How to get rid of this shyness? ( sort of depressed)

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sheeeesh, What a thread!!!
Maybe you could go to a shrink....just maybe.
Not making fun or nething just a suggestion.
Give it a Try Mate ..... dats wat i wud advise ! Yeah if u do try n flirt with her it will suck to be her bf but hey .... u cant make everyone happy , can u ? Just Think abt it .... if u dnt propose to her ..... all ur Life u r gonna Regret it .... Yeah most probably she will turn u down ... but hey dere iz still Hope ... think abt it .....maybe she wont turn u down .... now dat'll make ur life , wont it ?

Okie .... so i do advise u to propose her .... but not straight away ..... I mean com'on ...... not even in a million years is she gonna accept ur proposal if she doesn't even know u unless ofcourse u got d looks of Brad Pitt or d money of Bill Gates .... n i assume u have neither. So Chill ... Relax .... try n befriend her ..... Ek Kamina tarika batata hoon .... if u cant gather enuf courage to directly go n talk to her .... befrnd her bf .... yeah u heard it rite .... ofcourse ur intentions wud actually be to backstab him later but den as i said u cant make everyone happy :P Okie .... so since he is a Guy n all .... i dnt think u'll have much problem in befrnding him ..... given ur happy go lucky nature n all ..... do it n den ofcourse after sometime he is gonna introduce u to his ....err .... ur Gal. Den slowly with time wen u finally learn to talk with dat gal ... try n get close with her .... flirt arnd a bit .... n dnt loose ny chance of creating a tension b/w her n her bf. Yeah I know wat u r thinking ... I m EVIL ... but den if u LOVE her so much i m sure u r willing to do just abt anything !

Okie now about reducing ur shyness ... well actually orkut iz a damn gud way to start. Create a fake ID like u hve done millions of times here on TE ..... n start flirtin arnd..... first learn some basic rules of flirtin ofcourse ..... nywayz give it a Month ..... n trust me u'll be a master flirter .... well atleast in d virtual world ..... But yeah it does help in real world too .... make contacts with d gals u meet online .... like exchanging no. etc n den try n improve ur communication skills with gals. This ofcourse is not d most advisble or effective method but hey atleast its something.

And all d ppl here who r tellin u to Grow up .... just tell dem to shut dere mouth n know dere role :bleh: .... dey r either being ignorant or dey dont knw wat True Love is. I Know u r in Love n i can understand how u feel. N I guess u r big enuf to actually be in luv n to understand d meaning of it n all .... so just chill n dont listen to lamers :)

Oh n one last Point .... Galz Love Humour .... n i guess till few weeks backs dat was ur speciality .... i think u have a talent .... dnt loose it .... it may help. Best Of Luck :)
Love? This is madness! <Makes sure there's not an endless pit behind him>

Seriously, this is a clinical case of one-sided teenage attraction. There is nothing wrong with it, if you can contain yourself and not start stalking her. Your subconcious desire to turn yourself into a father-figure (make her happy without returns), and her into a god only strenghten my analysis of your present state of psyche. My advise is to contain yourself and avoid her presence. You'll get over her in a month or two - if and if only you don't follow your subconcious. In extreme cases, people are known to have disfigured (dehumanized) or even murdered their love "objects".

"Object", because you won't care what she desires, in a later stage of this fatal attraction. Mind your studies, games and don't keep yourself away from regular activities. Avoid being alone.
abe techboi, Imagine that, her bf f#cks her 4 time a weeks, her mms clips are all over the internet and her dad is a serial killer(loves to kill teen age boys) and her mother is a psycho and she also has a Mad dog that bites the balls off of any guy who owns a kaput 1900xtx ..... this way you wont feel bad that you are not with her :)

infact you will feel lucky ;)

oh btw, can you post some pics of her ????? :P
digital_brain said:
abe techboi, Imagine that, her bf f#cks her 4 time a weeks, her mms clips are all over the internet and her dad is a serial killer(loves to kill teen age boys) and her mother is a psycho and she also has a Mad dog that bites the balls off of any guy who owns a kaput 1900xtx ..... this way you wont feel bad that you are not with her :)
infact you will feel lucky ;)
:2guns: :cry: :bowarrow:
Oposite pole attract each other, and ......

LOL in that case any person with a iota of brains would be attracted to him. LOL OT

But yeah as others said, get over her. It's not worth the trouble, wait till ya get older then goto some nice pub/bar and try to pick up chicks the "barney" way...

Its always the same thing, even if she will be wid ya this time, she will dump ya for better prospects at the first sight or worse still later marry better prospects at the first sight. Unless of-course you beat it in the same game, get a better prospect. And all that nice girl thing is bull shit, its a human tendency to want better, and lol Rio it was bad idea on telling abt crack, because I know of ppl who actually start doping to live for the same reason ;)

Best idea concentrate on studies, work etc. Once you got the money the honey follows its a rule period. It certainly is not worth it to waste precious time on such frivolities. The more you brood about it the worse it gets. LOL and dont try hooking on gals thru orkut for gods sake.
F|0ccY said: you like this chic...

moment said:
I request you to not call her a chic

Ok, so she's not a chick.. so what do you like about her?? Just TALK to her for heaven's sake.. that's enuff and she'll consider u as a friend..

but i seriousy agree with the following by RiO

RiO said:
You mean one-in-a-million? Bleh, snap out of the bad dream dude... at your age you should be focusing on studies, sports, music, hobbies and girls (you read that right, girls... many, not one). Don't get tied down to one because eventually you'll get dumped by that "one" for another guy or studies or because her parents/friends thinks she should. Instead, hang with friends who'll stick by you through all times.

Well lets get back to reality, shall we?

Clapping is not done by a SINGLE hand. It Requires both the hands. Your intensions are GOOD, but again very frankly if the opposite person DOESNT CARES about your feelings, then even you should NOT. There are 3 BILLION females in the world. Dont get squared to ONE.

What you are going through is something everyone of us have gone through. Trust me, one day, when you will think of this event in the future, you will be smiling and giggling to your foolish self.

And if you want a realistic advise, listen to this one. Just keep yourself busy. Clean your drawers, organize your room, start noting down the study timetable. Learn to be strong and don't get weakened by such emotional thoughts. Cry, but wipe your tears afterwards and smile again. Think what you want to do in ahead in life career wise, and start taking some action on it. This is the time to enjoy as well as build your foundation for your future life. Such things are merely distraction. Acknowledge it and move ahead.
I am no flirt and the situation is beyond all this as I pointed out. And I don't want to do anything to upset her. Don't expect me to propose her, I would be happy if she makes me her friend though.

I will do no kamina thing. I will not backstab anyone and I will not hurt anyone and definitely not anyone who is close to her. Love doesn't hurt anyone and if it does then it is not love and just a desire. I will do no evil and nor will I try for any break up for hers. You don't even know what loev is bluffy, love does no wrong to anyone, never.

I am no flirt and will not betray anyone's trust and definitely not hers, whether or not she values me or not. One point where we agree, I was the unbdoubted king of humour, more natural and better than anybody else. I left all that for her, coz she might not like it. So, this is slightly debatable I guess...

@digital_brain, please edit the post and delete all that crap. I can't tolerate anything against her.

@Yamaraj, you don't even know what you are talking about. If I ask you to describe love, you won't be able to do so. So there is simply no point in your advice. And love is madness, love makes you mad.

@Aces170, you don't know what I am talking about. Though I appreciate that you do want to help, I won't listen to anything against her and she is special, atleast for me whether or not you believe it is not something I can make you understand.

@evilution, none or nearly none of you have gone through this atleast this is what your post points out. Love is single sided, this is a concept that people don't know. You don't love to be loved, though you may not be able to love endlessly without a return that is coz your love is weak, no other reason. You don't love somebody coz she loves you. True love will always help you with everything, be it studies etc or whateva, but if you are hurt then the effect of true love helping you is reduced or even negated fully. It is obvious that you don't know what love truely is, there is a difference between a desire and true love, which I would really like to point you guys out.

BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE READ MY BLOG as you guys don't know the background otherwise.

I suggest you keep the thread to just suggestions on reducing shyness as for other reasons the thread is only going against her which I don't want. Please just keep the thread at the moment to suggestions to reduce shyness, that shouldn't be too difficult for you guys.
on't expect me to propose her, I would be happy if she makes me her friend though

Lol... den wats d point of all dis dude ?? You gave up without even trying :| Well if u r happy to c her with someone else n u just wanna be with her u might aswell make her ur sister n let her tie u a rakhie ..... i m sure she wudn't object to dat n u'll be with her happily ever after:P My intention is not to hurt u but den u r such a confused person ..... first u say dat u luv her n will do anything for her n den u say u wont even try proposing her :|
moment said:
@Yamaraj, you don't even know what you are talking about. If I ask you to describe love, you won't be able to do so. So there is simply no point in your advice. And love is madness, love makes you mad.
It's your hormones doing the talking. There is no point in being reasonable with you.

moment said:
BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE READ MY BLOG as you guys don't know the background otherwise.
Tell me this isn't about AdSense. :bleh:
Yes I love her. But it is better to just be a friend for the time being atleast. Wait, if she doesn't have somebody else in her life, then you can propose, but not now. I am not confused.

From now please keep the thread mainly on tips how to reduce shyness, I won't flirt or anythin, so it has to be kept to just stuff like talking and how do I go about doing it. And not only with girls but also with boys, with oncles, aunts etc.

No it isn't about adsense, I don't use adsense or any other money making scheme on my blog.
And bluffy it won't be nice to call her my sister, but she is much more for me.
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