Indianization of my phoreign wife is complete!!

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red dragon

Possibly some of you guys know my wife is a Slavic who loves Indian " Sanskriti" etc. And learned to wear sarees, can cook rice, fish curry etc. ( she has improved a lot in this department)
can speak a mixture of Hindi and Bengali rather fluently.
But she always swears in Czech or English ( specially when directed towards me) and she doesn't swear much/ does it in a very posh/ classy way...which irritates me even more...I'm still not very fluent in Czech, but can swear fluently for sure.
Today morning, due to the weather ( cold and rain) her car was not starting...and it's a weird ass car, drives like a toy, no clutch, gear shift is automated or something, it can drive itself with minimal interaction.. basically super easy to drive but when doesn't start with a's basically a cluster **** of button combinations etc. (beside a giant iPad like screen, sensors everywhere...honestly I don't know how, it's like a freaking non booting computer)
As we were getting late I just uttered that I should brought my car...well, it was a mistake, but the damage was done...she kicked the car and went into a flurry of swearing ( mostly directed towards her expensive car and my POS old car, which I'm refusing to change since 2018)... EVERY BAD WORD WAS IN HINDI/ BANGLA ( starting with motherc**d!! I'm ashamed to admit that I'm not a very polished person and use these words rather loudly at home specially after online classes...I am a terribly demanding teacher)!!
I was stunned...speechless...and don't know why... genuinely happy...the car started..we almost started making out in the car..but saw my mother in law grinning from a single open window upstairs!! It was hilarious..
I'm sorry for this stupid thread, mods, please delete if inappropriate..but Indian swearings are in a league of their own...
I literally LOL'd reading this.

How's your trip going so far otherwise?
If anyone want to right about you, you are open book at this point..

You have share so much personal details about you over the decade which I absolutely like though I always hesitate sharing thing like this online.

Start her watching Mirzapur on primevideo, she will most like pronounce every Hindi bad word after seeing it
I have deleted Facebook account years ago. Twitter seems to hate me a lot (keeps on deleting/ blocking my account). Too old for reddit. Other than some medical forums, I have zero presence in the world of internet. Yes, there are papers I submitted in medical journals, they are very much present for anyone to see.
Honestly, there is nothing much in my life to hide. I am just a recovering junkie doctor ( trust me, there are many in this profession, some in active addiction..I pray for them everyday) who is lucky enough to use that experience in helping others suffering with this same disease.
Mirzapur? Is it that series with gangs & politicians in UP/Bihar and 2 brothers? We have watched the season 1 during the long break. We watch a lot of Hindi/ Bengali movies and series fact I am still using my user id for the Indian TV series/ movies.
I can not write in words how much I miss India, but won't be returning.
I literally LOL'd reading this.

How's your trip going so far otherwise?
We are still in Slovakia, reached Bratislava from Kosice couple of hours back, finished some official paperwork, visit a bank etc. Will go to Vienna tomorrow. So far it has been fine ( just hours of driving basically) but we are missing the kid real bad already, Len is facetiming for hours...
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We are still in Slovakia, reached Bratislava from Kosice couple of hours back, finished some official paperwork, visit to a bank etc. Will go to Vienna tomorrow. So far it has been fine ( just hours of driving basically) but we are missing the kid real bad already, Len is facetiming for hours...
I can imagine, my cuz had to leave his daughter with the in laws at the native place last year and it was hell for everyone, parents and kid. But the grans were thrilled kinda lol

Anyways since this is probably your last deputation with who, try and have as much fun as possible no matter how crap it gets.
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Hopefully this is the last one. I was kind of tricked into it by Ted ( despite all the mistakes he made earlier with covid 19, this guy is really sharp..and honestly I still respect him)
Yes, we plan to give our 110 percent, work really hard, mix with the locals, soak ourselves in their culture.
When i was very young, still in my teens, an uncle taught me something that goes like this:

"No matter how many good things you've done in your life, even hundreds, the world will only remember that one terrible thing you've done".

It's hard even for me, but the world could really do with more forgiveness and compassion.
I just wish the biggest critics of Ted could talk to him in person.
I've never seen a person ( in his position and power) this humble. You wouldn't believe how sorry he feels inside about his 2 tweets.
Ofcourse I don't know if Trump's accusations are true or not, but honestly I don't think Ted got paid by the Chinese for his early remarks and tweets ( he is not an idiot and has enough knowledge of communicable diseases)
If you go back in time and read up the articles/ data analysis that was available at that time, nothing was clear about the virus. He made a stupid comment for sure, but politicians make even worse comments everyday.
Thanks manu, Mirzapur 2nd season is up, we are watching the first episode..far better than crappy wife is in love with Guddu Pandit!!
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I just wish the biggest critics of Ted could talk to him in person.
I've never seen a person ( in his position and power) this humble. You wouldn't believe how sorry he feels inside about his 2 tweets.
Ofcourse I don't know if Trump's accusations are true or not, but honestly I don't think Ted got paid by the Chinese for his early remarks and tweets ( he is not an idiot and has enough knowledge of communicable diseases)
If you go back in time and read up the articles/ data analysis that was available at that time, nothing was clear about the virus. He made a stupid comment for sure, but politicians make even worse comments everyday.
I don't want to comment on Tedros because i really know next to nothing about him. But about WHO I have a few thoughts. Like any other science-based organisation, especially one whose statements are public, global and can literally change the world, they wouldn't want to declare something without having 100% scientific facts and proof backing those statements. No matter how obvious it seems, without the data, speaking even a single word can be disastrous. Not to mention grossly irresponsible. For example, in an ideal, perfect, world, they would have warned instructed the world to stop all international flights way back in say december right? Well, there was no hard data back then, and imagine if they did issue an advisory and it turned out to be a false alarm? The entire world would then be blaming them for ruining the economy for nothing. Because they stopped flights. I believe they released advisories as and when they thought it was sure to do so. If you look at their releases objectively, i don't think anyone can say that it would have been appropriate to do so earlier. Everyone can say a lot of shoulda/coulda/wouldas in hindsight, but that's not how it works in reality. I'm not defending WHO just explaining how science-based research works.

The friend i mentioned in another thread who is sad that Trump lost, also said he did many good things including stopping WHO funding. This is the most narrow-minded and naive knee-jerk reaction you can think of. Trump did this to cover his own ass because he totally botched the coronavirus response and didn't even allow his concerned agencies to work freely against it. I told my friend, forget about corona, what do you think the state of the world would be today without the WHO? The work they have done over the last many decades in the fields of health and medicine is unfathomable. Things like smallpox may never have been eradicated without the collective effort of countries guided by the WHO.

People seriously need to stop falling for the hype and propaganda and start using their god-given brain cells to think for themselves.
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I can assure you people one thing...and I'm not beating my own drums..we do work REALLY HARD in WHO.
We go to places where we can be killed very easily, where their own doctors have fled. Like where we're going now.
Not a single local doctor is willing to go to some villages because a local witch doctor murdered a local physician and his whole family few years back. Not a single kid in those 18 villages received a single vaccine in last 5 years!!
If I start vaccinating the kids and one of them gets mild fever, I may be murdered too. I must educate them first, treat the adults successfully for months, then only we can build up some trust and start the actual job. It's going to be a very slow and tedious process.
Moreover we know nothing about these people, they don't exist in travel there's nothing to see except hunger, death and extreme depravity. These are people long forgotten/ never existed to us,privileged ones.
Name one organization which is working for these people.
Remember the Bucharest tunnel people? Nonody wrote Romanian government planned to kill them all by some sort of toxic fumes, they couldn't do it because some of us were living inside those tunnels with those people. Ted was the man who came with this brilliant idea. Thousands of people including a lot of children could have died.
We eventually rescued everyone from those hell holes ( their leader is in jail because of some horrendous crimes he did against children, given a choice I would have strangled that POS then and there..YouTube made him a hero..) and I still have contact with few of them..they are doing pretty good.
This is what WHO does, we work with and for people that no one will. Our DG begs for us as our patients cannot pay our professional fees.
That's in nutshell how the real WHO works.
We were never afraid of Trump or anyone else for the matter. We are beggers of the highest order with exceptional begging skills.
I will be of no use to the aliens. I'm just another anti corporate,anti capitalist, bitter realist who has been warned several times for dropping F bombs in international seminars. I'm really sick of this fake polished image of doctors community.
Have another useleesd stupid webinar tomorrow from Vienna HQ. This time around it will be pure desi swearings.
I will keep it real, no matter the pressure.
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But make sure she doesn't get that hard on hindi bad words/slang as your kid might catch it and thinking its normal he will start uttering the same at home or school and if someone Indian in his vicinity then it will be a problem for him and eod it will all come to you as parents and people will bash you with words like upbringing and then those Indian sankars and etc. etc..

As for aliens, they will be happy to stay with you than hunting down as you keep wandering places suddenly and its the same with them..

Dont watch mirzapur or any such Indian series as you, your wife and kid will get spoiled! All such Indi series are just plain violence, sex, rapes, murders, politics and shit! So refrain!
But you can actually filters down wrt reviews and watch some other India series which are family friendly.
No, no..we weren't watching Mirzapur with the kid. And of course neither of us swear in front of the kid!!
Actually the kid's screen time is fixed ( 45 minutes max) thankfully he's now more interested in drawing, colouring, playing football and their weird games of hiding things with the dogs.
We both have seen far worse things than Mirzapur in real life mate...far worse...
Dont watch mirzapur or any such Indian series as you, your wife and kid will get spoiled! All such Indi series are just plain violence, sex, rapes, murders, politics and shit! So refrain!
+1 to this.

People may then say what about narcos or GoT etc. I don't think there's a comparison. It's become fashionable for Indian productions to become more filthy now because it's 'edgy' and so why can't we tap into that market too?
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+1 to this.

People may then say what about narcos or GoT etc. I don't think there's a comparison. It's become fashionable for Indian productions to become more filthy now because it's 'edgy' and so why can't we tap into that market too?
I already had an argument with few members where they indirectly say our thinking is backward and that their sisters and mothers watch such series secretly only to discuss the next day on breakfast table. Funny! Then why be ashamed of watching together if you are so open minded?
They will/have already given freedom to their kids to watch whatever they like... good for them. Majority of us cannot be comfortable watching prons with kids and shag together...
And then there are those gutless who fear they might feel ignored hence they just go with what the majority says with... if they eat shit they will also eat shit just to stay in such flock!
They have this mentality "if you can have sex why not watch it" I would say then why not openly have sex in public, terrace and corridors instead, why you need privacy in a bedroom with locked doors?

These people are already so pissed off, insecured and anxious as government will control OTT platforms.
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Your points are very valid but there is absolutely no use in arguments. If someone's made a conscious choice you are most probably not going to change their mind. So it ends up a waste of time and energy and may also spoil relationships. In maybe 0.001% cases where the person doesn't really know or understand something you may be able to educate and convince them. Else it's pointless. I myself struggle with this often.
Your points are very valid but there is absolutely no use in arguments. If someone's made a conscious choice you are most probably not going to change their mind. So it ends up a waste of time and energy and may also spoil relationships. In maybe 0.001% cases where the person doesn't really know or understand something you may be able to educate and convince them. Else it's pointless. I myself struggle with this often.
Of course buddy no point arguing. Its just that these class of people think they are very much forward and compare themselves to the west.
In fact in west there aren't such shitty series made with same recurring crap masala.
These masala shit is only applicable to our janata as thats what sells around.
We both have seen far worse things than Mirzapur in real life mate...far worse...
I feel the difference between real life and the idiot box is that you will learn like a cautionary lesson or warning in real life. And this may actually help you improve or grow. Whereas watching the same kinda stuff on the telly just normalises extreme behaviour like sex and violence and has lasting negative effects on the mind. I say this because introspecting, I'm pretty sure I've been conditioned into accepting all this as normal now compared to say when i was a kid. Just my thoughts. I may be completely wrong.

In fact in west there aren't such shitty series made with same recurring crap masala.
These masala shit is only applicable to our janata as thats what sells around.
Actually there is a lot of shitty western masala but no one really watches it and even those who do don't hype it like some national treasure like they do here lol
Don't worry buddies, we are two middle aged person, perfectly capable of distinguishing a TV series and reality.
And honestly I found the storyline of Mirzapur interesting and most of the actors are pretty damn good.
You wouldn't believe what my in-laws watch in Czech TV channels.
We're both suckers for mafia flicks...
BTW, do normal people of UP/ Bihar use this kind of language even in front of their parents?
I don't know the meaning of most Hindi swear words anyway, except the obvious ones.
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