Indian govt pays 22.5 lakh to pakistani citizen..

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l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Pfft, why? Did I hurt some paki's feelings? Quiet frankly, I don't give a shiet, the day the whole nation blows itself up, I'll go burst crackers in the street. Too much of our blood has been spilt by these cockroaches. And on top of that, instead of just boycotting everything packee, instead of barricading ourselves away from them, we have initiatives like "Aman ka tamasha" where it becomes a charity, give away money to the packees so you can feel good about yourself.

Sing, dance pray for peace..your prime minister did the same thing in 1999 when he went to Lahore in the "peace" bus. The pakis responded by mutilating your soldiers bodies in Kargil. Remember Saurabh Kalia? The only way to deal with animals is to become an animal yourself. Taking the moral high ground has got us NOTHING. Nehru tried it in the 60's with his peace/disarmament bullcrap, the Chinese rolled in...its a dog eat dog world there and the packees are not our friends.

I shouldnt be suprised with your reply...

Esp with you showing your agressive mind on TE avatar.

Posing with a gun!!

What do you think you are? Rambo?

I think you have seen too many movies lately.... this is from a person who post his semi nude pics on TE and asking for suggesting if his body is good enough to beat up somebody's ass.......


Nut case!! thats what you are... nonsense & a big time idiot...

Go shoot people with that water pistol you are holding...

You deserve as much attention for you crab shit nonsense, as my goldfish does while training for olympics 2012
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
I think we need more movements like Aman ki asha, so we can collect every single paki and donate them a few lakhs.
Yeah, its too bad you don't get the TOI, the look on your face when you saw this would have been priceless :lol:

Its going to be an exciting new year.
Esp with you showing your agressive mind on TE avatar.
Posing with a gun

Oooh, observant little cretin, aren't you! :)

What do you think you are? Rambo?

It should be "Who" not "What". Get an education..please. Try taking some english comprehension classes too, since quiet clearly, whatever I've said has completely flown over your head.

I think you have seen too many movies lately

Yea, I think I have too..the more I read your post the more inclined I am to believe that your IQ level doesn't rise beyond that exhibited by the kid in Taare zameen par.

this is from a person who post his semi nude pics on TE and asking for suggesting if his body is good enough to beat up somebody's ass.......

Pfft, you really take online forums seriously don't you? Again...I can see that what I've said has riled you're typing like an absolute maniac aren't you? Hows your job at tech support going? Is this your break time?

Nut case!! thats what you are... nonsense & a big time idiot

Again, go pick up a book on basic english. What are you trying to convey by telling me that I'm "nonsense"? What exactly will you achieve by calling me a "big time idiot", lol. I'll just troll you back and enjoy your nerd rage, boy. I feed on your tears, lol.

You deserve as much attention for you crab shit nonsense, as my goldfish does while training for olympics 2012

Can I have a pic of your goldfish?

blr_p said:
Yeah, its too bad you don't get the TOI, the look on your face when you saw this would have been priceless :lol:

Its going to be an exciting new year.

Ugh, company firewall blocking that site :(
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
The dude lost his kid..thats sad, he already got 50 lakh for it.. these packees are amazing.

Lost kid x 5 thats why 50

Are you ok with this ?

Or is it that extra 22.5 on top that got to you.

Lalu was in charge then, he's the one that decreed it.

l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Electrified fences :D

After the first few million get the jolt of their lifetimes the others will wander off somewhere else :)

Hmm, dunno, they're pretty good at blowing things up. So a few openings here & there and you have a flood.

That's the main reason we don't want that place blowing up, or it will be '71 x 100

The real tragedy behind this whole affair is we are no closer to bringing any of the perps behind Samjhauta to justice. Another one of those 'cold' cases :(
Not adding fuel to OP's fire, but just do a google search for amount paid to 2005 Mumbai train blast victims :(

The entire english media is a hypocrite POS, I was of the opinion that India TV was sad, but atleast they are not hell bent in spreading such BS. NDTV, Outlook magazine, and now TOI are the worst of the bunch, NDTV has an uncanny knack of bringing up racial issues whenever things have cooled down.

Pakistan is a terrorist state, however you look at...
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Sure, thats what lalu promised in the first place, the dude is entitled to that. Why the extra 22.xx lakh now? Is everyone getting this?

We could hire scooby doo to find out.
Cmmon he was a father who lost his family....He must have come here to visit relatives...just bcoz he has Pakistani citizenship we shouldn't criticize the decision.

I am more worried abt kasab eating biryani with our money.
Dunno why time and money is spent on keeping such vermin alive.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Sure, thats what lalu promised in the first place, the dude is entitled to that. Why the extra 22.xx lakh now? Is everyone getting this?

From your article

An official at railways's office of chief claims officer said, "The money includes Rs 4 lakh compensation for each for those killed along with an interest at 9.5%

So thats the 22.5, @4 per person that came through today.

But earlier...

Through it all, Ali doesn't forget to thank the Indian government for its support after the event. "Three months after the incident, the Indian Embassy paid us Rs 50 lakh as compensation, Rs 10 lakh each for each of my dead children.

Lalu promised 10lakh per head.
Dunno why time and money is spent on keeping such vermin alive.

Shubh shubh bolo....Arundhati Roy and the rest of the human rights peeps would probably get a heart attack.

The dude is making a joke of the Indian justice system..ROFL. Just watch, tommorow he'll say Hemant karkare was a suicide bomber and ToI-let will splash that all over the front pages.
Not to forget pak is nation of countless fidayeen. Imagine every fidayeen detonating themselves in trains and other places and India giving them compensation like this is not a wise move.

When the blast took place there was no reservation in train, only general coaches were there so why to compensate so heavily ? Have India even arrested/sentenced someone or asked pak for help in finding the main culprit ? I bet this would be on back burner.

I totally agree with op on this. What TOI did was just publicity bull. If TOI is so much concerned about human rights why don't they go to ISI, fidayeen camps and ask to stop what they are doing for once.
47Shailesh said:
Not to forget pak is nation of countless fidayeen. Imagine every fidayeen detonating themselves in trains and other places and India giving them compensation like this is not a wise move.
If the act happens in India on an Indian train what else do you suggest ?

47Shailesh said:
When the blast took place there was no reservation in train, only general coaches were there so why to compensate so heavily ?
If the minister says the passengers will be compensated then the fact that this person isn't indian is a minor issue. I think it made the news because he lost 5 kids in one go.

47Shailesh said:
Have India even arrested/sentenced someone or asked pak for help in finding the main culprit ? I bet this would be on back burner.
Given that majority of passengers affected were from Pak, one expects their govt would do the necessary.
If the act happens in India on an Indian train what else do you suggest ?

The railway budget for compensation is 4 lakh per person. Thats what they are entitled to. Thats what they have always been getting. Why was the dude paid another sum of 22.5 lakh when he had already received almost double the sum from the Indian embassy?

Not only is this dude trying to cash in on his children's deaths, he also managed to make himself look like a victim thanks to retarded tamasha newspapers like ToI-let.
Why was the dude paid another sum of 22.5 lakh when he had already received almost double the sum from the Indian embassy?
I think what you mean to ask is why the 50k as the 22.5 is std.

The 50k is what the minister promised and came through quickly, the 22.5 only now.

As to the 50 i guess because of the foreign ramifications. Try not to look at this with hindsight. At the time in 2007, there was no 26/11 was there, ppl were trying to put the parliament bombing behind them wich happened 6 years prior. This train bombing happened on the eve of the pak FM's visit. Yes, there might have been a need to be big hearted with the 10lakhs per head.

So now we have an indication for how long it would take for relations to start up.

26/11 + 5years or around 2013 assuming we don't get another 'surprise'.
I think what you mean to ask is why the 50k as the 22.5 is std.

No I mean from what funds did lalu sahab pay those 50 lakh? The sponsor-a-paki for a day fund or something? Why this appeasment?

You are looking at this with hindsight. But at the time in 2007,

But there was an even bigger bombing just a year back in Mumbai. Those dudes have yet to receive their share to date and these packees are provided money like its lalu's baap's jagir? Shameful isn't it?

Horrible state of affairs, the government is as much to blame as our juvenile media, who tried to paint this dude as some destitute beggar, without researching about the 50 lakh this dude had already been paid!
Agree with sniper here. Why a paki scum? Why not the kin of those who died in mumbai attacks? Even a 50L in the first place was unnecessary. He lost kids eh? Those who died in mumbai were rats, waren't they? And those who die guarding our borders, what about them? May be the congi govt wants a vote from the paki, who knows it may give him the citizenship too. Meanwhile the 'Sarkari Damaad' (read kasab) is having the last laugh. He may contest elections too in the coming years. This country has gone to mutts already.

Point is, India could have paid him minimal under the point mentioned and still maintaining it's goodwill.

Point is, it's been enough playing good boy when those rants are just taking advantage of every opportunity.

Point is, Pak has much bigger security issue to deal with then checking in general coaches of Samjhota exp.
What if the guy had lost 20 kids? Would the govt have to pay 90 lakhs? The indian govt. is trying to find sympathies where there aren't any. The anti-india element is a necessity for pakistan to exist. Look east instead.
The problem is we as a nation dont have the balls to say the truth and act on it when it comes to pakistan as well as many other matters.

No wonder we are termed as a soft nation and picked on by every one.

PS - Is anyone here old enough to remember what happened on 19 Jan 1990 in Kashmir valley ? I have just read about it.

PPS - And no one was picked today.:bleh:
The way to find religious extremism is secularism. No comments on the indian version of secularism. The other way to fight religious extremism is the way china does - brute force, like gengis khan who used genocide to break and subdue his enemies.
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