How is Dr. Batra's for acne?

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yup. Biotique Biochlorophyll Gel and a face pack and face wash given by Dr. Batra's.
Have you tried any of the later creams (IT/Clinda/BB) ?
It won't. Of all the major countries, only the UK has shown some nerve in kicking out pseudoscience medicinal practices. It's actually growing in India, and in a country where astrologers and conmen (babas) thrive, I don't see such companies running into the ground soon.
Errr.. no. Homeopathy is very much alive and kicking in the UK. My sis (born and brought up in UK) had some form of an allergy, and none of the allopathic meds worked for her (suffered for >2 years). After 4-6 months of homeo therapy, she could finally find some peace.
As a doctor myself, I don't believe in it, but then my mom is an ardent fan and she literally uses Homeopathy for all her ailments. Can't say they don't work.
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"Copying to the bank" means you write a letter to Dr Batra's with a copy to your bank where you are issuing cheques, to ask them to stop-payment, clearly explaining why you are doing so.
To the OP, I don't have any Experiences with Such Homeopathy Brands. My father used homeo from one Positive homeopathy they took away 3k for 3 months of medicine. This was like 4 years back.
My Present Homeopathy doctor Charges just 500 Bucks for the medicine and His medicine works absolutely fine.
Coming to acne, I can Tell you Use ACNOFF soap if you're skin is Oily and follow up with Creams like Persol for fresh acne and Nexret for marks if any.
They should stop at some stage if you stop eating Junk/oily food. Acne due to Hormonal issues can also be treated with Homeopathy.
This is a False accusation. I take homeopathy medicines for different problem though. works perfect. You should called DR Batra's or So called Commercialized homeopathy Brands as SCAM!
Please read on what homeopathy is before making up your mind. I'm not saying it just because I think so; there is a scientific consensus behind that.

Here's James Randi explaining homeopathy in layman terms:

Homeopaths usually mix up their medicines with other natural herbs and the likes, which are a vastly effective compared to homeopathy medicine (which are nothing but water mixed with sugar). Even they know that the patients would run away after seeing no effects LOL. Pure homeopathy is pseudoscience and has no effect whatsoever, apart from giving some placebo benefits.
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^ I used to take treatment at a Naturopathy doctor. He also says homeo is bullshit, According to him a person died because of homeopathy.
Naturopathy works like a wonder but you have to follow a Strict diet which i cannot do, Right now Homeopathy works okay.
How old are you? I'm asking so that I can help you out. This looks like a scam to be honest. Acne has a lot to do with genetics. My mother used to get a lot so I got it too when I was in 6th or 7th Standard but I don't get it anymore. You need to take basic care and visit a good skin specialist.
I don't see why you are worried about any legal actions. Just go and tell them that you don't wanna continue the treatment and they shouldn't encash the checks you gave them (meanwhile do issue the stop payment order to your bank).
If they still do that and try to take some legal action, no serious judge would entertain such a case because no one can force you to take or pay for a treatment you don't want to take, even if you have signed an agreement. In all probability they won't pursue it as they don't want bad publicity which could enlighten others about their scam.
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Just go to a good dermatologist. He will prescribe some branded form of Isotretinoin. Plus, he will prescribe some anti acne creams/facewash. And some good advice like dont touch/squeeze/etc.

Also, drink lots of water. And do wash your face several times a day with a good soap which will not make the skin completely dry. And avoid oily food etc.

I dont know whether Batra's is a fake - but this is generic advice.

Also, dont leave the treatment half way because the acne stops, you should continue as long as the dermatologist says so.
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Most of the common soaps will cause dryness and worsen the symptoms, especially with frequent use. Only use shampoo or moisturizing soaps (dove, pear) to wash your face.

Swab with clear alcohol (vodka) to clean the skin and keep it free of infection, say before sleep. You can take a shot to help you sleep better :P
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Dont know what to do now but as I have a friend whose mother knows about these things and says that homeopathy works but takes a long time to work, so I have changed my mind again and I am continuing it.
And Thanks to all of you for helping.
How often do you masturbate???
Masturbation is one of the biggest causes of Acne. Reduce the frequency, and mission accomplished.

PS: This post may sound like a troll, but it is SERIOUS ADVICE!
On contrary i heard friends suggesting others to stop acne do it..It releases heat from the body rather than skin.....Though obviously i cant endorse nor confirm the facts.
But one thing is sure diet is one of the main reason of acne.I know people who knowingly avoid home food and loves to enjoy food from roadside chinese corner to 4-5 star restaurant.They forget the fact in rest for food to be serve fast lot of body damaging ingridents (e.g soda and ajinomoto)are added and that may be one of the primary reason for acne.
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Diet may or may not be a cause for it as I dont eat junk food much. Say, about 1 time in 1 month. So that shouldn't be a problem but I also don't eat much green vegetables or fruits so who knows if this is causing it. Have reduced my oil and dairy products intake to really low. Strict no to Paneer, milk and cheese. Only curd. And increased the fruit intake
But I guess most probable factor in my case is hormones as I hit puberty 1-2 years earlier than my peers and since then I have acne.
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@scott1391990 I can suggest you to consult a Skin specialist but that won't be helpful again in long term.
You gotta consult a Homeopathy Specialist ( Not those branded one's) where your friends or Relatives take treatment and which actually work.
If you Get used to Pranayama's like Kaphalbati and Anulom vilom daily for 5mins each it would be a lot helpful.

~ Based on my Experiences.
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