iOS 4 Gold is here, iPhone 3G getting the cold shoulder on new features

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a very bad news for 3G users

2G users - what to say now

i thought that only multitasking wont be available on 3g but now there's more which is not available
yaa it is true that iphone 3g owners will not be able to use some of the features of ios4 and 2g owners will not even be able to upgrade there os to ios4 (i am also one of those unlucky iphone2g owners) because apple will disable some features like multitasking for iphone 3g and will not provide a update for iphone 2g but it is not because they just don't want us to use those features on our early iphone's . they are doing this because they know that the iphone 2g and 3g hardware is not good enough to run all those features . on other hand i think who need's ios4 as long as i got my jailbroken iphone 2g upgrade to 3.1.2
^^ So why did you bother to make a pointless post in a pointless thread?

Just out of curiosity why is this a pointless thread? Is it because it appears to be debunking some myths that Apple fans believe in? You don't consider it pointless arguing how iPhone updates work on all iPhones in contrast to a platform like Android. Yet when an iPhone user says that the OS update does not work so great on all iPhones and Steve Jobs failed to mention it at all, then it becomes a pointless discussion. How cute.

Some times I kind of feel pity for people who are brainwashed to such an extent that they turn into Apple controlled Internet bots.

They are like: Did someone write something nice about iPhone? let me add how great it is, did some one write something negative about Apple/iPhone, then post that it is a pointless discussion and that the author of the article is a retard. Been seeing this a lot on gsmarena as well.
forget about all that Apple and fanboys says. saying mighty about improved signal and radio reception and then asking others to turn off their wifi devices to get signal for video calling in iphone 4 is another example. :)

now, iphone 3G's h/w and battery can take a toll if multitasking is enable. And even right now, you can get multitaksing enabled through Cydia but definitely not worth on the older iphones. It's a right decision but a sad one.
^^ Software wise I don't think any of the features made available so far are not available from day 1 iPhone OS was developed and that includes multi-tasking. The features were all locked and being gradually unlocked as new features. The reason for not enabling multi-tasking sooner is two fold. With an OS like Symbian which is well optimized to run on minimal hardware, it was possible to multi-task without putting too much strain on battery life. In contrast the resource intensive nature of the iOS means that if you run more one app, it will take a huge toll on the responsiveness. So apple restricted what can be run in the background. Secondly, multi-tasking drained battery life too fast making it impractical to multi-task. With iPhone 4, Apple seems to have managed to cram in a bigger battery that can offset the toll due to multi-tasking. Even if Multi-tasking has been enabled for iPhone 3GS as well, I don't think its a good idea to use that either directly or though jail breaking.
Isn't this case like Windows 7 will really take ages to work on a Pentium 3 machine??

sometimes u have to do with the hardware restrictions.. else, its the time to upgrade :ohyeah:
As opposed to android which allows all phones running it to instantly upgrade to thr latest OS!! :P @OP you didn't post this for info purpose alone did you??

i agree with kauzy.Earlier hardware versions can't be expected to support all the subsequent OS releases.Even windows doesn't do that!!The fact that they have supported the original harware for over 3 yrs. is good enough and those who bought the earlier version, this is the perfect time to upgrade.

And pls don't compare nokia and symbian poop with iphone.Iphone is light years ahead of any garbage nokia ever churned out.Even android is way better than symbian.tjhe only thing nokias are great for is frequent crashing and displaying that loading screen.They may sound awesome foir a geek who wants to play with its features but pretty much useless for anyone who wants to gets things done with it without spending insane amts of time moving from one sub menu to another!!

My only complaints with iphone so far has been lack of bigger screen, limited storage(that's true for all phones) and garbage speaker.iOS is buttery smooth and the few things i missed was multitasking(really a pain in the a** when you are running any navigation software or paying games and suddenly you receive a phone call----you have to start over again),folders and a single unified game center ,every time you start phone it takes a few seconds to get wifi signal--why can't it be permanently on?? and last but not least the notification system.All these software limitations have beentaken care of by iOS4 features with the notable exception of notifications system.Hopefully the new guy that apple hired (who had designed notifications for palm ) will help apple fix that!!
Well to be honest, its not that easy to discount this as "You cant expect new OS to run on old hardware".

With kind of hardware even 3G has under its hood, it just shows the limitations or the drawbacks of the OS.

Multitasking should have been there from Day1. Basically productivity was compromised for so called Ultimate User Experience. And if what article says is the case, then even that UI experience is getting a severe blow with the new update.

Its not even about old hardware not getting support.

Even if users opt not to upgrade the firmware, what happens when something goes wrong and iTunes restores it to iOS4. Will Apple take responsibility and offer choice to the users to roll back in such cases?

ITs a shame for those who bought this by paying full amount in India. This phone was selling as the top of the line Apple offering for India less than 6 months back.
I don't understand the hype about multi tasking if you have a jb iPhone just install backgrounder and multi task all you want .
smoky004 said:
As opposed to android which allows all phones running it to instantly upgrade to thr latest OS!! :P @OP you didn't post this for info purpose alone did you??

No, I didn't post it for info alone. (The reason I already mentioned in the initial post) It proves that Fragmentation on Android is not as much a problem as some people claim and also that iPhone too has no particular advantage in this area just because its not fragmented. Ultimately the hardware limit the usability of the updates after a point. Ideally, a stable stock firmware and minor updates to fix any issues are what are essential to a smart phone running and remain practical though its lifetime. Ability to install a major rel of the OS is not much of an advantage if its only going to slow down the hardware without adding much.

smoky004 said:
i agree with kauzy.Earlier hardware versions can't be expected to support all the subsequent OS releases.Even windows doesn't do that!!The fact that they have supported the original harware for over 3 yrs. is good enough and those who bought the earlier version, this is the perfect time to upgrade.

What Kauzy and you are saying is what even I am trying to convey if you didn't get it still. I have seen quite a few iPhone fans on various forums saying that the non fragmented nature of iOS has advantages over the fragmentation on Android in the area of updates. What I am saying is that trying to support old hardware in a half-assed fashion is just about as practical as trying to install Win 7 on a Pentium 3 or Leopard on a G4. You can run a phone good enough though its life time with the stock firmware if its stable enough and offers all the features you need. For me a stable and usable stock firmware is more than enough. If I want to use a new version of the OS, I would buy hardware that's optimized for it. I don't want to install Symbain 3 on a phone designed for S60 5th edition. I don't want to install Windows Mobile 7 on a phone designed for 6.5. If I want to use iOS 4, I will use a iPhone 4 for that and if I want to use Froyo, I will get hardware that's tested and fine tuned for it. So upgrade to new OS releases does not matter at all as long as the stock firmware and minor updates keep the phone usable.

Whats different with iPhone is that so many things are crippled in the stock firmware that people feel that its mandatory to update or upgrade to a new version of the phone to get the latest things that were unlocked.

smoky004 said:
And pls don't compare nokia and symbian poop with iphone.Iphone is light years ahead of any garbage nokia ever churned out.Even android is way better than symbian.tjhe only thing nokias are great for is frequent crashing and displaying that loading screen.They may sound awesome foir a geek who wants to play with its features but pretty much useless for anyone who wants to gets things done with it without spending insane amts of time moving from one sub menu to another!!

bah.. Don't even start on that. There were better symbian based smart phones even before Apple released the iPhone. As far as I am concerned, I consider iPhone to be just a multimedia phone with a locked down smart phone OS till some while back. I don't know how much you have used Symbain, but most people consider it the best smart phone OS there is. I have seen Windows phones crash and I have seen iPhone's go bad, I am yet to see a Symbian phone crash in the last 7 years. Can you even hope to run iOS or Android on the kind of hardware that can run symbian? And yeah Symbian phones were always much more usable than the crippled iPhone out of the box. iPhone users had to jailbreak and what not to get some actual usability out of the phone.
LOL even I do not wish to update to iOS 4 either. I don't think the hardware of the iPhone 3G could take that update.

I will be honest here - I have JB'en my iPhone 3G but never installed any other app using Cydia. I'm happy with just the JB'en phone. :)
Symbian has its pro's and cons.. So does android.. and so does the iOS.. in the end, we all choose what is best and more comfortable for us.. can we all be at peace now?? :P
kauzy said:
Symbian has its pro's and cons.. So does android.. and so does the iOS.. in the end, we all choose what is best and more comfortable for us.. can we all be at peace now?? :P
The very aim of this thread is not to have peace :P
udayrulz said:
I don't understand the hype about multi tasking if you have a jb iPhone just install backgrounder and multi task all you want .

It has been there for long enough.And it works flawlessly on my iphone 2g phone too.Restricting the ios 4 upto 3G iphones on basis of hardware is baseless.
Lord Nemesis said:
bah.. Don't even start on that. There were better symbian based smart phones even before Apple released the iPhone. As far as I am concerned, I consider iPhone to be just a multimedia phone with a locked down smart phone OS till some while back. I don't know how much you have used Symbain, but most people consider it the best smart phone OS there is. I have seen Windows phones crash and I have seen iPhone's go bad, I am yet to see a Symbian phone crash in the last 7 years. Can you even hope to run iOS or Android on the kind of hardware that can run symbian? And yeah Symbian phones were always much more usable than the crippled iPhone out of the box. iPhone users had to jailbreak and what not to get some actual usability out of the phone.
Lord Nemesis, I find your view very myopic. It doesn't matter how "technically superior" the Symbian OS might be. It might run great on archaic hardware too, but the plain and simple truth is that Symbian phones are rubbish. The last good phone that Nokia made was probably the 6610. Everyone owned one, or wanted to own one. It just hasn't been the same since then. I've only seen lots of unkept promises from Nokia after that.

I think Symbian's near-dead. The earlier Nokia realises this and moves to Android, the better it is for the company. Android is definitely the future, there's no doubt about it. Win Phone 7 may do a volteface too, but it might be too late for Microsoft. If Symbian has to do a revamp, it has to offer something new in a market that's almost saturated. The iPhone has a stranglehold on the applications department; it's the same with iTunes and music/movies. I just don't see anyone bettering Apple on this front. Just by looking at the sheer revenue figures, developers all over the world know the App Store is their golden goose. Android holds the crown for "being connected". Everything's seamlessly integrated: FaceBook, Twitter, Gmail, etc. No place for Symbian here too. BlackBerry has perfected email and IM. Corporates will stick to it. Win Phone 7 is going to be all about cloud computing - something Palm OS tried, but failed at achieving. Where does that leave Symbian? Will it have the best multitasking abilities? Will it be the geekiest OS ever? Would the average joe really care? I doubt it.

At the of the day, user experience is what makes or breaks a phone. The 6610 had a great user experience. So does the iPhone. So do most Android phones. But the Nokia N97? The 5800? Hah! You gotta be kidding. So it doesn't matter whether you label a phone as a "multimedia" type or "smart phone". That's just semantics. Phones will sell regardless of their capabilities. The 3310 is still a big hit in certain circles. It's the user experience that counts. And you needn't listen to my words, go ahead and make your inferences by the common people's choices ;)
^^ Well I intended this thread to be about the advantages and disadvantages of fragmentation wrt Andrioid vs iOS since that has been a topic that I had seen quite a number of debates about.

Since people have brought Symbian OS into the picture, then let me tell you, I still think Symbian is technically superior and has a lot of potential for Nokia or any other company if they decide to make use of it. And yeah I agree with you that "technically superior" doesn't always mean market acceptance and vice versa, a technically inferior product can be made to sell. Apple wouldn't have been able to sell a product after 1997 if that had not been the case. Yeah I also agree that symbian did not see a proper refresh for a long time, but the the fact remains that it had the majority of the market and still does with 50% market share. 7 out of 10 smart phones sold in India are symbian based and made by Nokia. Although the relative market share has decreased with new platforms entering the scene, the volume of sales for symbian devices is still on the raise indicating that people are still buying into this platform. Android and iOS require costly hardware to be properly usable. Symbian hardware can go as low as $100 and still remain usable for the lower end of the smart phone market. Even on the mid/high end, phones like N8, it brings new stuff for a mobile platform like USB Hosting. Nokia makes great phones, however they don't know how to market and that had been the bane of Symbian as well. Had Symbian been acquired by Apple instead, everyone would be singing praises of the platform. It has everything essential unlike Android and iOS which are still not mature enough and have bits and pieces missing. In any case, Symbian 3 is open source OS now, so lets see where it goes. I don't see symbian going down anytime soon. Not unless Phone manufacturers want to kill it. As long as there symbian phones there would be people to buy them.
the fragmentation that will liekely occur with the introduction iOS4 will be nowhere near as bad as that faced by current android.So stop equating the two.Even the original model enjoyed support for over 3 yrs. and tyhat's more than what i can ask for.On the other hand many android phones bought early this year can't be upgraded to android 2.2.

7 out of 10 smart phones sold in India are symbian based and made by Nokia.

ya indians buy a lotta junk. An average indian user cares more abt phones stuffed with useless features or half -ass implementation of feature rather than usability.I just hope indian consumers will get smarter as time goes on just like the rest of the world.After all these are meant for people who have loads of time to waste around.
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