Car & Bike is this tatas 1 lakhs car?

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dingemini312 said:
i am surely buyin one for myself........ mumbai is gettin to TRAFFIC bugged :(

Somehow I fear everyone's going to do that and it isn't going to help the traffic and pollution situation. Imagine almost every family buying a car and some families buying a car for each member. All the people who would generally use a bike or scooter will now be buying a car. If the massive demand is met at a constant pace, there are going to be really serious problems in the next year or two following the release :S
sydras said:
One hit and the engine will be in your lap. A side impact would be devastating. Mileage of 20 kmpl seems quite poor.

Its Rear engine so someone will have to hit you from behind and then the engine will kick you in your behind :P And you say 20kmpl is poor compared to...?

superczar said:
If the car is as good as it looks on paper, this car has the potential to rewrite the equations in the automotive industry and change Tata motors from a third world unheard-of brand to a pre-eminent brand at least in the league of Fiat/VW if not Ford

As to whether this car will be a success, anyone wonder why Tata's stock price has not shown much movement AT ALL !!

..after this sneak preview.

you'd have thought the car for the masses would have at least some kind of flutter don't you think
cyberjunkie said:
Somehow I fear everyone's going to do that and it isn't going to help the traffic and pollution situation.

It is none the less essential. Everyone needs to learn to use all cars, not just this one, responsibly.
sydras said:
It's amazing how people believe Ratan Tata to be some kind of a god for creating such a car. There he is in his cushy office thinking of how best to sell his products and people on other forums want him to become president :rofl: .

The Tata company is not doing a favour to the common man. On the contrary, they're finding new ways to help the common man part with his money. They're just trying to increase market share. I'm sure it's obvious to some but I'd like to say this to the younger and uninitiated crowd who equate him to a selfless leader. Same goes for the Ambanis. These guys are part of a revolution but their motives are not simply to serve the nation. It's just good business.

Ratan's not all bad. You can't blame him for trying to grow his company. But, it's necessary to understand his motives and keep your perspective in check.

well said! ppl r just elated with the idea of owning a car at a cheap price!

they hardly realize the amount of troubles they'll be getting in secondary maintenance charges after they buy it! we'll get to see these very peeps complain abt this car once the magic wears off!

edit: weren't they going to release a car that ran on compressed air?
I've read the arguments about how this will make traffic even worse etc.

Well then go under. No one in their right mind drives into London, NYC at rush hour (if they can avoid it) or any of the bigger crowded metros. They use MRT.

If the roads can't handle it, find other ways and this time try to have a vision for it..not just for the next 10 years but longer ;)

Keep them asses moving as that way so does the economy.
as long as its for a lakh i'm totally gona get this car never had a vehicle in my life so looking forward to this :) EMI here i come :P
i wonder what the road tax for this car would be like? also registration tax etc?

do these differ for the types of car according to cost?
As to whether this car will be a success, anyone wonder why Tata's stock price has not shown much movement AT ALL !!

..after this sneak preview.

you'd have thought the car for the masses would have at least some kind of flutter don't you think

I for one have been steadily parking funds in Tata Motors over last 3 y months with a 10 year horizon :ohyeah:
Well sure., but why isn't the stock market as exicited about it as the press and one would gather, posters in this thread ?
Ank1t said:
Its Rear engine so someone will have to hit you from behind and then the engine will kick you in your behind :P And you say 20kmpl is poor compared to...?

Oops..sorry about that. Rear engine it is :cool2: .

Well, the car for the masses should offer more in terms of fuel economy. Or, as 6pack pointed out people are gonna complain once they find out how much they have to shell out in maintenance + running charges as compared to a bike.

But it's really more of a personal dislike. A new maruti 800 can give about a mileage of 18 kmpl, indica diesel around 19-20. For it's size and much touted savings, it should give 25 kmpl to sweeten the deal.
Yes but given the slow speeds ppl drive at here, how realistic is it that you can avail of those economies ?

..unless its tweaked to give you that at 30-60km/h ?

will you now say we drive slower than 30km/hr a lot of the time too :D
What a Mature discussion -

All those who are cribbing about it - go buy yourselves another car (a merc maybe, make that a rolls), and leave this one for those who it was designed for, I think they will be happy with it.
sydras said:
Most cab drivers complain that maintenance cost of Indica for eg: is horrific. A clutch plate costs 3K (1K in maruti), indicator light panel another 1K(500-600 in maruti) etc.

thats not a fair comparison. Diesel engine parts tend to be a bit more expensive. The petrol indica's clutch costs about the same as the maruti.
Anish said:
A person whose making 10k / month, owns a Baja Chetak, CANT afford a 800, has a family of 4, what the hell is he gonna do in the monsoons when his kids need to go to school and his wife has to go with him.
What TATA is giving him however, is a freakin roof on his head, four decently comfortable seats for everyone, and atleast something which will move dammit (And just for the record it does 70kmph).
Anish, I too belong to this group:no: and would buy this car once it is released.:D (with a reservation of some meagre and managable funds to "mod" it to my purpose and use)

People / Members here who are criticising the car have no merit in their criticism, infact they are just portraying their ignorance about the matter.The car has not been test driven yet and the pseudo experts here (many of whom do not understand the concept of an "automobile" or "transportation" and its related concepts and business models) are "Giving" or rather "Thrusting upon others" their esteemed opinions.:huh:

as Chaos mentioned earlier this car will sell as it is Cheap and VFM (as compared to other existing models / brands). and to those who worry that TATA's will loose money in this venture,(and have "parked' their funds in TATA Motors:ohyeah: ) Relax ....TATA will make money , not from the actual sale of these cars but from after sale activities like sale of spare parts, accessories, service etc...(huge margins here:hap2: )

My observation / experience with TATA motor products till now is that they make very good chassis / engine / body but the other parts like plastic dashboards, switches, seats and upholstry etc are below par to the japanese ones both in their design and physical construction. Also their final QC and Inspection before despatch is sub standard. (due to the licence / quota system and "Govt. Controlled" regime "influence" prevailing in our country till about a decade ago.)

For 1.25 Lakh of rupees you do actually get a full Metal body, set of 4 New tyres, A New Battery, A Steering wheel with a NEW engine giving 15 ~ 17Km /ltr (City road conditions) and carries 4 passengers comfortably :rofl: :clap: what more can one want ....:cool2:
well with everything new comes a new set of whiners and the Nano is no different. People cribbing about pollution and traffic snarls? don't they already happen? have people stopped buying cars because there are traffic jams almost everywhere you go? No right!

People are cribbing about the car, its mileage, its If you do not like it do not buy it! it is a simple equation isn't it? It is not like the Nano is the only car in India, there are many options. Go buy the Beetle then!

And for Frack's sake stop saying things you do not know about (to those who crib without knowing facts)

Did not the swift sell like hot cakes when it was launched in India? what is stopping people from buying the Nano? my family is all geared up for one, and so is half my office!

As for me, I do not have kids, I am happy with my 150cc Pulsar DtSi lol..
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