Indian Stock Market and Mutual Funds

- RNVL @615 Target @675 Stoploss @560
- BASF @5600 Target @6050 Stoploss @5200

Currently in red so lets see if these target are met.
Please don't take my advice to invest, I am not an expert.
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unlike earlier, no big announcement in railways sector.
overall market does not look that pleased about budget, looking for a bit of volatility in coming months.
Yeah but I think overall it will stabilize
Interesting stock considering push for agriculture and farmers.
I've subscribed 1 month plan for Goodluck Capital for 5k, basically they will give weekly recommendations (3 stocks/week) before market starts on Tuesday/Wednesday for swing period of couple of weeks. There 3rd stock almost hit the target in a single day and looks promising

- INDUSTOWER @410 Target @440 Stoploss @395
Are we strating stock recommendations here ???
I am the last person to ask for advice, Please do your own research bro. I don't want anyone to loose money due to my recommendations.
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Are we strating stock recommendations here ???
These are just people doing chai-pe-charcha on market information or stocks they found interesting and funny(!).
These are not insider information, neither recommendations nor advise.
Just random people discussing stuff they found interesting.

If you see, I just checked how trades are going during budget times and future strategies, @kartikoli just shared what he found interesting. Discussed news which I found interesting. For eg., Avanti Feeds is a make and break kind of volatile stock for many people, in this budget due to lowering of taxes on shrimp feed, it's price went up, no idea whether it may crash later due to some other reason. Won't we all like some good shrimp dishes :)

If you see some YT channels, you will find trainers / traders / whatnot discussing how those at top and well connected influence markets and nobody bats an eye.
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Will cause some real distress for people wanting to sell property, unless govt make some amendments.
Earlier, people could buy bonds to cover this, anyone know whether the same is applicable now ? Doubts.
This govt really is not leaving many options to public for dealing with inflation. Just tax tax tax everywhere. Cynical increase in STT too, just to make sure even more people lose even more money ( or make less for those who make money).

Only indian equities is an obvious option but that has its own quirks and is a bit heated these days esp small/midcaps.

LTCG bonds still exist and one can invest upto 50 lacs in a financial year.
Just listing down some negatives as i understood. Could be useful still. (54EC)
1) 5.25% vs 2-3 % higher elsewhere ( esp senior citizens ). Against that, you do avoid immediate taxation.
2) 5 year lock
3) interest taxable at slabs. sucks if you make >15L
not sure what you mean by immediate taxation. The principal amount is tax free post lock-in too.
Without the bonds we will have to pay CG tax in that FY immediately.
So its a positive with the bonds as we can delay it and only need to pay on future interest income. And lose some to interest difference ( which is also taxable).

Bonds certainly seem to make sense if income is low and some of the interest becomes either tax free ( income < 3L i think) or is taxed at say 5%.
Also - not an expert, so verify.
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, unless govt make some amendments.
hope the govt reduces the ltcg for equity again too if they roll this back...otherwise giving preferential treatment to real estate vs a more "risky" asset like equity simply doesn't make sense...even now having the same treatment on ltcg for equity vs real estate doesnt make sense....

Market is on an all time high and going up almost constantly for past 1-2 this is why it seems so 'risk free'....but anyone who knows equity will tell you that wealth can get wiped out in equity in a month just like that...which is not the case for real it is quite amusing that the government has taken such a short-sighted view on putting equity at the same rate of tax as real estate even though an investor in former is taking on much more risk....

It is amusing but not surprising as the govt is just being greedy and justifying any tax increases with whatever random reason like 'simplification' they can come wtf...we work 1500-2000+ hours every year to earn money...I am sure we can spend 10 hours creating a tax this simplification is complete nonsense...if someone is too lazy to go through the complexities let them pay more tax why is it the other way around?
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