Indian govt pays 22.5 lakh to pakistani citizen..

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Actually this is not so great thing as many claim. and the hatred or whatever doesn't come to play here.

There are far more deserving Indians. This money could have been used for something that a ordinary..not you and me ordinary...the real poor ordinary Indian could have benefited. This is just a publicity stunt. nothing more or less.

First do something for our people then do good will gestures like this.
Mind your language...
This is a public forum.

Pfft, why? Did I hurt some paki's feelings? Quiet frankly, I don't give a shiet, the day the whole nation blows itself up, I'll go burst crackers in the street. Too much of our blood has been spilt by these cockroaches. And on top of that, instead of just boycotting everything packee, instead of barricading ourselves away from them, we have initiatives like "Aman ka tamasha" where it becomes a charity, give away money to the packees so you can feel good about yourself.

Sing, dance pray for peace..your prime minister did the same thing in 1999 when he went to Lahore in the "peace" bus. The pakis responded by mutilating your soldiers bodies in Kargil. Remember Saurabh Kalia? The only way to deal with animals is to become an animal yourself. Taking the moral high ground has got us NOTHING. Nehru tried it in the 60's with his peace/disarmament bullcrap, the Chinese rolled in...its a dog eat dog world there and the packees are not our friends.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Nein, the Indian government should pay more attention to INDIAN citizens than pakistani dudes. Have you EVER heard of 75 Lakh compensation?!? Thats what this guy got.
Then you need to stick to that line of reasoning which is Unfair distribution of compensation about which i totally agree with you .. These things happen in all counteries in all walks of life ..
How many times do u see rape of indian women(in india)news items on the fromt page .. where as when a chick from UK gets raped in India(goa) it was in headlines for days .. These kinda things happen man .. venting out your frustation regarding these matters on the internet is utterly useless ..
( bty manner in which you are approaching this point seems quite racist though)
Yesterday hatred towards the Pakistan, today- Aussies?, tomorrow who? Let's take a pick- South Africa, China, Nepal, Russia, Dubai?

Giving the money- ain't right. Hatred and making it grow- very VERY bad.
The Sorcerer said:
Yesterday hatred towards the Pakistan, today- Aussies?, tomorrow who? Let's take a pick- South Africa, China, Nepal, Russia, Dubai?
Giving the money- ain't right. Hatred and making it grow- very VERY bad.

w00t .. I thought the whole world hates china anyways .... If ever we had a rational reason to hate a country it would be China with all the double crossing tactics they are employing .. I am not sure if you are aware of the number of Chinese firms that are banned in various countries cuz of these very reasons..

/Let the hate fest start .
What do you call Kasab and the likes who eat away national resources merrily while judgement/capital punishment is delayed?

bty manner in which you are approaching this point seems quite racist though

Isn't giving undue importance, 75 lakh to a packee and not to an Indian itself aform of racism? There are varying levels of political correctness among folks. Mines just a lot lower than yours. You can say I'm racist or a hater or whatever, I'd not mind being racist towards a paki or an american or a chinese dude if it helped one of my countrymen.

Hatred and making it grow- very VERY bad.

Zaid Hamid. You seriously need to watch it. and he's a big thing out there in Pakistan...

Make no mistake, a good thing has happened here.

You're entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to If you want to use facts and numbers to debate a point, lemme know.
We cannot be a Banana Republic like Pakistan... Remember we are not competing with Pakistan in terms of who is a bigger evil.. India looses there big time 'coz here sanity still prevails... ...
panther said:
why don't you think like a human? all pakis are not terrorist, the poor guy lost his kid

ya & got 50L for it

why 22.5L more is the question :)

HailStonE said:
We cannot be a Banana Republic like Pakistan... Remember we are not competing with Pakistan in terms of who is a bigger evil.. India looses there big time 'coz here sanity still prevails... ...

:rofl: India not evil :rofl:
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
If you want to use facts and numbers to debate a point, lemme know.
The fact is that you have no point at all. Your rage is based on the mere fact that a Pakistani got the the money. Pretty laughable.

Cue emo rant in a decorated linguaphilic.
The fact is that you have no point at all.

Of course I do, why is money being sent to a packee who already received 50 lakhs? here are the probable reasons..

1) One of the english graduates at Times of India saw the poor mans plight and how he was suffering with "only" Rs 50 lakh and took up the story in the newspaper, they shameless timed it to co-incide with their "Aman ka tamasha" campaign too..
2) The government is trying to win over hearts and minds by stepping on the faces of our countrymen.
3) Another give-the-paki-some alms and we can convert the whole country into lovable little bears type of mindset. You tried this in 1947 by giving them crores of rupees to create their crackpot state, look what it got you.

Those are my your "meaningful" contributions to this thread have been one liners and rainbow-squad "peace is beautiful" type comments. When will you realise that there is going to be NO peace between our nations. There's too much blood already spilt to even dream of repproachment.

Your rage is based on the mere fact that a Pakistani got the the money.

Correct. Why a paki? Why not an Indian? Don't our poor deserve 75 lakh more than some packee?

Cue emo rant in a decorated linguaphilic.

Oooh, big word! Almost had me googling there. Come on, you can troll better than that. I know you.
Totally stupid move.

I side with the op on this.

Those guys pump in fake money to destabilize our economy, and we provide them aid in return?

You don't pity the enemy!

You make sure they feel it was a mistake they ever chose enmity over friendship.

Hell, even if it was lost to corruption, it would eventually be used on indigenous goods and services. This is literally Indian sweat and blood wasted.

Send it to the Haitians instead if they really felt philanthropic.
went thorugh this thread...indian govt is :bshit:...Still no decsion taken against kasab...everyday kasab giving strange replies in the court...:mad: Almost its been more than a year&feeding him like our VIP guest...:mad:

Thats a very valid point @FR..

The most fake currency in our country comes from pakistan... recently due to circulation of this a infamous guy in kerala got jailed..he was running a pyramid scheme and using the fake money to keep it going..

Truly the people that comes up with schemes like this are not worth their positions.

No matter what we do to any pakistani citizen..we will never be their friends..

its just simple as that... its been 50+ years...even communism didnt hold that long in europe..
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