How much time u spend in front of ur puter everyday?

I'd been contemplating getting this one for sometime for my exercising needs as my working hours are no less joining a gym was out of question..:p Bought it today from vashi...rode all the way to kharghar from vashi thru Palm beach road...thts close to 20-23 kms..:ashamed: Neways, it was quite an experience riding a bicycle after my school days...and thts about a decade..:p

But i'm happy, i made it home as i was not sure of my rusty stamina after all these years..:p Though i'm completely exhausted now..need to go to bed asap...:p

Sorry for the bad quality pics..:p It was very dark in the parking lot and the P990i flash cudnt do more than this to lighten up the place..:p

Ohh, i forgot to mention, its the Hero Hawk Nu-Age...(Rs. 3.2k all incl. ) :p
