Went for Avengers movie yesterday. Typical Indian Experience:
I sat in an audi which had no isle. So a small hall it was. Was sitting 4th row from front and only consolation was that prolly the seats will be empty around me. Then came the bozos, the late comers.
A couple of guys entered, one of them looking like Jr Hulk, brown colored.. and his pal wore a kurta with a 'gamcha'. Worst fears came out to be true when the gamcha guy didnt had any knowledge about the superheroes and was english challenged. Okay.. some murmurs will be there i thought.
But the brown hulk had already seen the movie and was there to be his translator and alert sounding guy: 'Ye scene dekhna' 'Ye wala mast hai' I was like okay.. this is getting bad. The row had surprisingly got filled up too.
Then the people sitting on the other side, again a set of 2 frnds.. 'Jay kaun si model hai' , 'Wo hara wala marega?'
I thought okay.. 60 bucks will get u such people. Then the brown hulk gets up, returns with 3 cans or red bull. Gulps down 2 and then starts burping. After a few mins, he pulls out his blackberry n starts texting.
All this happened during the boring first few mins so i got lucky.. as i got up during the stark vs cap'n america, and moved myself to the empty 2nd row from the front. Saw the rest of the movie in peace.
Jammers might not be an option, but why dont we have seats with buttons to call up the stewards?
Oh man. I thought I was watching the movie when I read your post.
I went to watch Avengers after 2-3 weeks of release. I bought the tickets in advance, being worried cause 3D gives me major head aches. Luckily DT cinemas have those expensive 3D spectacles and not the sh** which PVR gives. Movie starts..I am engrossed. 20 minutes lates, 3-4 men come and sit behind me. I hear their MC/BC first and then they sit. Without looking at them, I could tell these are NRI Sardars from Canada. Like your case, one had seen the movie, so 15 seconds before a good scene, I knew what was about to come up -cause- one sardar without a patka, but a cap, would tell it to his bro. fu***** pissing off. To make it worst, one a**-hole stretched out and kept hitting my chair, like 3-4 times every 30 seconds. I turned back, and told him off to please mind his feet. He just shrugged his shoulders and made a face, but still continued to pester me.
Post interval:
1. It was confirmed they were NRI sardars.
2. I moved 2 rows down.
End of movie:
I looked at the vacant seats of the group which were behind me, in the first half. They had thrown those expensive 3D goggles on the floor and walked off.