Escalate through your service provider.
Get in touch with Apple over email and they are not bad.
It's third party repair center who create this non sense to extract money
Yes currently I'm contacting them over Twitter DM. If that doesn't works out, I'll try to contact them via Email.
@Neo-N Yes, I think some of your options are valid. But yes first I'm trying to convince apple. If there was any mistake from my side I'd not have raised my voice this much. But sorry I can't accept sweat getting over the port and catching sulpher a real problem of mine. Most of the Indian men's sweats a lot so does this means they are trying to say the iPhone is not for Indian Men? Even if I leave that out, I'm really unable to understand how the pin actually broke.
@RakaKaKaka Exactly my point. What's the guarantee that if I get a replacement by paying 24k and insure it by another 3.5k and then if again something happens after 3 months they won't say that "Sir this thing is not covered under warranty as well as insurance".
@Party Monger If I really can't get this fixed for few hundred bucks or replaced for free by Apple, I'm really not going to buy Apple device again. Really, 50k for a device and no support. Why shouldn't I get a 10k device and throw it away once it's done with it's lifetime then? Better offer isn't it?
@aKp1 Yes even I feel so. What's the point of having such warranty? Because most of the things are not covered under warranty sorry "Limited Warranty". So even if something happens to that 50k device later, I'd either way not be able to claim warranty due to their "Limited Warranty".
Yes my concern is, having a warranty seems not to matter for their "Limited Warranty", so if I'm not that lucky to manage a free replacement after speaking with apple, I think best is to get it done from local 3rd party repair shop. I do understand that doing this I'll void my warranty. But what's the point of having such Warranty which is "Limited" in every manner and I can't claim anything.
This is what like they told me...(I'll try to quote exactly as possible) "Apple provides "Limited Warranty" in India. Only manufacturing defects are covered which is valid upto 2 months from the date you buy iPhone. So if you have came earlier, we'd have considered it as a manufacturing defect. But now that 2months are over and you are saying it was working fine for 3 months and now it's not working we cannot consider it as a manufacturing defect. So you see if the PIN was not broken and your phone was still not getting charged that's covered under warranty, but now as the PIN is missing we consider it as a damage." I told them that I really didn't do anything and they can verify that if they can or have any scope to do that, but the instant reply was "It doesn't matter, whether you did it or it happened automatically or by any x y z means, but ultimately it's a damage and damages are not covered under warranty".
And regarding the sulpher in lightning cable, they simply said "Be it because of moisture or humidity or you dipped the cable into water, it doesn't matter, if this cannot be covered under warranty we cannot do anything". This does mean that iDevices are not compatible to run in Indian environment. Does this mean I need to have AC in my home, own a AC Car to own an iDevice? So that it doesn't capture moisture when I go in or out of my AC work place?