How to get rid of this shyness? ( sort of depressed)

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Seriously TB..Be true to yourself first. F**k it man, you know it and we know it, that you love this female..Why all the "I want just her friendship" crap!!

And how old are you again. 16?17?..Listen to what ppl have to say, think about it rationally and then negate if need be! I don't understand why you ask ppl to talk to you but don't have the patience to hear them out properly..Nobody likes wasting their time on individuals who don't give a $hit about others' opinions! :no: THINK!
RiO said:
Who wants to bet that he'll be banned (again for the nth time, lmao) before this weekend is over? :rofl:

what are the odds?
will ask mods to make a high stakes event for this on FE :clap:
RiO said:
^^Nah Akshit, it goes like this: Man made booze, God made weed... who do you trust? :D

Well, "moment", if you do indeed decide to follow chao and rio's advice, gimma a buzz. For once I might be able to help you out :rofl: .
Six pages in just a day! You guys need to stop being such groupies. Fun thread though all the way through.

Techboi, I don't have much experience actually interacting with you, so I'm going offer actual advice here. You really like her, but she only likes you. Given that she's banned you from Orkut, that mostly means she's just nice to you in a patronizing sort of way. Maybe to just get rid of you quickly every time you meet. So getting bolder with her might only worsen things. She also already has someone in her life. I'd suggest abandoning any ideas of anything serious happening between you two and to just continue a casual friendship with her.
moment said:
@evilution, don't come to the thread if that is all you can say. simple.

Well, I need a good laugh. Laughter is the best medicine....:hap2: :hap2:
Right now, you are in closed ears state. You wont listen to anyone who is saying here and just dragging ur story and ur feeling over and over again.
The thing is if her frienship will gimme a lot of happiness and the moment we aren't even friends. And I know one thing she likes assertive and relatively bold and courageous persons, so I have no choice but to loose my shyness for her. So loosing shyness is top priority at the moment, this shyness doesn't permit me to make friends with either boys or girls and to some extent with my own relatives!

Thanks for the concern everybody, but kindly keep the thread on tips on how to slowly remove my shyness, please don't comment on love or on her.
these things aren't crappy. Love is a wonderful feeling, it is like bitter chocolate, though it may be bitter than a medicine, still you enjoy it. It is sweet pain.

And now please temme ways to reduce shyness.
everyone goes thru these things at some point in their life..
n i've crossed it..
i know what i mean :|
like someone had posted already ...
u'd laugh at urself for postin this after 5 years..
there is a difference. I don't regret what happened to me, I would rather have gone through all this rather than stayed my normal self. This is because though there may be some pain in love, the feeling is much much greater than the pain involved. Love is more +ve than -ve.

But this doesn't mean that I don't want to get rid of this shyness, that I should anyways get rid of, so...
ways to reduce shyness...
1.stop making urself believe that u r a shy person a lot of crap stuff to whomever u it a guy or a gal.. urself
we r in a world tht gives no importance for feelings..
learn to live wid it
trust me..
i know how it feels..
get ur priorities straight
what if I say that she is a priority. Anyway, thanks for the advice to reduce shyness. And ppl do care for feelings, want proof kya?
I will tell u the reason of shyness, if not the complete solution.

U do lame things in ur online life and go scotfree, well u get get caught but not in real life. U will not irritate ppl in online if u know that others can bang ur ass. But u do so online. U get bold by the anonymity it gives u. U tend to forget that there are real people with emotions on other side of ur internet.

But unfortunately u cant do same in real life. U tend to compare ur online adventures with lacklustre real life. And no, i m not asking u to do those lame things in real life.

Ur problem is not that u are shy, its that u are not being able to get bold as u do in anonymous cyber space.

Hope u get the solution to ur problem.
Or else start watching a lot of porn, but don't forget to lock the door. Dear Mr Saumil can narrate the rest of the experience.
"Love is a wonderful feeling, it is like bitter chocolate, though it may be bitter than a medicine, still you enjoy it. It is sweet pain." -

Yeha well then, keep enjoying the "sweet" pain. Jesus, you're like those "WaannA Be Myy Firraaand???//?" type of guys. If she blocks you off orkut, she hates you, nuff said. She does'nt want to be your friend, EVER. So there. Now go out and find a new girl. I know the sex ratio in India is screwed up but that does'nt mean that you not look for other women.

Someone had mentioned the kilt thing (obviously copying my incredible borat post on page 3), I suggest you try that. If a kilt is hard to come by a towel will do. You could also try smoking random stuff, like burning onions or rubber or maybe even a bottle of chlorine. What does'nt give you a high might just kill you, both ways you win :D
"Or else start watching a lot of porn, but don't forget to lock the door. Dear Mr Saumil can narrate the rest of the experience." -


Kawabonka was so much fun :(.
Sniper Max said:
In times like thees, I happen to trust my good comrade Borat.

Ah yes. All you need is a Hummer that comes with a 'pussy magnet'! :ohyeah:

Trust me, one day, when you will think of this event in the future, you will be smiling and giggling to your foolish self.

That's true. I blame Bollywood for this effect they have on Indian Population. Like someone said, its his hormones doing the talking. I was in the same school since Nursery-7th standard, and I had this huge, huge crush right when I passed Kindergarten, in 6th standard, she asked me out (and I passed out), we had a good year, but in 7th, I shifted to another place, and in 6 months she got another boy and started sending me hate mails (WTF?), and it was so hard letting go of her. Now, that I've seen the world, I look back and laugh at her and myself for being a fan of her for 6 years.

Though, TB has made his point, he just needs tips to come over his shyness. The sooner he does the better to get another girl.

Oh and a little member goes around here by the name "Chick Magnet". Members are free to PM him anytime!

Edit : And why am I getting this weird feeling TB is playing with us? *scratches head*
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Someone had mentioned the kilt thing (obviously copying my incredible borat post on page 3)
That "someone" was me, and I didn't read your post before I made my reply. Now that I've gone through it, your charges of plagiarism may sound valid but they're not. :D

Params7 said:
Like someone said, its his hormones doing the talking.
Again, that someone was me.

Should I change my name to "Someone"? :@
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