic duty on components like Mobo and processor from April 1st. This is what i am thinking of. And Import lisence fee is very nominal.

yeah, pls do it asap :)
Import lisence fee is less than 1000 bucks last time i checked.
I will tell my cousine to look into this matter. He used to have import lisence of medical instuments so he knows the details regarding the procedure.
And is there any yearly fee for the license? how long is the license valid?

^^ some points that shud come in handy in ur research.. :)
well anyone can take import license. Its not only for companies.
The first time charge is approx 1K and renewal is even less. I will get exact nos by monday.
funkymonkey said:
well anyone can take import license. Its not only for companies.
The first time charge is approx 1K and renewal is even less. I will get exact nos by monday.

I didnt know this. Thanks Funky :cool2:
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