IC : Group Order Nokia XpressMusic 5800 (Mumbai and Delhi/NCR Members Only)

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lol..... No prices yet. IF you are interested , please post in the format and i will add you to the list.

[No. of pieces] x [UserId] x [Colour Preference,if any] x [Location]

Once we find a dealer who can give us the exact ETA and Price , ill update everyone.
Put me down for 1 sudhir.. I have a friend in mumbai who can pickup

[1] x [buBleZ] x [Blue/Black] x [mumbai]
from customerrelations@univercell.in

to nirbhai chadha <nirbhai.chadha@gmail.com>

date Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:25 PM

subject Re: price enquiry for Nokia 5800

mailed-by univercell.in
hide details 6:25 PM (50 minutes ago)


Hi Sir,

We had got your mail and this model has not yet lauched in

univercell.After it launches we will inform you the price details.



Customer Relation Team

Checked with a dealer close by. He said it should be in stock in 7-10 days , and he can provide me with prices early next week.

So i guess the distris shud get it in 3-4 days. So H@cker , keep us informed :D
hmm so it could be arriving in december itself.

1 x viralbug - Red/Black :D

but i can buy only after mid jan :(
I've talked to my dealer he'll tell me the prices when he gets hold of them, will post them as soon as i get it.

Btw, he says the phone will release in jan.
i've asked 4-5 known phone dealers....and all have said 1 thing "jan 1st week" , today a dealer said he can get me a grey market piece for 36k :O ...i was like WATTTTT......crazy.....so its certain i guess....looking forward towards 2009....
Yes. I only hope its in time for New Year/Christmas .

It can either be my last splurge of 2008 or my first of 2009. :D whatever it is , its gonna be miiiiineeee
I am dissapointed with Nokia if such a thing happens.
Man they should show some respect to people who wanna gift themselves something
2 x anks22402 added again . Sad that u had to return the xperia :p

Currently Interested

2 x PhOeNiX - Red/Black or Black

1 x metalspree - Black (Non-Mumbai)

1 x NeViLLe - Red/Black

1 x Shotgun - Black

1 x rocky_pratik - Red/Black

1 x motorheadinc - Blue/Black or Black

1 x jesal - Blue/Black or Black

1 x rushabht - Red/Black

1 x coolraghav - Red/Black (Non-Mumbai)

1 x hanzy - Black

1 x muzzi - Red/Black

1 x abhi

1 x H@cker

1 x zmachine

1 x buBlez - Blue/Black (Non-Mumbai)

1 x viralbug - Red/Black

1 x Fuzail - Black

2 x anks22402 - Red/Black or Black

Total Quantity

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