Is there at all online gaming in India ?

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Get the Orange Box and play Team Fortress 2 on Singapore & Malaysian servers with 90-150ms.
First FPS I am playing online in half a decade and loving it!
v1gnesh said:
oh BTW, f(r)ag-shack sux :|

no n00bs to pwn :bleh:

the place is empty half of the time..

i guess no one wants to join cuz its clan arena 24/7 :@

annoying 13year olds in a cyber cafe who have poor control over grammar and frequently use characters to make them look more "L33T". I'll pass, thank you.
IceFusion said:
really.... let me remeber... i started a UT3 demo server... where most of the people said that they were getting decent pings.... but what happenned... No 1 showed up to play.... Only on the first day 2 - 3 people played , that was it... so stop blaming that there are no servers in India...

I was one of those players who checked-in every 5~10 min on that demo server those days to see if anyone was playing and found no one except for 2 days.

Frankly I think the major problem was disabling the bots. In many of the UT2004 servers I frequent, they have the auto-balance on and the player limit set to 16/24. So even if there are only 4 human players, the rest are filled with bots ensuring that you do not get bored. If a new player joins in, one of the bots is immediately removed to make room for the human player and likewise if one of the players quits in between, a bot takes over.

Party Monger said:
I was the other guy,,,
U see ice, noone wanted to play deathmatch, every one wated the other one..forgot the name...

Yeah, I remember it was you who was roaming about in the map alone without any players and after I took joined, I took the alien ship and fragged you many times as soon as you spawned. :P

montylee said:
Vehicle Deathmatch? maybe...but there were not enough players to enjoy the game.

I think we could have just enabled the bots to play vehicle CTF too.
evox said:
annoying 13year olds in a cyber cafe who have poor control over grammar and frequently use characters to make them look more "L33T". I'll pass, thank you.
whatever :| , as if i care what a 60year old has to say about me ...

mods can delete the post :S
v1gnesh said:
whatever :| , as if i care what a 60year old has to say about me ...

mods can delete the post :S

Errrr I meant the annoying Indian CS Players I've encountered during my playtime (the ones who constantly roar about how good and "1337" they are over VoIP). I didn't mean you.

also, I'm not 60.

Edit: also, before getting worked up, try reading posts carefully
i play FEAR multiplayer on UK and german servers.....had to make them friendz coz otherwise they kick due to high pings :( ...i get around 180-200 in every game....even call of duty 4 also, on the *Ahem* servers ;P.......I couldn't play CSS coz there are no/ very less indian servers for that :(

besides high clan still owns in FEAR and i hav 2 germans also in my clan :)
Has anyone played Gears of War (PC) online yet? Does it work, and does it work well? I have an Airtel 512kbps unlimited connection.

It doesn't matter to me whether I am playing people in India or anywhere else in the world. The reason I ask is that I played Warhawk online on the PS3 at a friend's house and am totally hooked on online gaming! Also, he can play against people all across the world seamlessly - no glitches, skipping etc.
^^^for FPS multiplayer game your download speed doesnt matter as you would learn when you try to play online. What matters is the ping time to the game servers. I dont think Gears of War have been released in India or has it????
Yeah, it's been released for sure! And it uses the Windows - Live thing for online playing (i.e. same thing as the Xbox 360).
montylee said:
gr8 dude! I have joined it but i won't be able to play till jan next year. U guys should prefix "TE |" before ur usernames.

I thought of posting that as an Announcement, but Saumil on the spot said he won't be putting "TE" with his alias. I'd reckon other people will agree, so I decided to trop the "TE in Alias" thing :(
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